
10 Reviews
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The Mangler 2 (2002 Video)
unwatchable...except for...
15 June 2004
the only positive element is the young lady in the bikini top...

and what makes the film even worse is the audio commentary from the director, producer and actor...usually audio commentaries can be entertaining when the filmmakers hold their egos in check but not this one...self-congrats don't work...other filmmakers please learn from these yokels from the great white north...

truly incompetent filmmaking skills on display here...that's two truly bad films for Lance H. made in Canada (the other is 'Sasquatch')...maybe he will learn his lesson...
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a horror film for those tired of all the rest...
3 May 2004
"DIABLO" is a fun flick with many layers and a story that pays homage to comic books.

From the "Dune" inspired opening animation to the quick pace...this film keeps the eye moving and works so well that repeat viewing is not unexpected.

The acting is also a strong aspect of the film. It is nice to see non-stereotypes to tell a story with Mexican origins.

Don't forget to listen to the filmmaker's commentary track...the director (Napton) and DP (Fredericks) make it a fun listen with behind the scene stories and exact explanation for production techniques.
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Compadres (2003 Video)
a smart, complex flick...without stereotypes...
7 December 2003
hats off to the director for taking the straight-to-video "latino" genre and adding an intriguing story-line...

there are so many little quirks to the characters and story that you may want to watch it again and try to find them...

the people behind the scenes are making the film for the audience...i liked the use of the handheld style and each shot seemed to naturally lead to another without being obvious...
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Wrong Casa (2003 Video)
sure to become a cult classic...
1 December 2003
"Wrong Casa" is a little film that will be considered a cult classic in some aims to poke fun at the "latino-gangster" straight-to-video genre that fills the walls of Blockbuster and Hollywood Video.

Never to be taken seriously by the filmmakers, read between the lines on this one and you will have a great time...
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Robot Stories (2003)
an enjoyable trip...
28 September 2003
this feature film of 4 short films was a lot of fun and very watchable. the direction and pacing of all four shorts were excellent and I never once looked at my watch during the film.

when this film comes to your town, i highly recommend that you check it out.
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The Tuxedo (2002)
This movie stinks...
27 September 2002
"The Tuxedo" proves that script and directing are key to a watchable film. Even worse are the Toronto locations doubling for New York. Looks like the production saved movie but should have spent it on better actors, cinematography, production values, etc. The opening scene instantly screams that this is not in New York. It is sad...

Chan needs to really read these scripts. His acting is horrid, especially the wrap-around with the girl in the art gallery...puke...And what's with every car having a license plate with no state on it...was the production too cheap to get fake New York plates...these filmmakers should take note that it is the little details that take the audience out of the story.
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Everyone makes mistakes...!
16 September 2002
My mistake was actually inviting a friend to see this film. I was so embarrased that I wanted to leave after only 30 minutes. This has got to be the worst film of the year. The main source of problems comes from the script and you can tell that from the opening scene in the boardwalk coffee shop. And what's with calling the main bad guy Snake and another bad guy Spyder...? This reeked of first-time filmmaker/film-school reject.

We actually watched the whole film and got to witness a truly mediocre performance by DeNiro. Especially his ending breakdown/crying scene in the wharehouse...where's the director to guide the actor. Once again Franchise proves again that they can make a terrible film in just about any country and with any filmmaker. At least this junk was made in the US and brought money to the New York economy.
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It should not hurt your eyes to watch a movie...!
17 October 2001
The leads are the best part of this "film." There is potential in their performances and hopefully they can find work in more films with better material.

But the biggest distraction of the movie is that it is shot on mini-DV (digital video). When projected (I saw a 35mm blow-up) 95% of the shots were out of focus...hence I was constantly rubbing my eyes. It should not hurt to watch a movie. And at a reported production budget of $70,000.00 and shooting schedule of 4'd think if the filmmakers were smart enough, they could have shot on film (16mm or 35mm).

Plus the "film" went on about 15 minutes too long...this is a grade-z "KIDS."
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Ed Gein (2000)
Somewhat watchable and funny...
10 May 2001
The one positive thing I got out of this movie is that it gives hope to other "low-budget horror" films that a U.S. theatrical release is possible. While the cinematography is decent, shot composition and direction are by the book...meaning nothing here is pushing the envelope.

Acting quality by the entire cast is probably the biggest thing holding this film back...but don't put total blame on the cast, there was a director on this set...right?

Production and set design is too clean...take a cue from the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre...a more realistic look would have really helped this film. Matinee prices only on this one please...!
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Jack-O (1995)
Don't let the video box cover fool you.
7 October 1998
I hope this group of film-makers never re-unites.
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