
9 Reviews
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JFK (1991)
Long, but worth it
3 March 2000
This movie is really long, but it's worth it, it's one of the coolest movies I've ever watched. I watched it over a weekend, and didn't turn my head away once. Oliver Stone did a superb job, and its a very fascinating story. It will make you think about whether or not there was a conspiracy.
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A superb movie
25 January 2000
Reading the summary for this movie, it sounded like it was going to be really gory and bloody, and I wasn't sure I wanted to watch it. The opening scene had a little blood, but it wasn't bad, and after that it was clear sailing. I thought this movie was very well done. I really enjoyed watching this one, and it is a realistic scenario, maybe something that happens more than we'd like to think.
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Pretty good
25 January 2000
I just can't understand why this movie has such a low rating, its a good Christmas movie, and Dana Carvey is hilarious. Overall, it has a very good cast, with him, Jon Lovitz and Nick Cage. I enjoyed, good way to spend a snowy day.
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12 Angry Men (1957)
Great movie
4 December 1999
This is such a great movie, a masterpiece. The plot at first would seem boring, but its not. This is one of the greatest movies I've ever seen, and it's hard for me to believe anyone would not like this one. I usually go for action movies, and this movie has a minimum of that, but it is still so wonderful and entertaining. Watch this one.
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Rushmore (1998)
Good movie
23 October 1999
This was a really good movie. I liked the plot, it had good acting, good plot and Max was a great character. Even though I had to pay $9 at a Holiday Inn to see it, I don't regret spending that ridiculous amount of money to watch a movie, although I was pretty angry the night after when I payed $9 to see Good Will Hunting, don't watch that one.
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About this movie
22 October 1999
The basic plot doesn't seem like a very likely thing to happen, but a great script made it much more believeable. I really enjoyed this movie, although the first 20 minutes or so were pretty intense, don't watch on a full stomach. It's really long, but I loved every minute. Gives you a good idea of what war really is like.
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This movie rules
22 October 1999
If you haven't seen this masterpiece, you need to watch it. If you look at the voting, 47.3% of the voters have given it a 10. I'd give it a 12, it's the best movie I've ever seen. This movie is hilarious at times, but parts of it can make you cry, it ends on a perfect note and has a great cast. I've seen this movie multiple times, and like it more every time.
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12 Angry Men (1957)
12 angry men review
22 October 1999
How can 12 men sitting around talking for all that time be so entertaining? Well, I don't know, but I watched this movie and it was great. I mean, normally when I stop by Hollywood Videos, I go with Terminator, but once I decided to watch this slightly less action packed film, and it was great. Watch this movie, its a classic.
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Wonderful movie
22 October 1999
This is such a great movie, one of my favorites. I've probably watched it three of four times, but it's still wonderful. There is one scene in the middle that just seems so out of place, and that's the only flaw with the movie, luckily not a big one. If you see it, you'll be able to see what I'm talking about. Although it's not generally thought of as a comedy, this movie is hilarious. I'll be on the floor laughing during some parts. Also, this Gene Kelly fellow does a pretty swell job. This movie was released 47 years ago, I think its about time you see it if you haven't.
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