
8 Reviews
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ReBoot (1994–2001)
26 January 2000
Reboot never seemed that great to me, but while I waited to see "DragonballZ" on Cartoon Network, I caught the end of an episode of Reboot. I soon realized that this was the last episode of the series. The episode ended with a musical recap of the third season. This struggling little show lasted for three seasons? The musical finale left such an impact in my mind, I went online and researched the show. The third season was awesome! The main charachter, Bob, had been sent into the Web and Enzo grew up chasing Bob and became Matrix, a.k.a. a green Terminator. Finally, they found each other and went back to Mainframe, (the city that's inside the computer)and defeated Megabyte and Hexidecimal, the sibling viruses. A great turn on the...interesting first season of Reboot! Now I watch Reboot every chance I get! If you want more information, you can go to to find out about this amazing CGI animated show!
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Wishbone (1995–1998)
19 September 1999
I was so lucky to catch an episode of this show (The Tempest). My brother and I liked it, so we started watching it on a regular basis. I'm so glad that they started making new episodes a couple years back. I wish they would do it again.
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30 August 1999
I didn't even get to see all of this movie, but I saw most of it. The movie was all right. Young Indy had to venture into Germany and deliver some paper to a German industrialist. It's not a bad story, but the ending was a little inconclusive. Still, I'd give it about a 6//10.
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In the words of Eddie Murphy from Bowfinger "Awesome"
28 August 1999
Invasion America was really great! I watched it thinking it might be alright. I thought it was going to be a tv video. Then they talked about the next episode, so I thought it was a series. I started to love the show, and then all of a sudden they say that they wrapping up the series, and I found out that it was actually just a miniseries. But anyway, it almost as cool as Star Wars. The story was ingenius. If you get the chance to see this, please do!
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The Phantom (1996)
Not Bad
21 August 1999
I was thrilled to see that the Phantom was finally on the big screen, since I was a big Phantom 2040 fan. The movie was pretty good. Billy Zane kind of sucked, but the story was good, once you get past the silly costume and the jungle theme. I recommend that everyone should see it.
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Greatest Talk Show Ever!
5 August 1999
There are several points that make this show a success. First: Conan is Hilarious. Second: I've never heard of a talk show with a side-kick. It's a genius idea. And Andy is great. Third: The skits, especially the Bill Clinton interviews, are worthy of SNL! Trust me, you have to watch this show!
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Johnny Tsunami (1999 TV Movie)
Surprisingly Good
1 August 1999
I never expected to enjoy this movie, but trust it was really good. The movie's your classic teen trying to fit in story. Johnny, a Hawaiian surfer moves to Vermont. He doesn't fit in with his preppy peers at his school, so he makes friends with kids from a rival school. His peers consider him a traitor, and soon they get him in trouble with his principal and his parents. Guided by his grandfather's wisdom, Johnny finds a way to solve problems. What makes this movie so good, is the way Johnny struggles to fit in. Reminds me of "Angus."
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Young Hercules (1998 Video)
Great Movie
23 July 1999
Ian Bohen is so much better than that annoying blond kid who played Young Herc on the tv show. I would have hated the movie if blondie was in it. The story was pretty good too. The thing I liked the most was that Ares wasn't a wimpy, irritating characther like he is on Hercules and Xena: he's more evil and that's the way I like him. There's also a great fight scene at the end.
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