
4 Reviews
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Crocodile (2000 Video)
Way to go Tobe!
1 January 2001
A couple of months ago, I was pre-ordering a bunch of dvds when I came across this upcoming release of a film entitled CROCODILE---I didn't know much, if anything about it, but then I found out it was directed by TOBE HOOPER and thinking to myself "This is the man responsible for one of the greatest horror flicks of all time--THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE--it can't be that bad", so I ordered it. Well, I just got it the other day, popped it in and----ENJOYED THE HELL OUT OF IT! Tobe Hooper still has what it takes to get jolt out of people. I admit, the story has pretty much been done to death, but I really think that Tobe has put his own little twist on it and breathed new, um, "life" into it. The actor's done really well for being complete unknowns--in fact, I really hated a couple of the characters, and kept rooting for the Croc to eat them! This movie actually made me jump 4 times! Which is great for me---after so many years of watching fright flick after fright flick--I've become somewhat immune to the parts that make other people jump--so it felt damn good! For that Tobe, THANK YOU! I know, the first thing people will think when they see this title on the shelf---another LAKE PLACID (which was another great film in it's own way)--but even though it has it's similarities--it's a completely different film, so bare that in mind--and go out and rent (or buy!) this movie---you're definitely in for a campy little treat.
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Experiment in Terror
10 December 2000
I had first found out about THE ST. FRANCISVILLE EXPERIMENT several months ago via horror themed websites. It sounded like a blatant rip-off of THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT (of which I'm a big fan)--but being that it takes place in a haunted house--I was looking forward to seeing it. I picked up the dvd and had a few friends over last night for a viewing (all of whom are BWP fans as well). Let me tell you, it was one intense and scary roller coaster ride! Alot of the stuff was obviously staged, but as with BWP, if you just let your imagination go, then you're in for a real treat. The "actors" were all pretty much believable, except for the psychic, she was highly annoying, and I kept hoping something terrible would happen to her! Personally, I thought this film was scarier than BWP. Myself and my friends who viewed the film, have all been involved with a big old haunted building, so alot of the stuff rang true with us. I definitely reccommend this film, but before you watch it, follow these rules: 1. Put THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT entirely out of your mind. 2. Turn off all of the lights. 3. Surround yourself with "white light". 4. And let your imagination go wild!
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One of Fulci's Best & Scariest!
11 February 2000
The late Lucio Fulci, is by far one of the greatest Italian "genre" directors. His films are atmospheric, chilling, and very frightening. "PAURA NELLA CITTA DEI MORTI VIVENTI" aka "THE GATES OF HELL" aka "CITY OF THE LIVING DEAD", is definitely one of his finest films.

I remember when I first saw this film, at the young and impressionable age of 12---it scared the HELL out of me, and I stayed awake for nights! To this day--17 years later, it still has a bone-chilling effect on me. This is definitely one of my favorite horror films of all time. Lucio Fulci---a master of the macabre...he may be gone, but his films still provide many sleepless nights!
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5 July 1999
This movie is a "drive-in cult classic"! And in many ways it is bad---but in a good campy kind of way. It is quite brutal, and the rape scenes are pretty realistic. A previous review said something about not having background music, but I think that this film is better without a score, because it makes it feel even more "real and dirty" that way. If you are a fan of the drive-in scene of the 70's and early 80's, or the midnight screenings, definitely check this film out!
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