
1 Review
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Jacob (I) (2011)
Jacob: Horror film? Love story? Sweet film? It's all of them!
4 May 2013
I just viewed Jacob again tonight, and it's even better than when I saw it the last time.

As an aficionado of horror films, I absolutely love this film. You just can't help but loving it. But it's a lot more than just a horror film.

It's excellently photographed and directed, with a consistent mood, augmented by an effective score. You'll love the locations -- among them, the beautiful haunted house and the picturesque cemetery.

Grace Powell is especially memorable as Sissy. With such talent at such a young age, she's sure to progress into a very successful actress. Dylan Horne is both masterful and touching in his role as Jacob.

If you haven't yet seen this little gem of a film, do yourself a favor. Buy it or rent it, and enjoy something unique. Something fun. Something excellent.
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