
3 Reviews
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Unusual and Outstanding
9 January 1999
A rare film that is as unusual as the acting performances are strong! The movie is funny, exciting, and serious content all wrapped into one. This one is really worth renting or adding to your personal video collection. Robert De Niro, Bill Murray, Uma Thurman, and David Caruso provide superb performances. The story is hard to pin down, but it seems to really be about friendship, love, and unspoken desire of all men to become brave heroes. You will need to watch this one a couple of times before you can figure out what happens. Does the main character overcome the villain, or is the villain purposely providing the means to make the main character's dreams come true out of friendship? You will have to be the judge.
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Hombre (1967)
A Superb Western
7 December 1998
Hombre is a special film which ought to be owned by all Western Lovers! Set in the 1880's Southwest, Hombre is a film that is focused on the exploitation and racism experienced by the Apache shortly after they submit to reservation life.

Paul Newman portrays a fascinating character named John Russell. As a half-breed Apache, Russell serves as a White-looking member of the reservation police. He is a quiet yet intelligent man. Although he is generally a calm and considerate individual, Russell lashes out at enemies of the Apache with severe mercilessness. He is a strong and brave man who will not hesitate to initiate violence if he feels the need. Nevertheless, Russell wants a peaceful life and he wants to experience love. A difficult combination for the harsh environment of the Old West!

An unexpected legacy puts Russell on a stagecoach journey with White Americans including the crooked Reservation Agent and his wife. When his relationship to the Apache is discovered, he is shunned by most of the travellers. When they experience trouble, however, the travellers depend on Russell as a leader for their survival. Russell experiences both love and hate for the travellers, and demonstrates that the greatest act of heroism is self-sacrifice. As a Western, this film is a 10!
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A better than average Western
6 December 1998
This is one of those films that lovers of the Western genre ought to rent on video. They will discover a treasure of the past that is well worth a watch. Like most Westerns, this film is set in the 1870s American southwest. The story of vengence is common in Western films, and this particular tale is extremely brutal. The post civil war Southwest was a violent place full of vigilantism and crime. Men of the West with morals and a sense of social responsibility always served as easy prey for bushwackers.

The Deadly Trackers is focused on two men who share an over-developed sense of justice. They are both sheriffs, and they both embraced the importance of the law. One of the sheriffs loses his family, however, and his ideals die with them. The best part of this film is the relationship that builds between the two sheriffs as they hunt a small band of bushwackers. Richard Harris's character is the embittered sheriff bent on vengence. His character sinks into being as cruel and violent as the men he hunts. The Mexican sheriff, who lacks personal loss, maintains an ideal sense of keeping law and order. In the end, Harris's character regains his values for upholding the law only to see justice slip out of his grasp. The Mexican sheriff remains constant in his efforts to enforce the law only to provide for a lack of justice. The result is a dark tale about the nature of mankind on the frontier.
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