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I wanna go back to early 80's!!!!
25 January 2009
AWWW... The beach girls, an ol cable favorite. First saw this back in summer of 83 on many cable channels running it. It has the makings of an early 80's sex/comedy for sure. Good looking girls, parties and good atmosphere. Story isn't much, centers around three girls around college age who just wanna party and get naked every chance they can.. Out of the three, we have Sarah, the smart one with the rich uncle who lets her stay at his beach house. Now, uncle has no idea shes bringing her friends and throwing orgies, parties etc. But once he finds out hes in on getting her two friends for a pot smoking frenzy to keep him cool with them staying at the beach house and carrying on the party. There's also this dude that shows up named scott, hes picked up hitchhiking by the two wild friends, now scott seems very out of place in this picture. First off, he appears to be in his thirties and a drifter to boot. He seems so 1970's like hes way out of his element with these girls. But once scott meets sarah, he likes her and wants to protect her from any bad influences which includes trying to start a fight with some kid who trys to dance with sarah. Very strange considering hes only met her a few hours ago.. But overall, the beach girls does have that early 80's beach/sex/comedy feel to it... It really at times feels like a vacation itself . A departure from the movies we have today. This is a film at a time where things seem more innocent than it is these days. Beach girls i think was shot sometime in 1981. And shown in a few theaters and drive -ins in 1982. And all over cable in the summer of 83.. if your looking for some interesting and good fun and some good nudity, beach girls is for you. Trivia, for those interested this low budget movie has a first role cameo from an 80's more less mid 80's actress Cathrine mary stewart. Shes on screen no longer than 2 seconds , don't blink. But shes at the end .. By the way the grindhouse DVD version thats out now along with a movie called coach is the one to get . The DVD transfer is really clean... and widescreen.
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Deadly Eyes (1982)
i'd like to see your Deadly Eyes!!!!!
25 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
OK, i remember seeing deadly eyes on cable back in or around 84...I haven't seen it since, oh wait , i rented it on video around 90 or so to see how it held up. Well, not bad, but by 1990 early 80's horror films started to show some age. I would like to see a DVD copy though. I remember big rats attacking everyone, they seem to feed off of eating grain to get to this size. It's one was kinda bloody. There's a scene were the rats eat a little baby, attack a subway and movie theater.. And this film is really well remembered for scatman crothers. I love this guy, hes great in everything hes in.. But i don't think he lasts too long here... Maybe we will see warner bros release this on DVD someday.. I cant even find it on you tube. Also its Canadian production so we have a few actresses from another canada film Happy Birthday to Me... Don't think this one did too well at the box office...
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Top Secret! (1984)
lost secret!
19 December 2008
I remember seeing top secret on cable back in spring of 85. Its a funny take and spoof of old spy films in airplane vain.. Val kilmer was a newcomer to the scene and has the lead in this funny tale of a elvis type heartthrob singer who goes to Germany and gets in and out of troubled situations.. and gets the .... girl. Top secret was shot in 1983, and released on june 4th 1984. It kinda bombed at the box office, but fared better on cable TV a year later.. There's a funny scene with a cow that was used for the poster, as well as gags and jokes to keep you laughing. Top secret looks a little dated today but still holds up and brings back memories. Trivia, val kilmer was dating cher at the time of this filming, you can see a head shot in the jail cell scene.. Don't tell anyone i wrote this review, its a secret A TOP SECRET.. Long live 84 .
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Cop Killers (1977)
Dag, this was bad....
13 September 2008
OK, i usually don't watch 70's exploitation films but i figured i would give it half a chance, i mean my friend Jim saw it so how bad can it be.. It was bad. Now we all know what its about , A couple of losers killing every policeman they encounter. Now i was kinda surprised about how violent the film tried to be and it was rather different seeing some early effects work here by none other than Rick Baker who would go on the do an American werewolf in London. But yeah, some of the violence was kinda fake looking too. Now it seemed every time they killed or hurt someone they just splattered them with gallons of fake fake blood. Not my kinda movie. You could really care less about anyone in the film and the main bad guy was really just plain insane..

