
14 Reviews
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Black Easter (2021)
Schwarzenegger & Jesus, Life of Brian, The Book of Clarence and now...
22 June 2024
This film reminds me of the MAD TV clip in which Schwarzenegger tries to save Jesus from the Romans or the Monthy Python film Life of Brian. Despite the bad reviews, this film is good for viewers who liked the recommended films. I liked this movie more than the movie The Book of Clarence. The Book of Clarence was more professionally done but wasn't as fun as this one, Black Easter. Of course the actors are a bit amateurish, but the biggest problem with this film is that it's too long - it should have been 1h30m. Conclusion: a good film for those who like time travel and religious humor. Not recommended for religious fanatics.
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Another Hollywood blockbuster
6 December 2023
An amateur movie, with more than 2 hours duration but with a fast pace, action and suspense.

Better than many Hollywood movies.

Sometimes I watch a movie and say: what a waste of millions of dollars. I bet all the money spent on this movie was money well spent.

My favorite part is after the arrival in New York.

An adaptation of the classic story of King Kong, the story is updated to the present day as a stern filmmaker hires a oil research vessel commanded by a heroic captain to venture towards the mysterious Skull Island to film the legendary giant ape god, Kong. But the beast falls in love with a beautiful girl and his attraction to her could be his undoing atop the greatest structure in New York City.

"King Kong" is a Low Budget Fan Film that began production in 2011. The plan was to have the project released in March 2013 to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the original 1933 classic, King Kong. But due to numerous problems with the production, it was eventually released on December 17th 2016 for the 40th anniversary of the 1976 remake of King Kong.

After 6 years of production, on a $4,500 budget and another 2 years worth of remastering, re editing and re sound mixing, King Kong is ready for the public the way it was meant to be seen.
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48 Christmas Wishes (2017 TV Movie)
Good family movie
17 December 2022
This is a good movie to watch as a family.

When I wrote these lines, the imdb rating was 3.9 which is ridiculous - the voters must have been action movie fans.

But, the movie is funny, original, tender, etc.

The flaw of the film is the editing. All scenes had to be trimmed at the beginning and end of each scene. Some scenes are of no interest and should be deleted.

But despite this, I recommend this movie for all ages.

This is yet another story with Santa Claus.

But this time the heroes are the elves who work on receiving the mail that is meant for Santa Claus - it's the mail that brings the children's wishes.

And then, there's trouble in the mail section...

So most of the actors are children.
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Excellent, but...
15 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Excellent movie... except the story became boring.

It should have more interaction with the characters of the tribe instead of being an endless quest...

They should have followed the original comics more closely.

Anyway, it's a good movie for kids.

42 comic book issues were publish in french.

Yakari is a young Sioux Native American who has the ability to understand and speak animal languages. During his adventures, he meets all sorts of North American animals. His best friends are a girl Sioux, "Rainbow", a Sioux boy "Buffalo Seed" and his pony "Little Thunder". He has a totem animal, "Great Eagle", who frequently appears to him to give him critical advice.

The comic shows a very positive view of the culture of the Sioux and depicts them as peaceful people who live in harmony with nature.
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Excellent adaptation - but missing an important scene.
4 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie should be called: Back to the Past. And it should have been directed by Robert Zemeckis.

It's a shame the Americans didn't make this movie. But probably Hollywood would have ruined the book.

Here's the important missing scene:

He shoved his 11ps out and looked judicial. "Our instructions for this client do not read to wake her today." "No?" I felt disappointed and hurt. "No. Her exact wishes are as follows: instead of necessarily being waked today, she wished not to be waked at all until you showed up." He looked me over and smiled. "You must have a heart of gold. I can't account for it on your beauty." I sighed. "Thanks, Doctor." "You can wait in the lobby or come back. We won't need you for a couple of hours."
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Missing: hauntings and exorcisms
11 February 2021
The first and last episodes are the best. I was pleasantly surprised by the rational approach. Some things are missing: hauntings and exorcisms. The medium episodes could be good if they were done from the perspective of written messages from spirits to help people. The series could be much improved with the help of official spiritist organizations that follow Allan Kardec. Recommended reading: The Spirits' Book by Allan Kardec (google pdf).
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Stanislaw Lem
6 October 2019
Based on the novel Simulacron-3 (1964) (aka Counterfeit World) written by Daniel F. Galouye. This movie is about personoids, concept created by Stanislaw Lem on the novel Non Serviam (1971) but previously presented on the short story about professor Corcoran (The Voyages of Ijon Tichy (1961)). This movie is a remake of Welt am Draht (1973).
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Stanislaw Lem
6 October 2019
Based on the novel Simulacron-3 (1964) (aka Counterfeit World) written by Daniel F. Galouye. This movie is about personoids, concept created by Stanislaw Lem on the novel Non Serviam (1971) but previously presented on the short story about professor Corcoran (The Voyages of Ijon Tichy (1961)). A better version was remade on the movie The Thirteenth Floor (1999).
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Virtual Nightmare (2000 TV Movie)
Stanislaw Lem is hidden here
23 September 2019
The Congress (2013) claims to be inspired by Stanislaw Lem's novel, but this movie is much closer and is a much better movie. You should also watch The Thirteenth Floor (1999) and Star Trek Voyager S02E03 Projections.
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The Congress (2013)
Where is Stanislaw Lem?
23 September 2019
This movie claims to be inspired by Stanislaw Lem's novel, but Virtual Nightmare (2000) is much closer and is a much better movie. You should also watch Star Trek Voyager S02E03 Projections.
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Exorcism 2000 years old
18 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Are there demons? If there are demons then there must be angels! The most incredible thing about this movie is that it presents a perspective of exorcism as it was known thousands of years ago. Since 1850 a better perspective has been known (read the book "Heaven and Hell" by Allan Kardec) and presented on the movie "The Others" (2001), etc. For example, the success rate of exorcisms on Ghost Whisperer (TV series) is 100%. I think they should make more movies like "The Search for Bridey Murphy" (1956)...
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Homo sapiens will be extinguished
1 March 2015
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This movie shows how the times are changing. Here we can see that the superheroes cooperate with super-villains. The villain says: "All those years - wasted - fighting each other." Since the year 2000 we see a significant increase in cooperation in our society. Examples: cooperative games, cooperative enterprises, humanitarian associations, books, etc. For example, the book "Uniorder: Build Yourself Paradise" shows how to build the Utopia written by Thomas More 500 years ago. Now we can guess that 100 years from now there will be no bad guys - we will all be on the same side. Homo sapiens will become extinct. We will have Homo Cooperative.
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A revolution made by the rich for the rich
22 January 2015
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This movie has two big mistakes. First, it was wrong to split the story into three movies. This way, few people will see all the three movies and we all be confused by all the characters having a different actor in each movie. Secondly, the movie focuses on the life of rich people leaving the poor forgotten in the background. The conclusion reached is that it is a revolution made by the rich for the rich. The opposite would make more sense. For example, the book "Uniorder: Build Yourself Paradise" shows that at any time the poor can build a paradise on Earth. Who has the duty to make revolutions? Yes, it's the people. The previous movies had suspense. This movie has a few speeches. An interesting moment was when they crucified the hero...
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Good idea but implementation no good
20 December 2014
I saw the old over rating of this movie and I prepared myself to watch a good movie. But what I saw amazed me... but in a bad way. No background music, no continuity in the scenes, without focus on the story, without exterior scenes, without close-ups, ... without movie language. This movie has a good idea for a thriller but the implementation is below the amateur level. If you want to know what is the minimum level then you must watch the movie "True Love" (1991) - made by some friends without acting lessons, without director lessons and without equipment (only one camera and two VHS recorders). (Search on Youtube: True Love zarsoft) Conclusion: the old rating of this movie was fake.
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