
2 Reviews
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Tis the season for a really bad movie
20 February 1999
"Silent Night, Deadly Night" is a lame attempt to capitalize on the killer Santa genre which started as an old Tales From The Crypt installment. This movie holds a shaky history with much controversy over its portrayal of jolly old St. Nick as a homicidal maniac. The idea is scary, but the movie is badly-made and poorly directed. A better horror film with the same premise is dying to be made, in my opinion. This story could be scary if it's in the hands of a good director. At the moment, "Silent Night, Deadly Night" is about as creepy as a Xmas lawn ornament. (D-) Rated R for some graphic violence, nudity, sex, and brief language.
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The sequel that no one asked for...
20 February 1999
I was relatively kind in my review of the first "Faces of Death" movie. Sure, it was utter trash, but I could see at least a reason for its exsistence: to scare the hell out of people. The sequel's only goal is to make more money off the original's infamous reputation. What kind of inspiration is that? The idea of a film comprised of footage of real people and animals getting killed in front of the camera is sick and disturbing. The first time around, there was merit, the idea of making more, just for the sake of making more is totally wrong. (F) Not Rated, but equivalent to an NC-17 for continual graphic carnage and gore from man and beast.
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