
5 Reviews
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7 November 2018
Did not read the book so had nothing to compare the film to. The acting was superb by all the actors. Looking back at Nazi Germany at the time gives you a feel for how regular Germans put up with all the the Nazi bullies. I thought that more could have been done with Liesel and her interactions with other classmates. Overall however the film is very good and is one of my favorites.
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Basic (2003)
Guessing Game
5 August 2003
Loved this the way this movie kept you guessing from the first frame to the last. Travolta did a good job with his part as a DEA agent looking into the deaths of some Army Rangers. One problem though was you had trouble following at times who was telling their part of the story on what happened on the mission. I was suprised at the ending and really thought that Travolta was a bad guy. WRONG!!! I highly recommend this movie!
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Baby Face (1933)
Pre-code Dandy
14 May 2003
A pre-code stunner with Stanwyck playing a speakeasy whore who sleeps her way to the top. These pre-code flicks really let it all go with nothing left to the imagination. Stanwyck is outstanding as Lilly the daughter of a speakeasy owner/father who sold more than booze to his patrons(johns).After the old man dies(good!) Barb heads for the big city for better things.She uses her female attributes to sleep her way to the top. John Wayne makes a poor "cameo" and proves that actors get better with age and an acting coach. I loved the banter and strong lines between the actors. I highly recommend this film to all film buffs and to watch Stanwyck who is great and beautiful as Lilly.
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Bad Karma (II) (2001)
A big Yawn!!!
21 April 2003
Movie starts with a good nude scene and its all downhill after that. Gore was not convincing at all and the story line was VERY farfetched. Can't recommend this flick except maybe for the first 10 minutes then turn it off and watch sports!!
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The Hot Spot (1990)
A Steamy Masterpeice
1 August 2000
This movie has to rate as one of the most important American films of the 90's. Dennis Hopper could be the next great American director in the 21st Century. The film was sexy without being crude. Don Johnson showed that his acting can be powerful if the right roll comes his way.Virginia Madsen steams up the show with her portral of the modern vamp.Jennifer Connelly plays it perfect with the innocent routine when she is the hottest girl in the movie. Anyone would enjoy this film on a cold night in the dead of winter with a lover on the couch next to them. A Great Watch!
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