
3 Reviews
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Good? Nah...
21 November 2000
Ok, what's the deal with the slow motion fighting scenes? It ruins the whole thing! I was never a Chuck Norris fan to begin with either, so i watched a couple of episodes, but could never get myself to like this one... Give me "Martial Law" any day, at least its funny!
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Hotel Cæsar (1998–2017)
The usual stuff...
21 November 2000
This is a soap with all the usual plot lines. Affairs, conflicts, business run by bad guy challenges business run by good guy, kidnappings, silly romances, lost sons, and so on... Ideal for brainless bored housewives, garbage to anybody else. If you're into stuff like this, watch it, if you're not (like me) avoid it at all costs.
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Highlander: The Raven (1998–1999)
Sequel of a sequel = almost never a good idea
5 July 2000
It should have stopped after the original series. Building a sequel upon a sequel seldom turns out good, and "The Raven" is an example of this. Let the Highlander name rest now, it was good, anything else is just redundant.
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