Shoelaces for Christmas (TV Movie 2018) Poster

(2018 TV Movie)

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Love and family
TheLittleSongbird18 May 2021
Hopes actually were not low for 'Shoelaces for Christmas'. The title is not the most inspired or interesting of ones, it also doesn't really match the plot synopsis and turned out to be misleading. Have made no secret about being a big fan of Christmas and have liked and loved many Christmas films and specials. Really liked the idea of the story too, with a deep and serious theme that sounded like with the right execution 'Shoelaces for Christmas' would be a moving film.

It did thankfully turn out to be that. 'Shoelaces for Christmas' didn't strike me as a great film and is less than perfect. There are though a lot of great things about it, its good intentions are worthy of admiration and a less than easy topic is handled sensitively. It is deeper and more serious than most Christmas films seen in the few years and is a welcome departure from the more of the same basic formula that Hallmark and Lifetime films (of which 'Shoelaces for Christmas' is neither) adopt.

'Shoelaces for Christmas' succeeds in many areas. It looks good, simply but never cheaply shot and the scenery is lovely on the eyes. The music avoids being too constant or over-scored and captures the essence of Christmas quite well. The direction lets the drama breathe while not letting it get sluggish. The beginning is absolutely beautiful.

The acting is very good, with movingly dignified turns from Yolanda Stanger and Ivey Lloyd Mitchell in roles that could have been too sentimental but actually the two most relatable ones. While not caring for Jennifer for too much of the film's duiration, Mia Topalian's performance is game and quite spirited. The script is well meaning and thoughtful, mostly not being mawkish and it flows well. The story is not over-deliberate and is genuinely moving, the family dynamic is sensitively done and worth investing in and most of the characters are ones worth caring about.

By all means 'Shoelaces for Christmas' isn't perfect. Did feel that the ending was slightly too pat and could have slowed down in pace and there are moments where the sentiment is slightly overdone. Others have mentioned the unrealistic chemotherapy look.

My biggest issues concerned the character writing and development for Jennifer. Did not find her a character worth rooting for, with the film committing two of my biggest bugbears with character writing, exaggerating character flaws and out of nowhere character changes. Her self-absorbed and selfish trait to her personality is overwritten and Jennifer agreed never grows or progresses enough for any changes of heart to be believable. The change was too out of nowhere and felt too tacked on and convenient.

Overall though, this was good. 7/10.
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Cute story, could have been better
santababyinc16 December 2018
While the idea of a simple gift could have made a wonderful plot line, either the director or the screenwriter(s) dropped the ball on this one. The main character was plunged too quickly from horrible selfish girl to loving girl, there is no real transition - it was too forced. After noticing that it was written by two guys, that explains a lot as there was no real sense of the depth in the lead character.
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It's not about "Community"
bpolhemus23 December 2019
It's about "the one." The thing that concerns me about this modern obsession with "doing things for the community" is that it has, historically, been used as an excuse for more oppression.

The Marxists thought - think - that people are a "herd" that needs to be managed by their superiors, the elites. They used "community" as an excuse to oppress the individual (see Ayn Rand's "Anthem").

This movie isn't about "serving the community," it's about people helping people, individually, not collectively.

The current politicians' emphasis on taking things from "the rich" to help "the community" is just the same Marxist horror starting up all over again.

If you want to put the ideals exempted by this movie into action, find someONE to serve.
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Sweet movie, some nice things, and some unrealistic things.
sheldonlinda24 December 2018
The film had much too quick of an arc for the main character, and the chemotherapy of the mom is hardly presented realistically, but other than that some nice things. I love love love love the opening. Nice images. Beautiful images. This is a nice family movie with some very nice messages. The spirit is extremely strong.

Like with most movies the arc of the main character was too good to be true and happened much too quickly. Two visits to the homeless shelter and she is suddenly cured of her selfishness. I would have been more realistic to have the movie begin at the end of the previous school year and have a montage show her work at the homeless shelter over the course of the summer. I also thought that it was unrealistic that her dad was expecting her to work every day at the homeless shelter, help with housework, and do her regular school work and activities. It is why it would have made more sense to show Jennifer putting her whole heart into the homeless shelter over the summer and not have it possibly be affecting her school work. It is also hard to imagine a character that has been so "clueless" of her mother's illness. However, when my mom was ill with cancer and undergoing chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation I was pretty inattentive. Unlike me however the character does come around - albeit unrealistically.

