
2 Reviews
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W. (I) (2008)
An Incoherent mess
5 November 2008
About all you can be sure of with this film is that Oliver like Colin Powell. If you like Bush then chances are you will see this as one mans struggle. If you don't you'll see the guy who couldn't hold down a job. If you're not American you may wonder what happened to the Presidential election (the Texas election just about gets 2 minutes). Does Oliver sympathise with Sr or blame him for always belittling Jr? Does he sympathise with Jr ? To be honest I think anyone who watches the bit about "don't let people see military funerals" and thinks it shows the struggle of a great man isn't dealing from a full deck mind. The final scene rather sums up what Oliver Stone did with the movie as much as a comment on W.
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Shoot the insipid little rodent
20 June 2001
At the beginning of the film Alfred when commenting on a play by George observes that the lead character must die, with in a relatively short time i was having similar thoughts about Alfred. This may or may not be an historically accurate film but the story wasn't suitable for a film as despite being about the love affair between two people it managed to be remarkably lacking in passion (Remains of the Day being far more passionate despite being about two characters repressing it for the whole film). Neither character could be deemed to be sympathetic as Alfred was a selfish child and George was just annoying with her insistance on returning to the man who loved to strangle her at regular intervals.
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