Don't bother with this when there's so many better movies to see. Sorry i did... Was this some kinda cult favorite i hope not...
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Just don't spit on mine!!!
24 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Saw this Way back in 1984 over a friends house. Her parents were out of town and me , her and another friend sat and watched this horrible film i never even heard of. It was downright unforgettable. I won't bore you with what it was about cause we all know that. But i will tell you that this has got one of the most disturbing , graphic nature in a film . I can't believe someone even wanted to make this trash. There's nothing redeeming at all. Just don't watch this with any females. Iam sorry i saw this one.. But it had quite an impact. I read in fangoria one time that the director made this movie from an actual experience he encountered.. Not surprised...
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Silent, but violent!
23 August 2008
This is coming to code red DVD soon. I saw this on cable back in the early 80's.. Another slasher/college kids theme but never the less, creepiness. Rebecca balding who use to be on a t.v. show called soap and later to star in another cult horror film The Boogens, is our main star here. She can't seem to find housing at a local college so she shacks up in an old house with a horror history. Yes , a creepy house with webs and creeping floorboards. I remember seeing the t.v. spot back in 1980 and it scared me. So, i wont give away too much, but granted, if you haven't seen this 25 plus year old film yet. maybe you might on DVD. Btw. this was filmed sometime in 1979, so it really isn't an 80's horror film,, just the January release date... good luck. some interesting chills though. And overall a campy slasher...
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Eyes that Kill!
23 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
spoilers ahead..

Chances are, this movie is over 25 years old , if you haven't seen it by now, you probley won't!

Eyes of a stranger came out in the spring of 1981 along with the slasher craze of the early 80's 1981 seemed to be a huge year for slashers.

Eyes of a stranger plays like a made for t.v. movie with some pretty violent scenes and some gore.

The story is a crazed killer is stalking women in Miami FL. And hes targeted a young jennifer jason leigh as his next victim.

with gore effects done by tom savini of all people who was pretty busy from 1980-1983.. doing gore shots for horror films. The violence in eyes seems like its real, we get a woman being attacked in her apartment and raped. and we get a lovers lane couple getting sliced up too. One departure from the other slashers i will point out is when the woman has her throat sliced in the car, she suffers quite a bit making it look disturbing and realistic. She basically chokes on her own blood. So warner now has finally put the film out on DVD In its uncut glory... And don't forget to watch for the head in the fish-tank i kid you not...

