
11 Reviews
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The Punisher (2017–2019)
The best!!!
7 January 2021
It was the berst audovisual work about The Punisher. I felt like I was reading the comics. Great history and direction.
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María Magdalena (2018–2019)
Guaranteed Entertainment
7 January 2021
An excelent mbetmixtof documentary, fiction and a bit of soup opera. This formula made Maria Magdalena a great enternainment.
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Far from the expectations
7 January 2021
I don't think this movie wolud be between the Oscar's indicated movies. The script is weak and the charachteres are so superficial.
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We don´t need that ...
22 March 2004
This movie really did not bring nothing new. We all know what Jesus Christ suffered, but show this suffering by all its details din´t change any point of view. Those people who don´t believe is His love, will continue this way. It´s a great production and probably spent millions of dollars, but has nothing inside but free violence. Gibson really showed a sadistic side of his personality by directing so hard scenes. Many times during the movie I have questioned Gibson´s intents by showing so terrible scenes. I really don´t recommend the film for anyone.
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Training Day (2001)
Very good !!!
8 July 2002
One of a few movies that all facts can be explained. Excluding some violent scenes that could be dispensed, the line was very well conducted by the director and the screenplay is the highest point in the movie.
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A Bug's Life (1998)
Why only four legs????
22 December 2001
The movie is really great. The details and the expressions of the bugs are fantastic. But, I did not understand why the creators put only four legs for the ants and other insects. That´s why I gave a 7 for this movie.
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Very well directed
26 February 1999
An interesting and original story plus a very good direction and photography, made this film become different and better than those common fighting films. Except from the final part, when we had the pleasure of remembering some "espectacular" fighting scenes.
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Batman (1989)
26 February 1999
I will always be a Batman fan. And I was very anxious to see the film. But what I saw wasn't the Batman I ever thought. I don't know if my imagination was wrong or the director didn't get the real spirit of Batman. And Keaton is not a good "bat".
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The Evil Dead (1981)
Very creative...
26 February 1999
This film has innovated the horror in cinema... The director gave us a new view sight for the oldies scenes that we were tired to watch. I consider this film a new start for horror in cinema.
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Rocky (1976)
A combination of good screenplay and direction.
26 February 1999
Sylvester Stalonne doing what he does well... to fight. When you join a good story, a good director and the right main actor you have a good film.
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Almost true...
20 February 1999
This film shows us part of the Spiritual doctrine, started whith Alain Kardec. 90% of the film reflects the rules of the Spiritism (or Spiritualism). The other 10 % was created by the author's imagination to give turn the film more atractive for a bigger number of people.
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