
3 Reviews
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Wow! What a movie...
27 March 2003
I saw this movie while staying in a hotel in Singapore recently (although it was called 'A Touch of Fate') and I really enjoyed it. I don't usually write about films much, but there was a special 'something' in this film that made me want to write. To put it simply, Chester Story just has class written all over it.

The film brings the lives of two people together (one is Teri Hatcher) through a car accident. They both deal with the tragedy, and in the midst of all that's going on around them, find true love.

I guess what really captured me with this film is the style. It has a nice steady flow, as the lives of the characters are unraveled. The film was obviously filmed in North Carolina - where I grew up. It was a nice treat when travelling to somewhere such as Singapore to be able to see a film shot where you grew up! It really is beautifully shot!

The cast was great, Teri Hatcher is hot as always, and she shows more depth than I've never seen in her performances before.

When this film is available on DVD in the US I know I will buy it, and I urge all others to see it too. It's a great film to kick back and watch, for anyone. After all, we all have a heart. The Chester Story... a special story!
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Teri Hatcher is the films only chance for people liking it.
21 December 1998
This film lacked pace and the only thing that will draw viewers is the numerous scenes in which Teri Hatcher appears.
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Exceptional performances by gifted actors.
21 December 1998
This film only grossed $13m at the box office and I don't see why.All the actors performances were exceptional (in particular Teri Hatcher and Jeff Daniels) and the story worked well. The film gave the audience action, comedy and drama that made ' 2 days' a must-see film that has achieved rave reviews by the media. 9/10.
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