
3 Reviews
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"Well, I'll let you get to church...."
3 February 2006
I am not a survivor of child sexual abuse (thank goodness), but this movie was emotionally wrenching for me. As a parent of two very young daughters, my heart went out to the women in the movie who had been victims of such abuse, and it drove home the point that how we treat our children has dire effects on them for the rest of their lives. Though these women were largely victims of extreme physical abuse, it should be remembered that even emotional abuse can be extremely damaging. I remember to this day (I am almost 40) my mother telling me, "you are not are put up with", and those 9 words have colored all of my life, all my successes and failures, and all my relationships. If something so small can wreak such havoc, one can only imagine with horror what the trials these women went through have done to them, and this movie goes a long way toward helping you understand that horror.

The movie suffers only from trying to force a happy ending out of mountains of tragedy. I was somewhat put off by Angela's desire to forgive her father. I don't understand how you can forgive something like that, and their relationship ever after would have been tainted by those memories. It was difficult for me to watch her reunite with and forgive her brother, but that is at least a little more understandable, since he was a minor when these events happened and cannot be as responsible for his actions as his father, and he was also, of course, equally a victim.

The scene where Angela sits with her father on the steps outside his home and he denies the abuse, with the full knowledge they both know he is lying, is unforgettable and almost too uncomfortable to watch. And then Angela tells her father, "well, I'll let you get to church". Exquisite irony like that would seem too heavy handed for drama. I won't give away the others, but there are many such lines in the film, both ironic and pathetic, that will be ringing in your ears for days after you see this.
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Guys can learn from what they may not like about this movie.
23 July 2000
First of all, I really love this movie. It is tightly written, has beautiful cinematography, and is incredibly emotionally involving. I know that many men dislike this movie, and I don't blame them. They are placed in the uncomfortable and unfamiliar position of having no role models of their own gender, where every male is the movie is seriously flawed, underdeveloped, stereotyped, and peripheral to the action of the story. Well, guess what? Welcome to the everyday life of a woman watching almost any Hollywood Movie. Consider all the movies out there where every woman is either a sexual fantasy, the hero's rewards for his labors, a middle age corporate bitch, the loving giving woman with no personality or life of her own, a prostitute, etc etc. Women in most movies are serously flawed, underdeveloped, stereotyped, and peripheral to the action of the story. Take the recent horror movie What Lies Beneath (which is excellent, by the way). When was the last time Hollywood made the concerns and fears of a fortysomething woman the central driving force of a story? Do you think Hollywood matches nineteen-year-old actresses with sixty year old male stars because that is what women want to see? I know that the only way that men can enjoy Thelma and Louise is by trying to identify with the female characters (which can be done, but requires an effort). Women would also like to see movies where we don't have to be able to identify solely with the male characters in order to enjoy it. Many men are also disturbed (and rightly was supposed to be disturbing) by the way Louise chose to solve her problem with Thelma's rapist, but were they disturbed by the scene in Total Recall where Arnold Schwartzneggar shoots Sharon Stone point blank and tells her, "Consider this a divorce"? I didn't hear all the public outcry over that mean spirited bit of misogyny. Men are just not used to being treated in movies the way women are treated on a daily basis.
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Scary Movie (2000)
Not funny! Poorly written!
22 July 2000
This movie was way overrated! It's not clever, it's not funny, and it is full of preadolescent sexual humour. It seeks to be outrageous, but only succeeds in trying your patience. All in all, a less than mediocre effort.
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