
12 Reviews
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Moonlighting: Moonlighting (Pilot) (1985)
Season 1, Episode 1
One of the best shows of the '80s
12 December 2000
Moonlighting was a wonderful show, it has all the style, magic, romance, comedy and greatness of the '80s, and when you watch it, you feel nostalgic for all the good all times. Bruce Willis and Cybill Shepherd were wonderful on the show and had the most amazing chemistry of any couple on television. The writing on the show was wonderful, the smart, quirky and snappy dialogues, the wonderful use of jokes and ironies and the good but not overuse of pop culture references. Bruce Willis shows some of his best acting of his career on Moonlighting, he is David Addison, a private detective who is easy going and enjoys life and is a wise-ass, and Maddie Hayes is an ex-model that decides to run the Blue Moon agency after her ex-husband leaves her with nothing, that's how Moonlighting started. What made this show so great was the chemistry and the love/hate relationship between David and Maddie, which was a joy to watch. Truly one of the best and most enjoyable romance comedies of all time.
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Everybody Loves Raymond (1996–2005)
Great Show that has gotten better over the years
10 October 2000
Everybody Loves Raymond is a great show overall, it has one of the best ensembles on TV, the best of all are the talented Patricia Heaton(who recently won the Emmy for Best Actress in a Comedy) and Doris Roberts, the show is very funny and very well written. The early seasons weren't very good, some episodes were funny and some were sort of flat, the cast wasn't very experienced but by the third season the show has become in one of the funniest shows on TV, the cast is at the top of its game and every episode has been wonderful this past season, this shows how wonderfully a show can blossom. What I admire the most about Raymond is that it doesn't try to be intelligent and doesn't have pop culture jokes, it's just common stuff that happens in every family. Overall one of TV's best sitcoms.
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3rd Rock from the Sun (1996–2001)
Are these people watching the same show I am watching!?
10 October 2000
3rd Rock from the Sun has got to be one of the stupidest sitcoms ever!, it used to be sort of good in its first two seasons but now it's utter c**p!, John Lithgow is a great actor but he plays one of the most moronic, annoying characters on television. The plots are so stupid, overacted and unfunny, have you seen this past season!!?, it was lucky it didn't get canceled because the ratings are so bad!, I can't believe how many people posted saying it was one of the best comedies ever!, are you nuts!?, Best Comedies ever? Seinfeld, Cheers, Frasier, Friends but not this piece of garbage, I wonder when they will send these stupid aliens out of this planet?
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Party of Five (1994–2000)
Great Show
13 July 2000
Party Of Five was a great drama, I liked it alot, its last two seasons were uneven, with some really pointless and overdramatic stuff, but nonetheless it was a great drama, my favorite seasons are 3 and 4, those were some of the most touching, intense and dramatic episodes I've ever seen on any series ever!, the cast is great but the best is the young Lacy Chabert who played young Claudia Salinger with so much realism, maturity and passion. Bottom of line, a great show, you can still watch it in reruns.
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Sports Night (1998–2000)
One of the best shows on TV but why was it canceled!!?
12 July 2000
Sports Night was(unfortunately) one of the best sitcoms on TV, I absolutely loved it, the writing was so good, the storylines were fast paced, intelligent, interesting and funny, it has its intense drama moments and it's very hilarious moments, the whole cast is a dream, Felicity Huffman is so great, and Josh Charles and Peter Krause are a great duo, the perfect show, but what happened?: it got canceled!, why in this universe would they cancel such an amazing show like Sports Night and keep shows like 3rd Rock from the Sun and teenybopper shows like Dawson's Creek and Charmed on the air?, the answer is the viewers, who are so unbelievably stupid and watch all those lame sitcoms and stupid teen shows and don't appreciate a true gem and wonderful show like Sports Night, this is a desgrace, I'm really disappointed, that is why TV is crap, they cancel all the good shows and leave the crap on the air because everyone loves crap. Sports Night will always be one of my favorite shows, I'll remember its brilliance and greatness, I would recommend it but unfortunately is not on TV anymore for you to see it, what a shame!
