
2 Reviews
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Quite a ride
23 April 2024
I came with no expectations (Monday mystery movie) and left quite intrigued. It is an odd combination of action, humor and splatter style gore, but it works in its own way. The story seemed cookie cutter at first, but then did surprise me at points. The acting is more than adequate and the action choreography simply phenomenal, with exceptional camera work.

At many times the movie felt like an homage and some of the shots maybe not looked, but felt familiar to me.

If you like John Wick, you more than likely will enjoy this tremendously. I can't quite see myself rewatching it, though, which is why it's only a 9/10.
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The endless movie...
6 December 2005
The director managed to create a 2 1/2 hour movie that radiates the boredom of 6 months and feels like ten hours. The one good thing I can say is that it made me lose track of time completely. I almost expected to see daylight upon leaving the cinema. And it had started at 7pm...

It was not what I expected. But what did I expect? Maybe some work of art like Koyaanisqatsi, where one can lose himself in the rhythm and the pictures. But this movie here does have no rhythm. And for the content - I know not more or less than before, the life depicted in there coming very close to what I would have expected it to be, anyway. How do they live? I still don't know for sure, because the movie jumps wildly from scene to scene without enabling me to see a pattern. Yes, there is work and there is prayer and even a monk with an IBM Laptop doing the book-keeping (?), but I totally failed to get the big-picture. And that was, more or less, what I had expected when I bought the ticket.

And no, just because there are some blurred close-ups this movie is not necessarily a work of art.

But hey, the critics love it, so go see it and judge for yourself.
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