
2 Reviews
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Lost & Found (I) (1999)
Wise cracking restaurant owner woos sexy cellist
11 September 2000
Here's a movie I never would've rented, but since it was on HBO, and I had nothing better to do... I was pleasantly surprised. Not only did I find myself laughing out loud, but as a screenwriter I found the script to be tight, smart, and structurally sound. Okay, it could've been better, but I give this movie a 7, and think you should at least give it a shot. Even if you find David Spade annoying (and I'm by no means his biggest fan), I think he may win you over in this role. He co-wrote the script and I got the feeling he ad-libbed a lot of it, successfully. Stick around during the credits. They're good for a few more laughs.
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Dead Bang (1989)
LA cop takes on white supremacists who've killed one of his own.
26 August 2000
I shied away from this film initially, due to its low IMDB rating at the time, but I was very pleasantly surprised. It's based on actual events, yet the story has all the right elements of a great action film. Don Johnson's LA cop is up against tremendous odds, a renegade, a drunk, lonely, and yet an entirely likeable character. Whether you like Johnson (the actor), or Frankenheimer (the director), or action films (the genre) in general, give this film a chance. It's almost perfect. Completely underrated by the scoring on this site.

7.5 out of 10
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