not much else... also look for the Dawn of the dead poster outside the movie theater, kinda a inside joke cause tom savini also did the effects for that film as well..
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The Prey (1983)
And i couldn't hear nobody Prey!!!
17 March 2008
The prey has an interesting history, unless you remember the ads for it in newspapers in June of 1984 you might have caught it on the Movie channel back in summer 85, but little else is remembered. The plot is your basic killer in the woods again. But ironically this was filmed before Friday the 13th. The prey was actually shot sometime in 1978 according to one of the actors in an interview years later. But released for about a week at some drive ins, (yes Jim, namans drive in showed this in June of 84). But it has a dated look to it. Maybe they released it so later on to cash in on all the other terror films the market was flooded with by 1984. Now on the story, it has some kind of back story, a forest fire back in the 1940's leaves a lot of Gypsies burned to death. But one of their children survive (our monster) so flash forward to present day which would be 1978, we have an older middle age couple camping only to be dispatched by the Monster. The tag line for this picture claims ITS NOT HUMAN, AND ITS GOT AN AXE, but an Axe was only used in these first two killings. Now we have a bunch of teenagers who look like they in their mid 20's camping. We all know they are the Prey, and the monster knocks them of one by one. For an 80 minute movie it seems longer. We also have a lot of wildlife footage to fill in voids for the 80 mins. Overall for being out into an 80-'s horror movie it looks way more 70's than ever. Hey the Prey had potential to be a good horror killer in the woods movie but falls a little short.. It does however feature a pretty scary cool looking monster at the end, and we have to wait till the last 2 minutes to see him. Side note, the monster has gone on to star in the Addams family movies in the 1990's..
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Boardwalk (1979)
forgotten thriller.
22 February 2005
Saw this on cable back in 81. And it was about an old couple who live in a bad neighborhood and are being picked on by a youth gang. It was rated PG, but had some pretty disrupting scenes. The ending was definitely a shock. As far as i know this has never been on video or at least i never seen it anywhere. IF you can find it check it out. Iam sure it looks pretty dated now.. Its a movie that will stick with . I haven't seen it since 1981 and still remember all the stuff that happened in it..Iam sure a lot of the people in it are gone now. It shows how bad neighborhoods in new york were back in the late 70's.. It reminded me of another movie that came out in 80 called defiance
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The Pit (1981)
strange messages in the pit!!
1 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
OK, we all know what its about, but did anyone notice the strange characters in this film? First we have a goodie two shoes babysitter who in one scene isn't too goodie goodie, where she cheats on her boyfriend with his friend. Sure looks like more was going on there. And the 12 yr old who talks about how his mom likes to wash him a lot. Sounds like there's more going on there too.. Just some strange stuff.. Also, something that could have been fixed! When ever someone is pushed into the pit , no one screams. come on! people would be screaming their heads off. OK, the babysitter at least screamed. But to be honest, after she died, the film went kinda downhill..
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Wonderland (2003)
Wonderland works!
22 January 2004
Ok, i had to go to philly to see this since it didnt get a wide release. I thought it was a great movie being that it was based on a true event which happen on july 1st 1981. 4 people were beaten to death and a fifth victim live barely with pipes as a result of a revenge / drug deal/ rip off gone bad. The intresting thing here is that involved is none other than washed up at the time porn star john holmes. Yes the movie focuses on holmes involvment with the killings. The story is told from three diffrent points of view. so its who you believe. As far as true stories go, its on the money. the names events are all how it pretty much went down. unlike other movies based on true stories where they change names/make things up/ add things. Its worth checking out, val kilmer does a good job as holmes. The film is R rated for cursing. excessive drug use. and violent and grisly images..
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Hell High (1987)
Bad tittle!
17 January 2002
Well the film doesnt really have much to do with a high school. It has had many tittles. One tittle was called raging fury. Quess it didnt sound horror enough, and another was to be called real trouble! sounded like an after school special. But the low budget film was made in 1986 but wasnt released until 1989. I saw it on cable. Its a strange movie about a girl who accidently killed 2 kids back in the 1960s as a little girl. Speed up to 86 and shes a teacher at a high school where some of her loser students like to torment the poor woman. One thing leads to another, they stalk and accidently cause the woman to fall out of her own window. Then she awakes to kill the teens one by one. In this film the herione is a guy, an ex jock who falls in with this bad crowd. The ending is kinda disturbing. But it has definetly aged. I first saw this film on HBO in 1990, but never heard of it before that! Maybe a better tittle would have been- NIGHT OF THE BLOODY TEACHER!
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The Vals (1983)
Well hidden!!
17 January 2002
I first heard of this film in 1991 when it came on USA network.. I kinda liked it, it was filmed in 1982. It had some hot chicks, Low budget music and made for almost nothing.. The story centers around 4 high school valley girls who are spoiled and hang out with college dudes. The girls are pretty good looking. Now there are no real big names in this film, except for sonny bono who has a quick scene. I liked the relationship between the 4 friends. The acting seems cheesy , but the vals acting is actually pretty well recieved.. The subplot is the bored girls try to save poor kids from drug dealers.. And save thier shelter from being closed.. And there is two diffrent versions of this film, one is a Usa network version. And an R-rated video version with some nudity and cussing, not really that bad. In the r-rated version there is a scene at a frat party where one of the vals is screwing a line full of horney guys. Well, not much nudity is shown, it could have been more. The film sat on a shelf from 82 till 86 when vestron video picked it up.... It is now out of print...And hasnt surfaced on cable again. and probley never will..
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No Man's Land (1987)
Does crime really pay?
16 August 1999
Forgotten orion release back in late 87, about a young rookie cop (d.b. sweeney) who is assigned by a driven police captain (randy quaid) to infiltrate a car thief ring run by a young cocky rich kid (charlie sheen). The reason behind this is that the other cop working the case was killed, belived to be sheen. Once the young cop gets in with sheen, their relationship is unseparable. He even starts to date the guys sister. There is also a car ring that is out to put sheen out of business for good. Its mainly a question of right or wrong, good and bad. Quaid is good as the worried cop. We come to find out later that he really likes the young cop after all. Sheens performance is weak here. He comes on too strong, and gets to involved with the cop that suppossed to nail him.. All in all no mans land is o.k. if anything.. very late 80's looking now. But does pull out a few questions about morals we all have.. **1/2.
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Trying to be funny, takes a serious turn!
13 August 1999
O.k., lot of alot of elements here! (scream, i know what you did last summer) but in early 80's fashion. This is a pretty good little horror film that i actually enjoyed. Starts out in June of 61' when a woman is giving a painful birth on a dark and rainy night. Speeds up to present day (82). A group of seven college graduates plan to throw a farewell part in a old looking house on sorority row. The house mother gets a little upset (the woman in the beginning giving birth). The plan of the party is shot down. But the girls plan a prank that they think will be a funny sweet revenge, that backfires into a total no laughing nightmare. The house mother is shot dead, so the girls hide her lifeless body in the swimming pool. And proceed on with the party. Then the body turns up missing, and the body count starts. Victims are being stalked and killed. Only thing is The house mothers dead body is found in the attic. ummmm. I wonder if this has anything to do with the beginning!!!!
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Killer Party (1986)
Party hardy
10 June 1999
O.k. I can tell you a lot about this movie, good and bad, and some facts. Lets start with the facts- This movie was originally filmed in 1984, sat on a shelf for 2 years, until MGM/UA picked it up, had a week or two theatrical release in spring of 86. The movie, is basically about college horror, 20 years ago, a pledge was accidentally killed during a prank. 20 years later, 3 sorority sisters pledge at the same college. The party takes place in an abandoned house, where the pledge was killed. A party is planned, students begin to get killed, but a demonic force invades one of the 3 girls. The demonic force is the spirit of the 20 year dead student. I quess you know what happens next.. Things i liked and dislike about the film 1. Most of the killings take place off screen. For a horror r-rated movie, this could have (by todays standards) been an easily PG-13. I saw the TBS version, and there is not much cut out, Acept a little, and i mean little nudity, its like the makers forgot that it was supposed to be rated R. What i did like is the totally unexpected beginning. Yes, a mid 1980's music video. with a quiet riot/ratt group. My overall rating is a B- I have seen worse.

