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Obi-Wan Kenobi: Part III (2022)
Season 1, Episode 3
Where is this going?
1 June 2022
3 episodes in and I'm still squirming as I watch this. Other reviewers are saying it's just warming up?? To what? I doubt there is anything they could do to save this from the first three episodes.

Poor script, snippets of fine acting among a very lackluster crew. Where is this story going? The sparse and mediocre drip feeding of information may or may not be relevant and is not helping me get a grip on whats going on.

Lets see: Burnt out Jedi sent to retrieve precocious brat and take her home.

I note Leia is credited as not only an actor/ess but a Producer? I don't think so. During the second episode I was wondering whether Leia was this series JaJa A mine shaft would be a better and a more plausible fit for her and the whole series probably converted to a short but successful movie.

Ultimately I care for Obi but the others:? Eh! I don't think its supposed to flow that way.

Finally best wishes to those who will be finishing the series, I'm out.
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Peacemaker (2022– )
I typically avoid this type of storyline and humor but.
27 February 2022
This series had to be the most juvenile, non PC, prurient series I've ever seen. The humor was often out of line and cringe worthy but I was too engaged to stop watching.????

I had the sense Gunn took very seriously the not taking themselves too seriously approach which worked well for me.

If you dig deeper you see Gunn taking serious stabs at google twitter, facebook but masked as look how stupid I am which was brilliant.

I get that not everyone would like this series and I'm still not sure why I do but it was a lot of fun and I'm seriously looking forward to season 2.
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Dune World (2021)
Dont under any circumstance pay to watch this, You've been warned
9 September 2021
I'm guessing they spent 80% of the budget on the poster which was probably a good strategy as it got me interested, then I hit the play button, whoaaa!

I think its great for kids and young people to play around and tinker with being movie makers, stars, dress up in costumes and it's great they were able to put together over 1hr worth of movie (I use that term VERY loosely) but it's deceptive to release this onto the market promoting it as some type of wonderful Sci-Fi/fantasy adventure.