Hair and makeup people - how does the mom who has just completed chemotherapy have obviously. long hair???!! Granted, some lucky few don't lose their hair - but if that is the case then why is the mom wearing a hat - the kind of hat that many use during and after chemo to cover a hairless scalp or hair just beginning to grow back scalp???!!! You did do a fair job of making her look pale. If you were going for true realism eyebrows and eyelashes would be also lacking. Film wise that is understandable, but please if she has just had chemo then HIDE the actress's hair under the cap rather than showing half of it!!!!

The movie has a strong spirit and makes you feel good. I loved Yolanda Stanger in the role of the homeless shelter director. The movie made me want to be best friends with both the character and the actress. I'm curious though why that in her other films that she is listed as Yolanda Wood. I could tell that she looked familiar and had to look for her. Ivey Lloyd Mitchell does an amazing job as Charlotte the mother of the young homeless girl, and her I assume real daughter Summer does very well in the role of the young girl Chloe. Ivey has done precious little film since her amazing job as a young teen portraying Bonnie in the 1993 family film "Rigoletto." I hope that we will now see more of her.

If you want a feel good Christmas movie with the romance only as a sub theme and service as the main theme - although somewhat unrealistic - please don't miss this film!
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Noose For Christmas
adamjohns-4257521 February 2021
Despite the fact that the usually gorgeous Bailey Chase was in this one, I couldn't watch it to the end or for that matter more than fifteen minutes. The depressing direction in which it was going, with what was going to be a very moral message I'm sure, was not the way I wanted to go today and I don't generally like being made miserable at the best of times.

Sadly, the close ups and unfiltered Bailey did not do him justice either. They must have spent the make-up budget on the evil and plastic teenagers.

I can't score it, because I didn't finish it.
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It's a bad film
javierwinstondiaz18 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Obviously this isn't high budget so it's not fair to judge it as if it was but even taking that into account this is just not a good film. The main character is ok but goddamn the Dad is downright emotionally abusive, and the mum is just one dimensional cancer victim. Having lost my own mother to cancer I can tell you her/my experience was nothing like this.

There's a love interest, and a little brother, and they are sadly one dimensional... There's also a comedy character with the maddest name ever. Seriously this lad is called "Vinegar Ben Cum Sock" - like the hell? How is that appropriate? And this is a Christian movie?!

Anyway the main character learns the meaning of being a better person by helping out a little homeless girl yada yada yada. Don't waste your time.
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A Blessing in disguise.
ok4me2you24 July 2021
This is one of those feel good movies that's a tear-jerker and plays with your emotions. Expect to be moved.

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Chemo - really?
sheldonlinda18 December 2019
"Shoelaces for Christmas" - Those undergoing chemo usually lose their hair, the very very lucky ones do not, but you either do or you don't. Those who have lost their hair will either wear a wig or a head scarf/ turban to cover their bald heads (although it is becoming more and more the trend just to go bald.) Those who were lucky and kept their hair have no need of either. The mom in the film is wearing a turban up with hair clearly underneath and with long strands coming out in front. I know absolutely zero about hair and make up, but I even know that the actress's hair should have been plastered close to her head with a bald cap or at the very least with massive amounts of gel to give the illusion of being bald underneath her turban, and in no way shape or form should have long strands of hair coming out of the front of it! :((( Argghh!!! Just arghhh!!! What a way to distract in a non-professional way from an otherwise very heartwarming movie.


Dec. 6, 2021 Monday

11:10 a.m.

"Shoelaces for Christmas" is on.

Ask me how badly that this movie drives me crazy and all of the things wrong with it?!!! Sorry Scout. You do great! Sorry Yolanda. I also loved you. Good to see what's her name (and her daughter in real life) who we haven't seen since she was a teen.

* Someone going through chemo doesn't have strands of hair falling out of their scarf. If you are going through chemo and have a scarf on it is bec. YOU ARE BALD - THERE WOULD BE NO STRANDS OF HAIR!!!!

* Or look so healthy.

* Too quick of an arc. Maybe I am cynical that people don't change.

