
4 Reviews
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Evolution (2001)
Choke-on-the-popcorn funny!
12 June 2001
Ivan Reitman has made a new classic sci-fi comedy, but that isn't a huge surprise coming from the man who helmed Ghostbusters. The movie is absolutely hilarious; I laughed harder in Evolution than I had in years. Some of the gags are somewhat overused, such as Julianne Moore's CDC scientist's clumsiness, but the rest of the movie easily overshadows these blemishes.

In his first few scenes, Scott's acting seems absolutely awful, but that quickly disappears (and I have no explanation for it whatsoever). Unfortunately I think he is working towards the typecast of young, doofus goofball. Hopefully he can get around that in the future.

David Duchovny gives a very refreshing performance, breaking out of his usually dapper moods as Fox Mulder. One line about government officials seems to draw from the audience's knowledge of Duchovny's "other" role, and received an even bigger laugh for it.

Orlando Jones also shines in this movie. He has come a long way from his days on Mad TV, and has a bright future ahead of him. Perhaps he will be the next Chris Rock (or Chris Tucker).

All-in-all, this is a fantastic movie. The overused gags and inexplicable temporary acting deficiencies of Mr. Scott pull this movie down to a 9-out-of-10 stars.
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Feel-good film, thankfully lacking Jimmy Stewart
1 January 2001
I'll admit right off the bat that 'The Family Man' is a formulaic, feel-good film, but what else would you expect from something being advertised as the "New Holiday Classic"? This movie is eerily similar to Frank Capra's 'It's a Wonderful Life', but thankfully doesn't have the obnoxious performance of Jimmy Stewart that dragged down Capra's film. Some of Cage's acting is a bit heavy-handed in parts, but still doesn't detract from the film as a whole. Tea Leoni looks fabulous in her first role after becoming a mother, and the child actors provide the obligatory cute factor. I'd recommend this film for what it is- a feel-good, family drama. If you're looking for a sophisticated, though-provoking movie, look elsewhere.
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Superb cast, great chase
9 June 2000
I went into the theater with high hopes, having waited for this remake for over a year. I was not disappointed. The cast is fabulous, able to play it straight but still give the audience a laugh. The car chases are amazing, and Nicolas Cage lights up the screen. Go see this movie today!
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It seems that David E. Kelley is recycling ideas....
16 June 1999
OK, I know that this movie is based on a play, but still, does the main idea expressed by Peter Gallagher need to directly reflect a line said by John Cage on Ally McBeal 3 years later? Gallagher's character says that while he experiences this "fantasy", he is happy, happier than he is in the real world. John Cage tells Ally that you can't find happiness in the real world, and that is why she is only happy in her imaginary world. Hmmmmmmmm.... This seems a little redundant to me, but as long as we don't see the ghost of Happy Boyle on Ally McBeal, I can forgive DEK.

As for the overall movie, I give this movie an 8 out of 10 stars.
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