No more "movies" from you guys please.
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I felt Insulted
10 April 2020
Intriguing idea to use time travel as a backdrop to promote a particular ideology. While most religions or wings of religious reject science, seeing a film about christianity embracing science and science fiction should be entertaining. Ultimately, I felt insulted. The actors represented genius or savant level juveniles, (not likely), the script was pure propaganda. the production was student level, the special effects laughable. Some years ago I watched Man from Earth. Filmed on the smallest of budgets and almost entirely in one room, I was enthralled almost from beginning to end and even thought this jesus might actually have existed, It challenged my thinking, the world of christ and left me feeling as if I'd seen something very important. A masterclass in how to make a masterpiece with very little. This film didn't encourage me to embrace the narrative by any stretch of the imagination, rather I'll now be FAR more selective in what christian movies I watch on the grounds I don't appreciate being treated like a mindless idiot.
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Line of Duty (2019)
What the?
13 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I used to have a fair degree of respect for Eckhart but watching this has really put a dent in that position. (not the Harvey type) Seriously? Every platitude, every cliche, any chance to tug at the emotions and the final scene where the public gather at the grave had us guffawing so loudly accusing each other of selecting this utter dross then demanding remote privileges be removed. As another reviewer commented, all the cops (mostly portrayed as incompetent) killed just to save the girl. Implausible at every step of the way, ENTIRELY predictable, the ambulance scene the helicopter scene and even the grave scene ALL utterly predictable and an insult to intelligence. 30 minutes in I was rooting for the bad guy, 45 minutes in and, well, I'd better not say what I wished for the girl, who by the way was pulled out conscious after being completely submerged and was dry. Give me a break. Watching this movie is like being stuck in an elevator for one hour and 38 minutes with someone who has severe flatulence issues. The stink of this movie will stay with the actors for some time.
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Joker (I) (2019)
Bucket list viewing.
21 October 2019
I'd been resisting seeing this film for weeks watching others and admittedly not really enjoying any of them. Finally there was nothing else of interest to watch so off we went. The opening scene of laughter triggered a painfully visceral sense of discomfort. Like being hit with a 2X4 I was awake and focused. Like many others I did not expect this and I did not expect this from Todd Phillips so my bad on both counts. Powerful, moving and brilliant in many respects this seemed like a curtain going up to reveal a whole new form of film making. I couldn't help think of Dostoevsky's "The Idiot" and how it could be re-imagined so that today's audiences would flock to it. Using veils such as "the Joker" might just be the vehicle to make it work. I'm also bemused at peoples comparisons to Heath Ledgers Joker. While the connection seems obvious, I'd suggest Ledger and Phoenix's joker should be judged independently as standalone works of creative brilliance. Strangely I'm suddenly not interested in watching other comic book stories after seeing the Joker be they DC or Marvel. If you like myself had/have any preconceived ideas, set them aside and see The Joker.
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American Gods: Moon Shadow (2019)
Season 2, Episode 8
I'm done
29 September 2019
Whatever motivation I had to watch American gods dissipated during the second episode of season two. I couldn't help feeling I was a victim of a bait & Switch. I was totally hooked on season one but season two was nothing more than left over dogs dinner. How I got through it is anybodies guess but I wont be sucked into watching season three (if it eventuates).
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Preacher: End of the World (2019)
Season 4, Episode 10
One hell (or heaven) of a ride
29 September 2019
I am grateful to have taken this journey with the cast and writers of preacher. I'm also glad it ended on a final note rather than being dragged into boredom and irrelevancy. Preacher was funny and certainly confronting at times. Unlike most series I was unable to predict what the next move would be. Well done writers. Whether it's true to the comic or not is irrelevant to me. As a stand alone series it was thoroughly enjoyable.
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Long Shot (2019)
Pointless waste of time
4 June 2019
I got the impression this vid was aimed at the cellar dwellers who cant get the girl (read a girl) and need some false hope to encourage them to live on.Seth played Seth so nothing new there and Charlize, while offering a competent performance was clearly out of place. The script was disjointed and puerile. There were a couple of clever lines although we found ourselves groaning much more than laughing. Ultimately we didn't hate the movie but it was an endurance, one we we wont be revisiting.
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Aquaman (2018)
27 December 2018
Appalling script, patchy continuity, the Scarlett Johansson look alike was a huge mistake. On a couple of occasions I lost the story line and during the war scene I was completely at a loss to understand who was fighting who. The sexual tension between the heroes was juvenile and embarrassing. Far too cliched and the relentless platitudes felt like we, the viewers were being treated as idiots. "love saved the world" spare me the dross. Wilson, Dafoe, Kidman weren't enough to save this train wreck. The only likeable character was Temuera Morrison. I was surprised to see Dolph (not a fan) doing a reasonable job. I guess when a movie is this bad there has to be a concerted effort to talk it up. That would explain the ratings and many of the comments which leave me scratching my head in utter disbelief.
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The IMDb Show: Rob Reiner (2018)
Season 2, Episode 32
A fun review from a movie legend.
1 August 2018
My friends, family and I have grown up with the Reiner legacy and grateful for it we all are. Agree with his politics or not, he has the right to express his views. Critics should simply stop watching and bellyaching, the rest of us will continue to enjoy ourselves.
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Star Trek: Discovery: Despite Yourself (2018)
Season 1, Episode 10
Re: Seriously
11 January 2018
Consider this my Dear Jane letter. What they lack in story writing that "try' to make up for in production value. Guess I wont be finding out if it gets better.
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Broken Roads (2012)
Melodrama this was
1 January 2018
As a previous commenter noted the movie was melodramatic, I certainly agree with that assessment, It had some very promising moments which failed to deliver. Acting was often florid. The script predictable and contrived. It mostly felt like a hallmark movie trying to break free but it unfortunately failed. What success it might garner would probably be as a training video highlighting what not to do.
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American Gods (2017–2021)
Bring it on, absolutely looking forward to more
26 December 2017
Seasons over and I'm already strung out waiting for the next season. Intriguing, confronting mesmerizing was what I got from watching the series. The actors were all competent & believable in their respective roles. Some weakness in in episode one but hey, they needed time to fit in. Special mention to Emily Browning, what a gutsy performance. I've not read the books and don't feel I need to. With Gaiman himself at he helm of this series, the spirit of the story will be carried through. The gore & sex made sense to me as base emotional driving forces, nothing more. Life isn't sugar on sundays and missionary postion once a week if I've done the mowing. Best to have all episodes at the ready should you so inclined. Finally this series has set a new bar for me in terms of what I'm prepared to watch.
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All good things come to an end.
21 December 2017
Seems the producers have been working towards that premise for some time. The 3D leading to the introduction of the dread naught and for a few minutes after was spectacular. The movie collapsed into tedium from that point on. I attended with a group of avid fans and pretty much all responded in the negative. I'm aware as I type this I'm becoming increasingly angry? Perhaps like others I feel had.
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Australia Day (2017)
1 October 2017
I love Aussie movies, good or bad I'll see them all. (clear bias) I neither liked nor disliked this movie. Acting was patchy and editing failed it miserably. Brown was typically the lynch pin and perhaps without his presence the movie would have been completely lost. My gripe about this movie was the obvious mirroring of the movie Crash. Crash is an extraordinary movie, this movie is not.
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Lucifer (2016–2021)
The trolls are at it again
27 April 2017
I read recently of the armies of trolls attempting to discredit movies/series, some which haven't been released yet?? Looking at the negative reviews I cant help thinking Lucifer is clearly being targeted. I remember looking at some of the posts on the Lucifer Facebook wall and am completely blown out at the 160K likes to some posts in under 24 hours. We're avid watchers. For the most part its almost juvenile, utterly silly and certainly no classic but gosh do we laugh and enjoy the antics. At some level it reminds me of the Beverly Hillbillies and look at how that fill in grew. The negative reviews appear to be more about politics than entertainment. The "ask your mother" comment in Ep 1 had us bellyaching for months, the "Oops" response to killing Lucifers mum was yet another month of mimicking and laughter. I'm delighted to see those attempting to prevent us from enjoying this utterly silly but brilliant piece of entertainment fail.
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Two Soldiers (2003)
Profoundly Disturbing
19 February 2012
This is not the sort of movie you can describe as enjoyable. I'm not sure it should be moniker-ed as entertaining either.

