
8 Reviews
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Doors (I) (2021)
Not terrible
30 March 2022
But not good either. Very interesting concept though. It's an anthology that tells several stories about mysterious alien doors that have suddenly appeared on earth. The first story was actually not bad, but the remainder kind of failed and left you wondering exactly what was happening. If you are a Josh Peck fan, you may actually want to check it out.
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So Bad
11 May 2021
I'm a fan of "so bad they're good" movies. This isn't one of those. It's just bad. Terrible story. Unlikable characters. It was a chore to get through, but I did.

I love to watch bad films on MST3K and RiffTrax. Perhaps they could salvage something from this.
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Could have been funny...
1 February 2021
...but it just doesn't know when to stop milking the gags. I get the feeling that this one was made by people who hate Bernie Sanders too much to recognize anything that is actually funny about him. It seems to focus too hard on being negative. Shame. They could have had something here.
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Better than expected
29 August 2020
It was great to see these guys together again. It genuinely made me smile. I think 2020 needs more positive stuff like this.
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Waited a long time to see this
7 February 2003
When I was a kid way back in 1977 there was an article about this movie in a kids magazine called Dynamite. It looked so incredibly gross that it just had to be fantastic, right? Well, go forward to the present year, 2003. I'm channel surfing and lo and behold, I find that The Incredible Melting Man is coming on Flix!! Sure it's goofy, but I got kinda excited about it since I STILL remembered seeing pictures of this hideous guy with his face melting off in that magazine. OK. I really wasn't expecting much, but I must say, despite the terrible plot, acting, etc., the special effects weren't half bad. Definitely not a movie you could enjoy while eating a plate of lasagna or something like that. But, even the gross factor is overshadowed by the dumbness of it all. To quote a character in the movie, "The more he melts, the stronger he gets!" WHAT?? No explanation is EVER given as to why this guy has ended up this way or how it is making him stronger. And it has to have one of the most depressing endings I've ever seen in a Z-grade movie!! I'll almost bet I would have loved this movie had I seen it as a kid in the late 70's though. I guess that whole idea of what I thought it would be as a kid was ruined by actually seeing it. Oh well...
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The Metallica connection
27 July 1999
This is a great movie. One thing that alot of people seem to believe is untrue about the Metallica song, "One". Metallica wrote the song with no prior knowledge of the film or book. They were shown scenes from the film and felt that they would fit well into their video. The song is about Vietnam. Ahhh, there goes another myth!! :-)
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Fun for the whole family
11 June 1999
I loved this movie as a kid and now that I have two sons of my own, I can enjoy watching it with them. Sure, the story is hokey, but it is very entertaining. I think the effects still hold up quite well. The final battle scene will always hold a place in my heart. This movie is a must see, especially if you have children. You WILL share the same excitement that they are!!
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Suburbia (1983)
Represents "Real" Punks?
10 May 1999
I think not. This movie is entertaining despite having a cast of horrible actors. It is entertaining in the fact that its depiction of "real" punks is so hilarious!! The only true redeeming quality about this movie is the live footage of a few early 80's punk bands. Other than that, it's just a joke. I have to laugh whenever I hear someone say it represents what punks are really like.
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