
1 Review
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Difficult to make a worst movie.
28 July 2003
Warning: Spoilers
This was one of the worst movies I have been able to witness this summer.

The action was unoriginal and poorly executed.

The characters were bland.

The story was quite pathetic.

Its movies like these that make me wonder how these scripts gets produced and directors like these continue to get employed.

* Spoilers *

What was up with the shark punching? That was just silly.

So she was just floating there for days, as shark food, but I guess that piece of wood must have protected her well.

A guy melting away in metallic looking acid? What did they do? License the 3D CGI models from T2 to save money? ... And countless more mind numbingly stupid scenes

* End Spoilers *

Easily one of the worst movies this year, if not the worst.

1/10 - I would not wish the pain of having the sit though this movie on my worst enemy.
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