* Her volunteering should have happened during summer break. The dad is asking her to get her grades up, help with the housework, help with her brother, AND go do this big time consuming emotional volunteer project, not to mention be a teenager and be there for her mom?????!!!!!!
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Community matters, whoever you are.
SunnyDaise21 December 2019
It's a good movie for any age. We all need a wake-up call sometimes. Gotta get all kids community-centric while they're young and the world will be a better place. Can't blame them if we don't give them the right opportunities & encouragement soon enough. Lots of people have complained about the supposedly 'unrealistic' chemo hair-loss, but the mom hasn't been on it long, so I wouldn't expect her to be bald yet. I like that she started to get more confident and show some hair. Hairloss is tough but you gotta deal with it in your own way/time, like many things. I'm new to ByuTV - totally looking forward to more.
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Excellent 90 Minutes
athompsonblue18 July 2021
It's an uplifting Christmas movie, with establishing shots in Salt Lake City. I highly recommend it!
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Nice message!
deedeeanderson30 June 2021
My kid cousins and I watched this together and I liked the message about the true meaning of Christmas.
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Beautiful movie
chibi-416-70059924 November 2021
This was such a beautiful movie and it made me cry a couple of times.

It's one of the best Christmas movies I have seen in a while.

I had no big hopes for it but it really changed my mind during the movie because it was so good and so much feelings all over the movie.
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Just a Spoonful of Saccharin Helps the Movie Medicine Go Down
gasket3605 January 2022
Good message. Unfortunately those who are probably in the greatest need of seeing something like this wouldn't be watching it anyway unless it was a movie reward night at a boot camp for brats in Utah's boondocks.

And then.... Whoever did makeup and continuity of story line was devastatingly clueless about the ravages of chemo. The hair, the complexion--the father figure looked as though HE was the one dealing with cancer. Utterly dreadful inattention to detail insofar as makeup.

In terms of the daughter's selfish/narcissistic traits, it would be easy to cover up illnesses when texting seems to be the preferred manner of family communication, even if the person is in the next room or at the opposite end of the sofa.

The message? Serve others. Empty ourselves of self, give something from the heart to/with others, and the importance of sharing regardless of the season. The novel and its cinematic realization is weak in many areas, but the sentiment rises above the mediocrity and how it is presented.
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Uplifting; something for everyone.
JBThackery28 July 2022
Balanced story all the way through. Plot and characters develope evenly and naturally. The story shows ways that confused, aimless, selfish persons can realistically find themselves and reach social worth and fulfillment, while also strengthening a family.
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Better than I expected
iamvirtue5 December 2022
At first I was not sure I was going to like this movie and was surprised it was a BYUTV offering. I don't like movies with mean girls. I try to avoid them whenever possible. But, after that the heartbreaking scene where Jennifer has to come to grips with her mother's illness, the story slowly and tenderly turned around.

Jennifer begins to change. And an adorable young girl is one of the reasons. And the unexpected, quiet climax is why we learn shoelaces are in the title of the movie. Beautiful.

It was also great to see Utah play Utah. The scenery in the mountains were absolutely gorgeous.

It was also great to learn what really happens with the trip to Paris.

Well done, everyone who made the sweet Christmas movie!
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Good Story, Terrific Acting!
mkorry18 October 2023
Heartwarming story with a group of characters that you really care about. What I found the best part of the movie to be was the actors. All of them. And they had to have had a good director to work with as well. Some of the actors I've briefly seen before in small films, Lifetime movies, etc. In this, they were all a revelation. Again, they were all terrific but. Mia Topalian as the main character. And Jessica Morris as her mother Jan were both outstanding. In fact, Morris was a revelation in an understated performance. It shows how many fine actors are in Hollywood but they just need a project like this small, nicely done film, to really shine. If you're expecting a Hallmark or a Lifetime Christmas movie, this may not be your cup of tea, but it was obviously done with love and caring and does show what Christmas should really be about. I'm going to keep an eye out for other films these actors appear in. Some very minor quibbles - it's obviously a lower budget piece - just not enough kids in the High School or on the streets in general. But that's really not important. At a time when digital f/x is king and story (and, too often, acting) takes a back seat, a film like this was just the perfect film for me to watch. I didn't give it ten stars de to some production values but it's still a wonderful film, very powerful in places. One I really recommend.
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