From the Ground Up (2017) Poster

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Inspiring, educational, life changing
shady_dreamer10 January 2018
From the Ground Up is an amazing film. The director Santino focused his attention to athletes who are vegan/vegetarian, while at the same time telling his own story of going through the journey. This film is not only inspiring but very educational as well. This is nothing less than a ground breaking film that cuts down stereotypes of needing meat to gain muscle mass/strength. I'd recommend this film for anyone thinking of making the change, athlete or not.
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Amazing film
albrown-9159912 January 2018
I loved following the director Santino's journey from meat eating athlete to a plant based athlete. This movie does not hit you over the head with the vegan sledgehammer but makes you aware you have choices in what you eat. It also makes the connection between being a being an elite athlete and a vegan and a animal lover. The added underlining story of sustainability and the environment is something we all need to be aware of.
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Jilted Carnivore
huva-3382713 January 2018
As someone who viewed this film holding a closed minded thought of following a plant based diet, I can humbly say this experience changed my opinion. Personally, I have an ingrained dissonance with extracting protein from my diet, but Santino's film shed light on the benefits of doing just that. We all have the capability of curtailing the harm of animals and our ecosystem, and Santino's film is a wake up call on how much room for improvement we have available. This film, whether bolstered or seen as an aberration, perils the American diet.
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I Haven't Eaten Meat Since!!!
cam2121510 January 2018
I had the opportunity to see this film at the Ahrya Fine Arts Theater in Beverly Hills last month. This film does a great job dispelling the myth that elite athletes (and non-athletes alike) need animal protein to fuel their bodies and participate at high levels. From the Ground Up utilizes interviews from extreme endurance athletes, to explosive combat athletes, such as football players and boxers/MMA fighters to outline their journey following a plant-based lifestyle. A must watch!
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Delivers a knockout
rmarchandsmith3 March 2018
Full disclosure I'm vegan and my story mirrors some of the athletes' stories in this film (i.e. I was struggling from chronic inflammation which was hampering my sports performance and eventually ended with me on sick leave from work -- went vegan, inflammation went away and now 2 years later I still feel better than ever).... BUT I find shock-tactic evangelical vegan documentaries to be offensive and obnoxious... This documentary is NOT one of those vegan propaganda docs. It's balanced, interesting, provides many different stories, journeys, viewpoints from a variety of athletes and touches briefly on peripheral issues (i.e. environmental effects of animal agriculture) without hijacking the film. Totally recommend watching, it will make you think and inspire you!
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Informative, Inspiring
twatt-1495413 February 2018
I am vegetarian and am one of the converted. I did not anticipate this being an overly great film because it was made by a nobody and James Cameron is coming out with a big film about the same topic. Interesting thought though. From The Ground Up came out in December of 2017 but is not getting much love from the "plantbased" community because of the bigger film it appears. Too bad. Because it's good. I was very surprised by how well this movie turned out to be...especially considering this filmmaker made it with a low budget and never made a film before? Cannot tell one bit. Kudos. Filmmaking is a tough gig. In a nutshell, the movie is very informative and inspiring. I think a lot of people who are not vegetarian or vegan will actually like this movie. It does not show a dead animal nor is it as other reviews say "pushy." You can tell someone took great care with this project. I definitely recommend to the converted, the curious, the athlete, the couch potato, and anyone that really gives a damn. You will not be disappointed.
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jerzyankeefan23 February 2018
As an artist I was blown away by the beauty and the craft of this visually mesmerizing film.

As a personal trainer I was inspired to think about the food options that are available to me and to my clients in the pursuit of muscle development and general health.

As an animal lover I was non-judgingly nudged in the direction where my heart was always telling me to go.

