"NCIS: New Orleans" Pound of Flesh (TV Episode 2018) Poster

(TV Series)


Necar Zadegan: Special Agent Hannah Khoury


  • Hannah Khoury : I think our best bet is Vodun.

    Tammy Gregorio : What?

    Hannah Khoury : Voodoo.

    Tammy Gregorio : Ugh. It really is Halloween, isn't it?

    Hannah Khoury : Vodun is considerably more peaceful than pop culture would have us believe.

    Tammy Gregorio : There's nothing peaceful about human sacrifice.

    Hannah Khoury : Yeah, well, if that's what happened here. We need to consult a local practitioner. Either of you know any?

  • Ginny Young : I never saw his face.

    Hannah Khoury : That's okay. Just tell us what you do remember.

    Dwayne Pride : This is Agent Khoury. Hannah.

    Hannah Khoury : Hi, Ginny.

    Ginny Young : I met up with a... couple of friends after work on Friday. We wanted to hear some music, have some drinks.

    Hannah Khoury : Where?

    Ginny Young : Uh... the Bacchanal. We were... all dancing, feeling great. Then all of a sudden, I-I felt sick. The room was spinning. I-I only had one drink.

    Hannah Khoury : Suspect may have spiked it.

  • Ginny Young : I know that I should have kept an eye on my drink, shouldn't have left alone. I know the things that I'm supposed to do.

    Dwayne Pride : Ginny, it's okay.

    Ginny Young : I should have called a car. I just felt so bad that I... started walking. I thought the fresh air would help.

    Hannah Khoury : And what direction did you walk?

    Ginny Young : I don't know. Next thing I remember is waking up in that house. Hanging there, alone in the dark.

  • Dwayne Pride : Tell us what you saw after you escaped.

    Ginny Young : There were, um, houses everywhere. But no one was there. They were all abandoned. Like a nightmare.

    Hannah Khoury : Did you see any street signs, visual landmarks?

    Ginny Young : I can't remember. Maybe if you take me out, drive me around, I'll see something I recognize. We can go now.

    Dwayne Pride : No. You need to stay here and let the doctors take care of you. We can handle the rest right now.

    Ginny Young : I can't sit here and do nothing. He's still out there. He could hurt somebody else. You said that you needed my help. I am willing to do whatever it takes. Just like you, Special Agent Pride.

  • Hannah Khoury : State police picked her up wandering on the side of the road. She was abducted by a single male suspect. He held her captive.

    Dwayne Pride : Assault?

    Hannah Khoury : She's pretty banged up. Fortunately, the rape kit results were negative.

    Dwayne Pride : What else does she remember?

    Hannah Khoury : I don't know yet. She said she wanted to talk to you first.

  • Hannah Khoury : Pride, we just cleared every house on the street where Lightell's car was parked. We got nothing.

    Dwayne Pride : Doesn't mean he's not hiding here somewhere.

    Hannah Khoury : Okay, we'll expand our search grid, keep going until we find something. Any luck with Ginny?

    Dwayne Pride : Not yet. But keep monitoring our position in case that changes.

  • Hannah Khoury : Wade thinks Lightell's been dead for at least 48 hours.

    Sebastian Lund : All right, well, that clears him of the kidnapping. He was a victim, too, at least in this case.

    Tammy Gregorio : Puts us back to square one on finding a suspect and a motive; doesn't seem like sexual assault anymore.

  • Hannah Khoury : Ritualistic mutilation really changes our profile.

    Sebastian Lund : You thinking serial killer?

    Tammy Gregorio : Maybe, but there's no obvious pattern. Ginny Young and Ed Lightell couldn't be more different.

    Hannah Khoury : So if we find a connection, we may be able to anticipate the next target.

    Sebastian Lund : Yeah, might have something to do with these markings that were painted on the, uh, crime scene walls.

    Tammy Gregorio : What are they?

    Hannah Khoury : They're definitely West African in origin, but there's at least a dozen ancient religions with symbols like that.

    Sebastian Lund : How do you know that?

    Hannah Khoury : I studied anthropology in college for a hot minute.

  • Sebastian Lund : We got an accountant from St. Tammany, Pride's assistant Ginny, and sexual predator Lightell all abducted by Ignacio Marquez. Why?

    Christopher LaSalle : Other than he likes to play real-life "Operation"?

    Hannah Khoury : [entering]  Actually, Marquez is a doctor. U.S. embassy in Havana gave me a full background on our suspect. Resident at the Hospital de Curacion in Santiago, that is until he was fired for performing unnecessary procedures on mental patients.

    Sebastian Lund : Oh, okay, so he's legit crazy.

  • Tammy Gregorio : This guy is flush with cash. Where'd he get it?

