
7 Reviews
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Whale Rider (2002)
A young girl lives ancient heritage in modern way. A coastal town in New Zeland sets the stage for a young girl, considered a mistake by her grandfather, to save her heritage and proove that a girl can be a
13 August 2003
A whale of a story regarding the collision of old and modern, artfully played by young phenomenal actress. I have not cried at a movie in so long. But I was choking on tears over this amazing story about the meshing of old and new traditions to save a rich but dying culture. I was mesmirized by the young actress who took my breath away with each scene she was in. Her young face displayed more emotions than a weathered older person who had dealt with much in their lives. I felt her tears and understood her emotions so much! What a wonderful movie that gives us a glimpse of a culture that I have never even heard of! I loved it and highly recommend it to people of all ages - even the young ones!
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soundtrack adds to decent plot
2 July 2003
As an american idol and kelly clarkson fan, i was looking forward to this movie coming out. i went into expecting little, but hoping to showcase kelly clarkson's talent. and thats what i got. kelly's voice fills in the holes and logical conclusions in the plot. and kelly and justin's duets are catchy and decent. enjoyed the film for what it was: a summer movie for junior high school kids of all ages.
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vivid introspection
15 April 1999
This movie is denoting the typical asian american stereotypes, and showing the emotion and history of asian history. It's important to watch this film in order to see what it's like to try to identify with a culture. And the role the past has with dealing with the present and the future. this was a great movie, incendary at best. watch and you'll understand. The director also did a fine job at showing the turmoil within the angst filled teen and her mother and its manifestation.
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Insightful, and Truthful=great movie
19 March 1999
This movie was all too real. People get burned bigtime, and there are two categories of people, the winners and losers. It's sad that this reality exists. This movie portrays the deceit and humiliation that occurs in separating the winners from the losers. It also says something about how intrinsic love and affection is. We crave for it in almost desperate ways. So desperate that we do strange things, issues of power and other dimensions of life are also brought to light. The acting was decent, and the dialogue was great. Men can be cruel, we already know this. Women can be too...But to see what happens in the reality of male watch this movie.
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Superbly Acted, Great Film
18 March 1999
There was something about this 90 minute film that made it seem much more longer. But that was okay - that's what it is like to spend holidays with family. This movie portrays family life well - and the dysfunctionality at its finest. there is so much to the subtle glances and gestures between the family members that you know there is something going on. There are no surprises, there are no real screaming matches, there is however a coldness and a need to just levae things as they are without hope and reconciliation, cause maybe it's just not worth fighting for. This movie shows it well. The greatest thing about this movie is the acting. It is superb! the family fits nicely togther and each actor plays their character well. You have the kid sister, the overbearing father, the bitter older sister, the withdrawn older brother and the successful younger brother, and the mother who unites them all. they all come togther to create subtle tension and a great film!!
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Honestly Funny
5 December 1998
OK - I agree Jennifer's accents were not that funny. But she did a convincing job as the friend who is in reality. She contrasts and complements the lead. now ione (i think thats her name )she plays Frankie - sometimes recites her lines perfectly, other times she strains to get them out w/o making it seem forced. but her positives outweigh the negatives, and when she needs to be on target she is. The guys were outstanding, though BJ was too gay. Roberto was played brillantly, i'm glad the guy has gotten past union square. but the award if i had one should be given to Mackenzie Astin, who was fabulous as David. He was just simply outstanding doing everything right! Good movie - got a different view of love - from the quirky side. it was fun, and gave hope to all that the perfect guy is out there.
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Critics go home
2 December 1998
I too am annoyed by all the critcis. They do not know a good movie when they see one. I went into this movie with no prior knowledge about the little rift between the director, the lead or the production company. And I really do not care too much about what the problem was. This movie was brilliant, beautifully directed, and casted. Ed Norton soared as the lead, his contrasting attitudes were played well (and he looked incredible). Ed Furlong was excellent as a teen with some issues. He was mature and realistic. Avery was great as the saivor. The rest of the characters were just as good. The plot was excellent, and the ending was so powerful that I actually shed tears. (This from the girl who did not cry during Titanic). I've recommended this movie to many, and when they come back they call me to say thanks for such a great movie. People should see this movie, and the bitter fight going on behind the scenes should stay there. The highlight of this movie is the direction, , which leaves me wondering why it was such a big deal. Bottom Line: See it, it has all the elements of a great film. Ed Norton and the director should be nominated for something!!!
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