"From the Ground Up" doesn't guilt or shame you into wanting to make a different choice. It illustrates the effectiveness of a plant-based diet. It does so as it eloquently tells the stories of successful athletes who are not only passionate about their sport, but who are also passionate about making a difference in this world.
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Rad Plant-Based Doc
bmeysfries13 February 2018
Great flick that isn't pushy about meat. Does not just throw lots of facts in your face. Easy to digest. Humble film. Great work!
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PETA propaganda
sampaultx11 December 2020
I am only half way through but this is a touchy feely disguise by athletes to encourage people to stop the slaughter of animals. Why don't people focus on their health first? Because a human being starving to death is more important than a animal being killed. Stop trying to make me an others feel bad for eating meat!!!
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Not Your Typical Food and Health Doc
mariospeedwagonthest11 January 2018
I was able to catch the new documentary "From The Ground Up" at the Music Box last week. As a person who is not an athlete or a vegan I was expecting a film preaching to me why I should be both but was pleasantly surprised to find the film did neither. Instead the film used it's message to educate and show you options of what the vegan lifestyle can present while giving you a chance to make your own choice as a viewer. Too often that is not the case with health docs as the they usually say this is the way you should eat or else. This film doesn't use its message to preach but instead to inspire giving off a more hopeful message. There was also some things I just did not know before watching this film which is the amount of protein a person can get from a vegan diet as that doesn't come to mind when you think plant based food. It also seemed like a very personal story for the director as he was at the center of the story which helped me connect to this world I know nothing about. Other than presenting knowledge, making sure I connect to the story is most important when watching documentaries for me and "From the Ground Up" was able to accomplish both.
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Great flick that isn't pushy about plants
sfulbright17 January 2018
I just watched this movie and I am blown away by it. Simple story telling by a first time filmmaker that does not push a polarizing subject. Great overall job by the entire cast and crew.
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Inspirational and Genuine
bmulroy-1644821 January 2018
This film is truly incredible. The film is very informative in helping us understand the importance of our daily food decisions and the affects they have on our bodies and environment. I enjoyed that this film does not push and cram the VEGAN diet and lifestyle down your throat. By using plant based professional athletes and a personal story of Santino Panico, the movie not only does a great job of showing that you can be a plant based athlete and compete at a high level but is extremely genuine. Even the cinematography for the film is beautiful. I watched this over the weekend with my parents, who are meat eaters of over 60 years and even they enjoyed it. It gave them a better understanding to why somebody would want to go vegan and I believe if this film can make my parents say that, it will inspire many more people.
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Important Film
mjacob-2639823 January 2018
I mostly plant-based but occasionally eat some meat. Going into this movie I thought it was going to be like other vegan films where they are doom and gloom and exposing something trying to scare the wits out of you. As other reviews state, the film is not that at all. The filmmaker did a fantastic job of not alienating his audience. The footage is gorgeous too!
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First Time Filmmaker Crushes It
sfranktheking23 January 2018
I usually do not write reviews, but after watching this film I absolutely felt compelled to contribute. I am not writing a review because this movie is the greatest thing ever made. No. There are other documentaries that have much more drama to the story (as it appears every documentary you see these days is about someone pretending to uncover something that has never be uncovered before even though it has), and perhaps bigger names involved as well. I am writing about this film because I have worked in film production primarily as a producer and what this first time filmmaker pulled off is truly extraordinary. I read that he had no experience whatsoever before making this movie? Incredible to me. The amount of moving parts in this film and with no major name behind him or big backer, for example, getting NFL footage...I cannot imagine what it must have been like to get it done. Kudos to this first time artist. Now for the meat and potatoes. I am a meat eater and love it. I watched this with my wife. A happy wife is a happy life they say. She is a vegetarian. I thought this film was going to be something that made me feel bad about eating meat, only to make me resent the pushy vegan crowd more than I already do. I can tell you that was not what happened at all. I do not think any finger is pointed directly at anyone. It merelys asks questions. Overall, the movie is a little long, but the intent is genuine and heartfelt.
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Surprised so many athletes were plant-based
justinw-9204019 January 2018
There are many more top-level athletes among many different sports that are vegan or vegetarian that I never realized before watching this movie. In it, the film and main athlete character explores the different reasons and facts for why they do what they do and clears up some commonly held beliefs about plant-based athletes. I liked the diversity of the scenery and the fact-finding in this story. While veganism may not be for anyone, there's more there than we've been led to be believe.
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Inspirational and life changing
egarcia-8460613 February 2018
My girlfriend and I saw this film & enjoyed it. We aren't vegetarians nor vegans but definitely this film has taught us about a different way of living. I loved the fact how this film is not judgmental and instead it's directed to everyone who wants to learn a different way of living. Well done by the filmmaker on his first film.. could've fooled me. Must watch!
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mpalm-7170910 January 2018
I just finished watching this movie and it was incredible. I have been vegan for several years but feel that the films (outside of Forks Over Knives) tend to try to shock the viewer and make them scared into eating plant-based. This film did not do that. It is a genuine and heart felt story (may not be dramatic enough for everyone) that does not push you to eat vegan or anything like that. It simply provides the reasons these incredible athletes would ever want to eat this way when the majority of athletes eat meat! Anyone who loves documentaries will love this film...meat eaters included!
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Pretty Damn Good
tbeltcraigs10 January 2018
I saw this film in Chicago. I am not plant-based and the filmmaker is a first timer so my expectations were pretty low; I went because a friend asked. I could not have been more surprised. The film was great getting its message across without pushing or shaming like a lot of these other vegan films do. And there were no gimmicks. It felt genuine. Now I still eat meat, but have not eaten red meat since watching. That's the best I can do for now. Meat eater or not, this movie is great!
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A bit of clarity
norciama13 January 2018
This film is NOT an agenda filled tirade pointing fingers at those who choose to eat meat instead of a plant-based diet. In fact, I feel the purpose of the film is to shed light on a subject that is thought of as voodoo or feministic in the bodybuilding or professional sporting worlds.

Within the proliferation of today's digital economy and an abundance of data at our fingertips, we take great care to select the college or university to attend, what type of car we drive, or even what type of mattress to sleep on, yet the attention we give to the foods we eat every single day is inadequate at best. Instead of focusing on quality, we've fixated on quantity.

From the Ground Up aims to educate its viewers on the health benefits and the alternatives to mainstream and trending diets. Further, and perhaps more importantly, we receive primary source commentary from professional sports athletes and bodybuilders that enjoy a plant-based lifestyle.

Full-disclosure, I am a meat eater; however, I'm sold. I've made a conscious effort to increase the proportion of fruits, vegetables, and grains on my dinner plate and understand that I do not live in a vacuum. My actions on this planet have an effect, and possibly the biggest difference I can make is voting on the grocery store aisles each and every week.
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Loads of useful information and not a pushy vegan movie
jmetchi17 January 2018
So I am a loving meat eater. But this film helped me understand that my food choices have massive impacts. The best part about this film is it does not come off as a pushy vegan documentary. It is not in your face and they do not show dead animals. Which is great. Because I know I would turn it off if they did.
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