The Adventures of Açela (2020) Poster

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More boring than watching paint dry
MrPaull03242 September 2024
After seeing Double Toasted review this, I let my morbid curiosity get the best of me and decided to check it out. Not only is this very poorly made but yawn inducingly boring.

The graphics look woefully bad and out of date like they came from a video game engine created about twenty years prior. There are obviously copied and pasted objects everywhere such as pine trees, bushes, and animals. The animation is extremely limited and sluggish, the lip syncing is horrible, and the camera and characters frequently clip through the trees and plants.

The character models look as crummy and outdated as the scenery. Acela and the kids in particular look downright creepy with their oversized heads and bulging, unblinking eyes that are set too far apart. Acela even seemed like a killer doll in a horror movie whenever she giggled! Kids would have been scared of this.

The story is completely dull and slow-paced. Half the movie consists of the characters just going on long boring walks at a snail's pace with no music and little to no ambient sound. Other times, they just stumble around aimlessly like they're on drugs.

The voice acting is totally stale sounding, as if the so-called actors are half-asleep or simply don't want to be there. The dialogue is awkward and repetitive sounding, especially the kids dialogue.

The only highlight was the alien with his admittingly good dance moves. That's the only reason I gave this 2 stars instead of 1. Other than that, there's no other redeeming qualities here at all.

This was as bad as "The Asylums" worst animated films. So, for God's sake, don't let your kids watch this unless you want to lobotomize them and yourselves, because I could only bear to watch about twenty minutes of it before I felt my brain cells begin to die from how shoddy and boring it was.
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Makes me laugh. So much humor
hassanrsrouji23 August 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Having fun today? Well! Why not go and watch this HILARIOUS top notch quality? There's literally a frog dancing! INCLUDING a monster dancing too! You're gonna die out of bor- ERR.. laughter!!

Jokes aside, my sibling kept on BEGGING me to remove this piece of garbage. HOURS of walking! WORST effects!! TRASH voice actors!!! NOTHING moral of the story!!!! ROCKS falling!!!!!

Oh yeah and a century year old looking "tale teller" telling you a 15 minute long tale about a sultan lira thingy. Let those children go to school instead of going on an adventure to a tale teller. Who knew you can heal by breathing a flower?? I sure didn't.

Let those children also go to the gym instead of them using magic just to pick up a flower. Oh yeah, and a frog dancing.

Did I say that before?? And a monster girl dancing like an autistic child getting popular in TikTok.

Fun, no?
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msanders-5435225 June 2020
Listen, there is no rhyme or reason to this film. It was hilarious but I couldn't understand what was happening. Great deal of questions left unanswered. The dancing was top notch. Must see for everyone.
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Laughably terrible!!
paranarna8 August 2020
Terrible story, terrible animation, generally terrible... I've seen better animation on nursery rhyme YouTube videos.
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This movie should be destroyed!
panicmose17 November 2021
This movie is TERRIBLE! I don't know why others found it to be worth anything over one star, but they must not have watched it. It has horrible graphics (like it was created using a computer from the 90s), a weird story, creepy animation, everything moves dreadfully slow, and the voice acting is godawful. I can appreciate oddly made films, but this was trash.
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Oh my God! This destroyed my braincells one by one at super-sonic speeds.
mateosamaniegovarela5 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Absolutely horrible in every single way imaginable. I can't believe how incredibly bad it is in animation, voice acting, dialouge, story. I was expecting something so bad that it was gonna make me laugh extremely hard, but what I got is something that broke me and made me want to stop existing. The only """"good"""" part of this monstruosity was when this weird alien or whatever that thing is comes out of the absolute nowhere and starts randomly dancing, that was hilarous. The worst part in the other hand, was the ending, when these kids are told a story with no visuals at all by this old man for 12 MINUTES. It completely destroyed my mind and it is impossible that someone gave this a 10/10 unironically.
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How did this get 5.5
3tothe1tothe1tothe324 June 2021
It's a ridiculous and absurd train wreck that nobody should pay for.
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I would kiss the person who made this movie
Nathnox15 November 2020
This kina reminds me of err uhm when i err uhm lemme think when i went to the butterly house when i was 7. actually i think i was 8 sorry. i like th e movement + sounds
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This movie is garbage.
steelcrow17 April 2022
There is no other way to put it, this movie is an utter flaming pile of garbage.

The quality of this animation is so bad that mickey mouse first cartoon from back in the 1960s with black and white looks much better than this terrible 2020 cheap terrible movie.

The Story, Voice Acting, Editing, Animation are all terribly made. The story is so incredibly boring and unfulfilling. A story about my pet rock would be more interesting.

It is so incredibly boring and is mostly walking with the occasional dancing. Sorry -- CONSTANT -- Dancing.

It makes no sense and goes from scene to scene like a stinking slideshow, the voices don't match animations and the story is so bad a ten year old could come up with something more interesting.

This movie encourages kids to go looking for old men in forests (This is not a joke this is literally something in the movie)

This movie also teaches kids that all of their problems get fixed just as they appear. (OH NO ROCKS ARE FALLING ON US) well no worries they are gone now.

PURCHASE some other movie, not this flaming pile of dog poo garbage..

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Truly frightening film
A horror film for the ages, you cannot be prepare for this. This is a masterclass of horror, within 70 minutes they were able to conveys horrors beyond your imagination.

Watch this, but thou has been warned of ze nightmares ahead!!

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There is a very meaningful message
musaerder21 April 2020
What a great movie this was! It has been some time since I felt so excited while watching a movie. It is simply great.There is a meaningful message.
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Taleteller Old man!
georgenlee197223 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
How could this have been made in 2020? 5 stars is enough just for the unintended humour of it. Loooonnngg walks, dancing alien nutjob and odd troll type woman. Its like an extended Tim and Eric animation. Please leave your brain in the kitchen when watching.
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Great for kids
Nusela20 April 2020
The subject of this movie is really great, the message is beautiful. Great for kids.
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I got a very nice message
bakimcilt20 April 2020
My kids, 6 and 7 year old girls, enjoy the movie. I enjoyed the message it was very nice
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I like it very much, tastes may differ
muziktv9 December 2020
The plot of the movie impressed me. Besides, there is no violence in the movie and it has a very good subject. I think he criticizes capitalism, emphasizes educational equality ...
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Beautiful child movie
kishomemusic21 April 2020
We watched a very interesting and beautiful movie as a family.
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Nice movie for kids
ccampweb20 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I watched with my kids, it has a really nice and simple expression. The movie does not tire you.
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Very nice very nice
talumasalari2 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Very nice very nice........Breathtaking, inspiring.......................................,,,,..........!!
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bernadeniz-6708430 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I recommend this film to everyone and everyone.A great production and well worth watching.
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Hot, Fun Beautiful Movie
hdvideo121 April 2020
Hot, funny, and also, there are nice messages.It was very nice, kids loved it.
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The story is good in this movie
gitarser21 April 2020
The child and I prefer the original. The story is so beautiful in this movie, we liked it.
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Very good.
denizlicelikyapi2 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I like it so much....very good...I hope you will like......
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I watched without getting bored
haritedecer9 December 2020
Most people like it, but most people don't.I liked it and watched . Loving it or not depends entirely on the point of view. It was just fine ...
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I loved this movie
hasanakoser7 May 2021
The adventures of açela. I recommend it to those who want to watch a calm and beautiful movie that I watch with pleasure.
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I really like
musadenizerler7 May 2021
I recommend this movie to anyone who wants to watch.
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