
5 Reviews
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Very good story So has a lot of trials to overcome
17 March 2000
In the movie master So, has many trials to over come he has to rebuild and try to start a school, the action corresponds with the story real well. He has to learn how to love to truly know what Shaolin kung-fu is all about.

it was a good story
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didn't seem like Wong-Fei Hong to me !
17 March 2000
The movie over all was good besides the fact you had to read. It was lacking something it had fei-hong as a sort of priest. It didn't have him as one who would easily get into trouble. his drunken style lack any of his original forms for instance no miss or angel Ho, he use tiger and crane. Not what SEED taught him.
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The chen yen chiefs are powerful
17 March 2000
This is the movie full of fighting but it uses a good story line to keep you wondering just how they will defeat them. Lo-lieh, Lung-fei, Carter wong , these are the star who caught my attention and kept me into the story even though fei died early on the movie his student keep his dream alive
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Bo ming (1977)
Tao,Lieh,Mao does excellent work
17 March 2000
it was good how they set up the robbery and the fighting. there is also something that makes you feel bad for shang yee. it is the thought of how he was treated for stealing when all he wanted was his girl shaochoi but it ends up being a fight over money a rep. very good
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Very good for the whole story of Jubei
22 February 2000
The parts of the movie that I have seen fit to the other story

For those of us who enjoy Martial arts films this one is just the same. The dubbing may have a bit of a flaw but once you get into it,it is a very good story. It is the predecessor of the ''96 title Reborn from Hell, the story in both are similar but Samurai Reincarnation tells more of the story.
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