
3 Reviews
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17 June 2003
This film is an absolute masterpiece because it presents the world of birds in a way never before seen. The ability of the cameras to get so close to these birds as they soar across the globe is awe-inspiring. For an hour and a half, the viewer is able to sit back and appreciate the beauty that is constantly taking place around the world. This film brings people in touch with nature, and the beauty that it encompasses. This film also does an excellent job of weaving in the effect of mankind upon nature, while not beating you over the head with it. One unforgettable image is followed by the next, until you are just blown away by this film's majestic beauty.
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Russian Ark (2002)
ultimate travel guide
15 February 2003
"Russian Ark" is an amazing film because it fulfils the greatest possible experience that can be achieved when visiting a place like the Hermitage. When one goes to museums like this, the imagination is constantly at work trying to create situations and fantasies that are situated in the surroundings. These fantasies are often historical in nature, but in the end it leads to, hopefully, a deeper understanding of the beauty, culture, people, and history that the place inhabits. These moments of transcendence are difficult to achieve, and fleeting once found. This film creates that desired dream state and holds it for 100 minutes, or however long the film is. The audience is led through tidbits of the lives of numerous characters by the always likeable "tour guide" who is experiencing many of the same emotions and curiosity as the viewer. Instead of confining this film to traditional narrative, Sokurev creates a completely unique film experience by blending dreams, history, and visual beauty that takes the viewer on a beautiful trip. This film does make a point about the immortality of art and beauty, and the importance of maintaining one's cultural and artistic history. In the end, it is the trip, or vacation that is most appealing.
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Promises (2001)
26 May 2002
Promises is a film that everyone should see to get a better outlook on the situation in the Middle East. The film goes straight to the children most affected by the problem and presents an uplifting story without taking away from the reality and seriousness of the situation. This film presents viewpoints that are sorely needed in understanding the Israel-Palestine situation, while providing some hope for the future. I feel that this film has changed the way I look at things around the world now.
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