
6 Reviews
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The Field (1990)
A Brilliant and Overlooked Minor Masterpiece
9 December 2000
This film should not descend into the dustbin of obscurity. It is a well woven tale of immobile stubbornness. While some may read into it more of a global significance, I tend to take a more personal view. The film demonstrates the problems and even madness of attempting to stop inevitable change. The consequences of becoming completely rigid are always self- destructive. This movie with its rich symbols depicts this like no other film has achieved. It's theme can best be summed up with the unforgettable scene of the father standing in the immense ocean attempting to push back the oncoming tide. I will never forget that powerful image.
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The River Turns, it Bends, it Twists in the Wind.
9 December 2000
A true masterpiece. The brains behind this work can only be described as genius. It contemplates the true hopeless and bizarre nature of war. After watching this movie you realize that you have looked into the eyes of insanity. How are wars won? By creating more horror for the enemy than he can inflict on you. The journey through the jungles along the river this special agent takes involves many aspects of warfare where lines become hazy. Who is in charge? Where is the enemy? Who is the enemy? How much deadly force should be used? Where are we? Who can you trust? When does war become a quest for personal glory? The film asks all of these questions. The best part lies in that it never answers these questions.
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26 November 2000
Actually the first scenes on the airplane and in the airport had me drawn into the movie. The movie goes straight downhill into overkill after that. Todays horror picture makers just don't understand you can't put every conceivable mishap or killing into a movie and still have any kind of suspense or believability. As the movie ended I was wishing that the tape had spontaneously combusted before I had the misfortune of sitting through this laugher.
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The only rockumentary you ever need to see
25 November 2000
I will never be able to see another rockumentary again without laughing myself sick. This movie hits its target dead on. I don't know how the actors kept a straight face through reciting their lines. The scene where Rob Reiner is discussing the rock critics analysis of their albums is the funniest scene I can remember in any movie. I mean "s*** sandwich" that made me laugh for 10 minutes straight. I wonder how long it will take to get that Hell Hole song out of my brain!
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Christmas Classic
23 November 2000
Judging by the box office take this movie will go down as a holiday classic. I do not disagree. Jim Carrey gives energy to the grouchy grinch like nothing ever seen before. This movie is thought provoking, funny, and down right charming all at once. The critics who slammed this film should be tied up with Christmas lights, force fed fruit cake, and be beaten with stale candy canes!
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Winter People (1989)
The Greatest Movie Hollywood has Ever Churned Out
23 November 2000
If only I could live with those clans from that small quaint valley. This film takes me back to a time and lifestyle that some of my ancestors may have experienced. I would have passed the time hunting bears and growing crops. The complex Christian symbolism woven throughout the movie makes it a must see for all of mankind. You will never find better acting or scenery in any film. If you have time to see one movie before you taking the big dirt nap you should watch this drama.
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