This film is currently out of print, and most likely will be indefinite. By all means get a rental copy... good luck!
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Re-Animator (1985)
if you like horror ---
25 March 1999
Re-animator is for you, its got it all. From the beginning scene to the end, you won't be disappointed. Jeffery Combs steals the show as mad scientist Herbert West. If you like horror, this will be good for you. There are 2 versions of this movie, an r-rated one, and the uncut. The dvd combines both.
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bad movie night?
23 March 1999
From 1981, a chiller, if you wanna call it that. Centers around an old abandon college dorm, that is to be closed down durning the christmas break, a counsellor, some students and a maintenance man spend the weekend cleaning it out. Then a killer shows up, stalking and killing everyone. Who is it, why is it? Now who ever made scream had to of seen this too, and used the unexpected ending. The acting is very bad. There is a scene in the beginning where some teen (older looking) is being chased by somebody, and then killed. They never explain who he was or nothing. As bad as this movie is you get to see a very young daphne zuniga who only last through the first 15 minutes. Then after that, turn it off. The ending was a little weird, but kinda cheesy. And watch for the cops in the movie. They are the worst acting cops i ever seen.. good luck.
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Final Exam (1981)
pretty boring!
20 March 1999
The opening of final exam seems pretty promising, a couple making out in a car are stabbed to death by a killer, Now the rest is a bore. The killer shows up at a college campus stalking students. Why? Who is this man? these are never quite explained. This is slow paced, even for a horror movie. Check out happy birthday to me. Or madman. they are much better.
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hey good watching
18 March 1999
O.K. I am a big fan of cartoon movies. with live footage. This one gets goofy in some spots but very watchable.. get it on video, and give it a good chance.
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16 March 1999
After seeing this gritty drama, then you wonder why there are nuts in the world. The movie is more ( in a weird kinda way), like a docudrama. It shows how 2 people can become alienated and rejected from society, to become heartless animals. Not to justify what they do, but if these two boys were somewhat loved, maybe they wouldn't be cold blooded killers. There's a scene where one of the teens father ignores him totally. That is shocking. But watching it will disturb you.
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Frightmare (1983)
8 March 1999
Me and my best friend Jim love this movie, It is an underrated little gem. The plot centers around an aging horror star (its original title), who is bent on revenge, when a group of college kids steal his corpse. This movie has it all, scares, laughs, and saint, yes saint, the ring leader of the college kids. He's got the looks, he's got the style, he's got the girl. But what he hasn't got is a prayer of making it out of this movie alive! check it. also, look for Jeffery Combs of re-animator fame.
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Madman (1981)
forgotten chiller from 81
8 March 1999
I remember seeing the commerical on t.v. when I was young, and it scared me. It's a shame movies today can't do the same. Well, I saw it on video, and it was scary, and the madman was scary, but!!! the acting is lousy, Overlook that and we have a scary little forgotten chiller from 1981. The year in which a lot of horror came out.......
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Lunch Wagon (1981)
good clean fun
8 March 1999
Lunch Wagon is a fun little comedy, about 3 girls trying to make it in the lunch wagon business, when they are pursued by a couple of bumbling jewel thieves. It has a new wave look about it, and never gets too goofy. Look for missing persons, and a lot of naked women...
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Sweet Sixteen (1983)
good mystery
5 March 1999
This is part horror, part mystery. I really liked this one because it has good acting, and a good story. Set in a small town, a young girl is suspected of murders in the town. But is it really her? Good movie that doesn't get a lot of play... rent it..
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