    Christopher LaSalle : Well, not from praciticing medicine. Works nights as a janitor.

    Hannah Khoury : For a company that specializes in disposing of medical waste.

    Christopher LaSalle : Well, that gives him access to hospitals, research labs, universities.

    Tammy Gregorio : And transplant facilities. Big business in black market organs.

    Christopher LaSalle : Yeah, but transplants are regulated by UNOS.

    Hannah Khoury : But tissue recovery for medical research is not. If the organs are no longer viable, they can be legally donated or sold.

    Sebastian Lund : Well, that could explain how Marquez is making his money. Research labs will pay big bucks for human parts.

    Tammy Gregorio : Am I the only one completely disturbed by that statement?

    Christopher LaSalle : Well, it's not about religion for Marquez, it's about greed.

    Hannah Khoury : Okay, I'm happy to moderate this debate, but after we catch him.

  • Loretta Wade : It's a skin sample of Edward Lightell's abdomen. And while examining it, I found this puncture wound.

    Dwayne Pride : Looks like an injection site.

    Loretta Wade : Well, based on location, I'd say more likely a percutaneous liver biopsy.

    Hannah Khoury : Why is that significant?

    Loretta Wade : Because I confirmed the presence of similar puncture wounds in both Daniel York and Ginny. And that's not the only thing they have in common. All three of them, blood type O-.

    Dwayne Pride : Marquez has been searching for a specific liver.

    Hannah Khoury : That's why he keeps his victims alive while he's trying to find it.

    Loretta Wade : He needs the liver to stay viable because he needs it for a live transplant.

  • Hannah Khoury : Marquez works for a medical waste company. Cane Transplant Center is one of their biggest clients.

    Loretta Wade : And one of the only facilities in the city that would have a need for a viable human liver.

    Dwayne Pride : Worth paying them a visit.

    Hannah Khoury : I'll have Gregorio meet me there.

  • Tammy Gregorio : Nurse says Marquez picks up the medical waste two nights a week. No contact with staff.

    Hannah Khoury : Well, someone here has to know him.

  • Doctor Vincent Welles : The nurses told me you have some questions.

    Tammy Gregorio : We do.

    Doctor Vincent Welles : Unfortunately, I can't answer them, as I'm sure you're aware of HIPPA laws.

    Hannah Khoury : Nobody's asking you to violate confidentiality, Doctor.

    Tammy Gregorio : Why don't you at least hear the questions before you stonewall us?

  • Hannah Khoury : Ignacio Marquez might be trying to sell donor livers to one of your patients.

    Doctor Vincent Welles : That's absurd. The allocation and distribution of human organs is the most regulated area of healthcare.

    Tammy Gregorio : And yet people are still paying up to 150 grand for a single black-market liver.

    Doctor Vincent Welles : Even if one of our patients did secure a liver illegally, I would never allow it to be transplanted in my clinic.

    Hannah Khoury : I respect your conviction, Doctor, but there's a dangerous man on the loose, and something in your records may help us find him.

    Doctor Vincent Welles : The only way you're seeing those records is with a court order.

    Hannah Khoury : [taking a piece of paper out of her jacket]  Oh, well, good thing I stopped on the way, to get one.

  • Dwayne Pride : Hannah, please tell me you found Ginny.

    Hannah Khoury : No, not yet, but a neighbor did see Marquez loading her into a black Toyota. We got three agencies assisting with the manhunt.

    Dwayne Pride : Well, he came after Ginny twice. She must have the liver that he needs.

    Hannah Khoury : Yeah, and whoever he needs it for probably can't wait much longer.

  • Dwayne Pride : We need to track down every doctor in this area who has the training required to perform the transplant.

    Hannah Khoury : Well, I would ask Dr. Welles for a list, but after our last conversation, I doubt he'd cooperate.

    Dwayne Pride : Well, I'm not gonna give him a choice.

    Loretta Wade : I'll drive.

    Dwayne Pride : I'm fine, Loretta. I'm fine. I'm fi...

    Loretta Wade : [catching him as he stumbles]  Dwayne. Give me your keys, Dwayne. If you're nice, maybe I'll let you pick the music.

  • Sebastian Lund : Hannah, will you tell her that she's got to put the ears on, please?

    Hannah Khoury : [laughing as she sees them in their costumes]  Wow. I thought you hated Halloween.

    Sebastian Lund : She's had a bit of a change of heart.

    Tammy Gregorio : I did not. I still hate it.

    Sebastian Lund : Well, why are you going out with me, then?

    Tammy Gregorio : Because I owe you, for scaring the living crap out of me at that abandoned lab, and because payback's a bitch, right?

See also

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