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Mad About You (1992–2019)
12 July 2000
This was one of the most charming and most delightful sitcoms of the '90s. Mad About You portrays the life of a young married couple, Paul and Jamie Buchman played by the incredibly talented Helen Hunt and Paul Reiser, this show was great, it was hilarious, charming and a pleasure to watch, and its 4 Best Comedy Series Emmy Nominations proves how great it was, this is one of my favorite shows ever, the writing was great and the acting was top-notch, Helen Hunt deserved all those Emmys she won and Paul Reiser deserved all his nominations but he should have won at least one. The chemistry between Reiser and Hunt is wonderful, they act with so much heart, passion and charm, they're both wonderful and they made this sitcom shine like gold, I'll never forget the final episode: Thank you for this wonderful engagement, that was so touching. I totally recommend this show, on reruns of course but it's totally worth it.
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Spin City (1996–2002)
This show is dead without Michael J. Fox
11 July 2000
Spin City has always been an OK sitcom, never something great or groundbreaking, it has some funny jokes but the writing relies too much on sex and easy jokes and sometimes is mediocre, Michael J. Fox is the one that makes this so-so sitcom shine, his screen prescence is great and he's really funny, he turns a mediocre script into something really funny but now that he left, the show will face a big decline in the quality and become one another pretty average sitcom, it's worth watchng if there's nothing else on TV, if the writing was Friends, Will & Grace or Frasier sharp, it would be a great show because the premise is great, but unfortunately the writers aren't that good, anyway, the show will suck without Michael J. Fox next year.
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Frasier (1993–2004)
One of the best of the decade!
11 July 2000
Frasier, along with Friends and Seinfeld is the best sitcom of the '90s, this show is wonderful, the acting is superb, the writing is some of the best of any sitcom ever, the direction is great as well, this show is hilarious but smart and sophisticated and classy as well, the cast is great and the chemistry between Grammer and Hyde-Pierce is great as the snobbish Crane brothers, one of my favorite episodes is the Ski Lodge that won the Emmy for best writing. If you are looking for sophisticated, hilarious high brow humor, this one is perfect for you.
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Will & Grace (1998–2020)
The Funniest Sitcom in years!
3 July 2000
Will & Grace is the funniest sitcom since Friends hit the air back there in 1994, this show is hilarious, witty, smart, the characters are funny, charming and you get to like them really fast, Karen and Jack are the funniest characters on TV!, the plots are great, it makes laugh out loud, and the show not always revolve on gay themes, it's very diverse, it deals with work, friendship, sex, etc., the writing and direction is up there to the level of Seinfeld, Friends and Frasier, and the actors are very talented, a great show, and this sounds shallow but the apartment is beautiful!, bottom of line, a great comedy, totally recommend it.
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Seinfeld (1989–1998)
One of the best of the decade!
3 July 2000
Seinfeld was a show of shows, it was about nothng, and that's where resided its greatness, it dealt with all the little things that everyone has to go through everyday in the funniest way, the show was hilarious, great writing, who can forget Jerry, Elaine, George and Kramer antics?, one of the best episodes on any show ever was "the contest", I miss this show so much but thank god to reruns, Seinfeld will always be remembered as one of the funniest and greatest sitcoms ever, it was always outstanding over all the yadayadayada!
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Baywatch (1989–2001)
One of the worst series ever!
3 July 2000
This has got to be one of the worst and stupiddiest series ever!, a show with pretty people and no brains, it was stupid, unpredictable and has really bad actors, it was so popular because of Pamela Anderson and her big boobs, nothing else, but this has got to be one of the worst series of the '90s, heck, of all time.
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Friends (1994–2004)
The Best!!
2 July 2000
Friends is one of the best shows I've seen, first, the writing is top notch, the dialogues are smart, sophisticated and very snappy, second, the cast is wonderful and has a flawless chemistry and play each other very well, all of them play their roles perfectly, the show is hilarious, one of the funniest I've seen, it's totally one of the best sitcoms of all time, I put it up there with Cheers, Seinfeld and The Cosby Show, the storylines are great, the show dares deals with lots of stuff and in the funniest way like careers, sex, relationships, life, etc., this show should win an Emmy for Best Comedy, it's a joy to watch and it's very entertainment, one of the few sitcoms that is actually funny, a great show, totally recommend it.
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