
3 Reviews
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Blood Reaper (2004 Video)
Well, it was MADE
15 November 2003
I agree with Joe Bob Briggs that while there are literally THOUSANDS of these things actully finished, much less were actully released in some way, it's still incredible that money was raised on a premise like BLOOD REAPER (I defy you to remember that title) and put out for those to see (currently, as of this writing, at midnight in some movie houses here - rented by the producers). About the most cliche of stalker notions (camp, teenagers, woods, killer who is "unknown", those wandering out muttering "Hey - anybody there", you know the drill, a surrated knife actully lovingly rendered on the one-sheet, and a "Featuring Brinke Stevens" who is hardly in the film for bait to suckers willing to part with money to buy a ticket or DVD)are on hand for not-a-short-enough 90 minutes to appeal to absolutely nobody, for it is done sans humor, tension,or even a weird take on something-or-other for some spice. Just a dreadful movie-going experience; doubly depressing for those whose films are lingering in local film fests and bad distributors. It DOES show, however, that even in Hollywood, empty halls are there to rent, and who knows? You might make a buck or two towards your NEXT epic. A thought.
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5 November 2003
Absolutely superior 3D photography, possibly the best from that short-lived gimmick (saw it slack-jawed at a recent 3D Festival here in Los Angeles). Very clever and simple effects from yoeman director Gordon Douglas, who handily uses his B-movie angles to great effect in this little saga, with a flawless Guy Madison and Frank Lovejoy very, very good in their parts as rogue officers leading a ragtag band (a'la THE DIRTY DOZEN) to find (a'la THE SEARCHERS)a woman kidnapped (not exactly against her will) by Indians (the added twist: an incredibly evil performance by a likewise kidnapped sister, Vera Miles, looking like she just graduated from high school, who stops at nothing to halt the progress of Our Guys. Two stand-out scenes, even in 2D, is Lovejoy spitting INTO the camera to rid himself of a deadly snake (sounding a lot like Mel Blanc hawking up), and the first use of the infamous "Wilhelm Scream" - since used in literally hundreds of films (and actully re-mastered by Ben Buritt for LucasFilms' use - you can hear it much like that strange "oh-oh" titter in old situation comedy tracks - in all Warner Bros. films from this movie on, as well as RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK. Listen for it (in CHARGE AT FEATHER RIVER it comes right after the inevitable "You OK, Wilhelm?" before he's ZAPPED by an arrow in the chest - one of many thrown at the audience in the film's compact running time).
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Any down time here?
4 November 2003
In general, this is as entertaining a Sherlock Holmes/Rathbone/Bruce film as one could want, with terrific villians (Zucco, Daniell, et al)and the very visual plot (Roy William Neill was quite a fine B movie director) - butr in specific, having just watched the DVD sans commercials and annoying excuses to make a sandwich, it points up the big strength of the series of Rathbone/Bruce films: speed. There is absolutely no sense of either Holmes or Watson resting once they are put on the case, the nature of the screenplays being one of investigation with Holmes - from location to location. Here, they go to a murdered British agent' s home after hired by the government, almost get killed, board a plane, yak about baseball on route to America, get to Washington, investigate, have some banter in their hotel about Americans and Brits, dash to another murder, spend the night at a FBI lab, go to a clue they find - walking montage no less - get in hot water, save the day, and are whisked back home again. The breakneck serial-type plots are neatly joined in with the breezy style of Neill - dare I think Holmes could be "on the needle" still....and sharing it with Watson? Not so elementary, I think.
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