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Prairie Love (2011)
If You Like This Genre, You'll Love "Prairie Love"
2 February 2012
"Prairie Love" is just the kind of movie I relish; the characters are the story, nothing was predictable, and the setting was so prominent that it was basically another character in the film.

As for camera work, the shots and angles matched the scenes beautifully. There was also this cool steampunk feel to the machinery. I'm not going to go into the story because I don't want to spoil a thing. I had no clue what it was about when I began. That turned out to be a big plus -- I was delighted at every turn.

Great editing and photography helped keep things riveting. Notice the askew angle of the snowline after "the act." You will know what I mean when you see it.

I'd have liked more backstory on "The Girl" to know why she was in trouble. We get a hint of that when she says hello and goodbye to parts of a dear, but we never really do know where she is coming from the way we do the others.

But, still, that's okay. We sure know who she is later on.

If you like Coen brothers-type pacing, getting to know characters and giving them time to reveal, and you have the patience to watch stories unfold, I couldn't recommend "Prairie Love" more highly.
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Oh my, this was horrid (slight spoiler)
29 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
For some reason, TV Guide gave this two and a half stars, plus Faye Dunaway is in it, so it definitely looked like something to see. My, oh, my, this may be the worst film I've ever seen. Ever. From its horrid acting (every time the girl asks the boy what's wrong with him, I shouted to the TV "I can't act!" When she asks what he needs, I yell "I need acting lessons!" to the unbelievably bad dialog ("Give me back my organs!").

And the Brian DePalma wannabe ending, too, it was all just beyond awful. I wanted to like it. Dunaway is one of the best actors ever. And the production values were pretty good.

But wowzers, this had me laughing, LAUGHING!, most of the time.

Don't even bother out of curiosity, that was my first mistake. Staying with it was definitely my second, and third and fourth.
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Funny Old Guys (2003 TV Movie)
27 May 2005
This was a fantastic film. I felt as if I were sitting having lunch with these guys.

I felt I'd gotten to know Frank and I'm terribly moved by his story and by those close to him.

Now, I want to know a lot more about each one of the men. As a once-aspiring sitcom writer, I can appreciate all Frank described in terms of his career. I wish there were a DVD with extras on it about each of these guys. Of course, IMDb has quite a bit, too.

But I, for one, would definitely rent individual films based on each of these guys' careers and lives. I'd like to meet their wives, their families, see their jokes on film.

Great job on this.
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CSI: NY (2004–2013)
What a waste
13 January 2005
I'm so sorry to see Sinese in such a waste of a show. I hope they're paying him a lot of money to do this. It's a total waste of his massive talent.

The CSI franchise is notorious for its horrendous dialog. "Better bag that," "Get back to me," "I think I found something," is about as deep as they typically get. When Sinise was first announced as the star of this new one, I was certain that somewhere in his contract it would say that his character and the show had to be better conceived than the other ones. But instead of being mysterious, as I think they are attempting, the character is just flat.

Now, I like the three series despite my comments about the dialog. The way the cases unravel can be surprising and satisfying.

Last night's show with the dog show contingency, however, was so over the top in its attempt at humor that I'm not sure I can stick with it.

I love Sinise. I hope he's got an "out" in that contract.

Come on, producers -- how hard would it be to bump up the quality of this show? You have the on-screen talent, for heaven's sakes. Use it.
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I thought I was watching a B movie
5 July 2004
Don't get me wrong, I ended up enjoying it. But for quite a while during the film I thought I was watching a B movie, or maybe a "made for Saturday morning TV" film. Despite so many comments otherwise, my problem was the voices. I was sure that unknown and untalented voices were behind the characters. Imagine my surprise to find out later who actually did the voices -- excellent actors. And I was just as surprised to find out DreamWorks was behind it all.

I'm glad I didn't know who the actors were, or the producers, until afterward. My expectations would have been tremendously high. Instead I just enjoyed it for what it was.
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100 Centre Street (2001–2002)
I miss this show!!
23 March 2004
I envy you folks in Australia getting to spend time with the fantastic characters in this show. When it went off the air here in the U.S., it absolutely broke my heart. I had come to care about so many of the characters and loved the time that was spent getting to know them. It is one of the few shows that actually let people talk...

It reminded me of European films, and even television, that delve deep into characters and themes and don't feel pressured to bang out action sequences for the A.D.D generation.

I so hope Mr. Lumet gives us more of exactly what this was -- one of the best dramas on television, ever. Lumet really amazes me.
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People I Know (2002)
Loved it
20 October 2003
Part of my career has been in PR and I could really appreciate the apprehension about the turnout for the party and the sheer exhaustion in doing the job. That said...

I loved how different this film was from typical U.S. films that follow predictable storylines and rarely delve into a character as much as this did. I enjoyed all the performances but really loved Pacino's, one of his best. Sometimes I feel he's quite over the top -- not here.

This film isn't for the average audience -- it's a bit on the artsy side. The ending was predictable but I forgave that since they did it in a way that was so compliant with the character.

It's not a feel-good film. It's a bit like Taxi Driver in its mood. There were faults but I forgive them for sure and I'm thrilled and surprised to have seen some off-beat movie I hadn't even heard of.
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Dead Like Me (2003–2004)
20 September 2003
I'm nuts about this show! I know some aren't nuts about Daisy but I especially appreciate her after her very different role on "24." It shows quite a versatility in that actress. I was so sorry to hear the season ends next week! They'd better bring it back!! In fact, don't they have to if they're going to have that guest appearance by the contest winner?
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A little more on this
11 April 2002
Molly Dodd was NBC's attempt to recreate the success of Mary Tyler Moore. That attempt has been made over and over and over again but usually with little success. Ally McBeal is Fox's attempt and it's working. It takes a single career woman and a cool ensemble cast, add the quirks that MTM actually brushed on at times (and Molly Dodd totally did in a not unsimilar way) and you have the modern day MTM.

Molly Dodd was on the air I believe two years on NBC before Lifetime picked it up. It was in the first years of Lifetime becoming a women's network so getting ratings had to be tough.

In the NBC years of Molly Dodd, it was just awesome. I will never forget David Strathairn giving her his shoe as a present when he came back from Alaska or somewhere.... very nuts. The show had a lot of quirk.

And let me tell you something. Don't let the camera fool you regarding Blair Brown. I've met her and she is one of the most beautiful women you can imagine. Cameras sometimes do odd things to facial features... believe me, she's not hurting. :)
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Still laughing
5 August 2001
I just watched this and I am still laughing! This is an excellent comedy with loads of surprises, really great casting and good pacing. I haven't laughed out loud like that in quite a while and I'm hoping this director or writer has some more great movies.
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