I've tried watching it a couple of times since but couldn't do it. I do listen to the soundtrack (donated to the director by Alan Silvestri) often.

The beautiful yet seemingly unavoidable tragic relationship between the brothers left me breathless with sadness and stirred emotion for weeks.

What a gift to watch a movie that felt real. I admired Ron Perlman and David Andrews all the more for taking the back seats while the lesser know main actors drove the story.

Bravo William Faulkner for writing the story and standing ovation to Aaron Schneider for making the movie a reality.
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Witchville (2010 TV Movie)
Oh Boy!
4 August 2011
Another turkey! Should be rated Fantasy/Humour/Sleeping Pill. With due respect to a previous reviewer I don't agree with the mantra that it's a TV movie therefore don't expect the standards to be high. Why not? There are MANY TV movies which are probably better than cinema release stock.

The same old repeated clichés, jumps, twists turns, a storyline I've seen on numerous other occasions. Nothing that helps me to like OR dislike the characters.

The best piece of acting came from the witch who was burned in the first quarter of the movie.

Nuff Said
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In the Blink of an Eye (2009 Video)
Is it Sunday already
19 March 2011
The acting was appalling the continuity laughable, the story line confusing, incoherent, the ending predictable. Each actor seemed capable of so much more, I wonder if the script had anything to do with it. Regrettably the characters were wooden, two dimensional with absolutely no chemistry between them.

I do agree with a previous reviewer that perhaps we SHOULD have a genre for religious or Christianity, whatever! Those who read the genre can knock themselves out with it. If I want to be lectured to, I'll go to church.

If I sound angry, I am! I feel the victim of a bait and switch, New genre please!
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