This episode focuses on Gumball and Darwin's neighbor. He's a light blue colored guy with a hat and antlers. The plot's quite simple as Gumball and Darwin simply try to find out what his name is. It really does make you realize that of all the times that guy has appeared, they never have said his name. It's incredible how they never run out of characters to make their own episodes about. It really is satire when you think about it.
Right in my apartment, I have no idea what the names are of any of my neighbors. I might have been better when I lived in an actual house. The first LOL moment was when Darwin shredded the letters and Gumball said they should have just put them back in. So Darwin puts the shredded papers back in. It's great how the last joke keeps escalating. It all leads up to a great climax that also serves as a massive punchline. ****