
2 Reviews
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Chrono Crusade (2003–2004)
Nun with guns, how can you go wrong?
2 February 2005
Well like my title suggests, this anime has a nun with guns. Correction numerous nuns with guns. Also this has nothing to do with the Chrono Trigger/Cross games. Heck it's nothing near it unless the new games feature a nun with a gun. Sorry just saying that phrase is fun because it's so unlikely. Also a note I have only watched the Japanese version so my review is only looking at that part of it. But that is the great thing about DVDs right? You can watch it in 2 languages! This is set in 1928 AD in the United States, mostly New York and San Fransisco are mentioned. But I was surprised enough that it was actually set in the States, a lot of anime isn't is all I am saying.

The main characters are Rosette Christopher and her (caddy) friend Chrno (Chrono depending on which version you are used to). Rosette is apart of the Magadalan order who battle demons that are terrorizing everything. But there is something that the public doesn't know about the Order and that is that there is a demon that is working in the Order. Of course this demon isn't bad, but he was and he is trying to atone for his sins.

Rosette is looking for her younger brother Joshua, so Rosette and Chrno are on a journey to find where her brother is. They meet interesting characters along the way well some are interesting and some are annoying as hell *cough* Azmaria *cough* Chrono Crusade is enjoyable but short considering it is only 24 episodes long. It has its funny parts but also its serious parts. I was crying so badly while watching the last 3 episodes one after another. It was a snowballing effect and really pulled at my heart strings.

I give Chrono Crusade a 3 and a half out of 5. I would give it a 4 but the problem with filler episodes when it's only 24 episodes is terrible. Overall story is nice, the background music is so fitting and the voicing apart from Azmaria's is nice to listen to.

So give this anime a try, if I didn't get you with my title then hopefully I convinced you with my review. And just one more push, I mean really how often are you able to watch something with a nun with guns anyways?
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Good in its own right but...
27 January 2005
Gankutsuou (The King of Caverns) is an anime adaption of the book "The Count of Monte Cristo" I am going to try to the best of my ability to be as unbiased as possible.

Gankutsuou is set in the future and spans throughout space. So having that in mind there are many changes to the plot already. In addition I do warn people of how it's animated. There is like a layer masqueing thingy, I'm sorry but I don't know the technical jargen. But it will take your eyes awhile to adjust to it.

I do realize that there's that whole "artistic license" issue and everything and yes this anime is good in my opinion. BUT when you know the book "The Count of Monte Cristo" and you compare the two together there are some major flaws in the anime. OK maybe not MAJOR flaws but flaws nonetheless.

I don't like how some characters are changed, for example Albert. Albert is more like a wuss in my opinion. Eugenie, Peppino, Peppo are among some of the characters changed.

Just watch this with an open mind if you're a fan of the book. Even if you haven't read the book, keep an open mind about the animation, it might give you a headache when first watching it but you'll get used to it... honest. I don't notice it anymore and that is about after watching 3 episodes. Gankutsuou will keep you entertained.

Overall the voicing is top notch, as with the musical score, and the animation while beautiful does take awhile to get used to. But all in all I give this a 4 out of 5.
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