
2 Reviews
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Starry Night (1999)
Nice concept, terrible execution
26 October 2000
The liner notes are intriguing in describing the absurdity in the contrast between Van Gogh's utter failure as a commercial painter in his lifetime, and the incredible prices his paintings fetch in the 80s-90s. HOWEVER, this is the worst acting in a feature movie that I have ever seen. Vincent's accent goes from Dutch to Irish to Scottish all in the space of one monologue. Most of the other actors say their lines like they are making speeches for the hard of hearing. Their facial expressions are over the top. It would be funny if this were being played for campiness. The story jumps around without any apparent reason. This is the first movie out of hundreds that I have seen that I turned off the video.
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This is one of the great romantic films of all time!
6 August 2000
See the subtitled version if you can. Lelouch weaves a wonderful, comic and tragic story covering most of the 20th century Europe. Within this global sweep, he traces the path of two people who are destined to meet. You see events from their grandparents' and parents' lives and then from their separate childhoods.
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