
2 Reviews
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Two-Bit Waltz (2014)
youthful innocence, lack of depth
8 January 2015
2 previous reviews here - at opposite ends, which generally means the film may be worth watching. unfortunately, this wasn't. it had potential, but i believe ms. Mamet, the director, writer and star of this work, lacks the depth her father has always had. as a director, she might have gained some insight in how to get the most from her actors but her own lack of acting acumen prevents her from achieving anything truly moving. as writer, she has some good ideas here, but far too juvenile to make the grade. i'd guess with her pedigree, doors were opened that are closed to the rest of us. maybe in about 5 years she'll have a bit more life experience from which to draw a decent story or two.
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Some good acting, really bad ending
22 September 2004
I'm not a big fan of Depardieu, but always felt he had good potential, so I gave this film a shot. Mostly a mistake. Depardieu Jr. has a long way to go before his lack of talent and obvious opportunist entry into the industry will be forgiven. The director's personal vendetta is irrelevant, since the story is universal, but this particular treatment wasn't bad. Just that really stupidly contrived ending! Why an eskimo "inner child"? Totally distracting, killing any afterglow the film's emotional tone had attempted to create. The costume and set design were either non-existent or inappropriate. And if one of the too many surreal glimpses of the ubiquitous and annoying inner child was shot incorrectly, do it over! Don't shoot the same glimpse from a different angle! What was Berger thinking? Definitely not a must see.
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