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"Why Did You Bother Doing That".. WHY??! It's ALL been heard before!
8 August 2002
Naturally, I've had the experience of viewing the movie "A Hard Day's Night" (and quite amused I was by it too), I really AM an avid fan of the Fab-Four, but Fab this video was not. The only leg this spin-off documentary has to stand on is the fact that "A Hard Day's Night" is part of it's subtitle.

In my opinion, there wasn't half enough "behind-the-scenes footage" to justify having claimed that on the box, in reality it was all just a re-hash of clips from the original movie. (I'm serious!!) The interviews were stale, never mind uninformative, I suspect that some were filmed well before 1995, and to top it off it's ALL been heard before!

I'm telling you, the pleasant narration by Phil Collins was almost the ONLY light at the end of this tunnel. (Aside from the Beatle content of course!!)

I believe my main ill with this video is that it tried to represent itself as something it is not. I watched in anticipation of finding out what went on behind the cameras during the filming? Were there any major hic-ups as the film was in production? An hour passed, I ejected the tape from my VCR, and was left STILL WONDERING!

My only conclusion is that this video was released purely on the shoulders of the "Anthology" project, a cash-in aimed at Beatlemaniacs who would be open to the hype.

You know, "You Can't Do That" is much like the video version of an ugly friend that hangs around, after the party's over, in the faint hope of picking up some unwitting soul... please don't get dubbed; in this case, your money would be better spent on buying 6 months supply of toothbrushes!

"You Can't Do That"... more like, "Why Did You Bother Doing That? Huh?"
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