"House of Cards" Chapter 66 (TV Episode 2018) Poster

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The whole vibe is off
FrankHonest2 November 2018
It's feels wrong in this first episode. It feels so unlike the series. Nothing happens and it's so ... boring. Everything from the music to the pace.

I like Claire. Hopefully it gets back to the same vibe.
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Off beat
simon-boudreau-172 November 2018
Claire is really good as the new POTUS, but everything seems off. The beat, the music, the discussion. But it still intriguing!
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Claire Underwood stares dramatically at things for an hour or so...
junkers8723 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Claire stare at documents for minutes, then Claire stares to the distance for minutes, then Claire stares around the room for minutes... And they just don't tell you what the Hell happened to Frank. Some nuance information yes, but my guess is that they are toying with us, and will only tell us what happened at the and or even then not, so that our curiosity will make us watch the season.
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Wish they had left it alone after Season 5
viskies13 November 2018
This is a generic review of the entire season 6 of House of Cards. It was such a disappointment and at the end, just undid the great work done by the previous 5.

Kevin Spacey was like that ingredient in a popular cocktail which by taking out, the limitations of the other ingredients got exposed. The audacity of his scheming mind, the easy banter when he spoke directly to the audience and constantly pushing himself against mounting odds was the glue that kept the series together. I did feel Robin Wright was perfect as the thinking woman, playing along with her husband but burning with ambition. But once you take Spacey out of the equation, she did not have the gravitas to keep the series together nor the depth to make any of the absurd situations convincing. The whole series crumbles under the brilliance of the previous five and this remains just a shadow, watched by fans wanting to find closure.

It was also not going to be easy for the writers to find a new narrative. So, instead, they narrowed the world, making it one woman's ambition Vs the desire to control of the Shepard's. The other players flinted in and out, some walking in with hackneyed lines and absurd sub-plots which remained poor attempts to reach scale. In the acting department as well, the show fails and limitations of Robin Wright and her misplaced expressions throughout is painful to watch.

The suspense of what could have been was probably a better idea that what was finally delivered through the 6th season and for heaven's sake, I hope everybody moves on to better things, including the audience.
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No Frank No House
rsamavatian28 May 2019
This show without Kevin Spacey isn't attractive at all...
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They should have left it
jimchip20022 November 2018
Very disappointed It's slow, boring episode I'm hoping this picks up but beginning to wonder if they should have just left the series as a clif
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Not As Strong without A Counterbalance
suanniiq6 November 2018
Without the a counterbalance for Claire, the show is not the same nor have the chemistry like the other seasons had. This season is shadow, with moments of brilliance, but not enough to be a homerun.
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"My turn"
TheLittleSongbird3 August 2020
Despite thinking very highly of 'House of Cards' as an overall whole, Season 6 was a major disappointment in almost every way despite the odd good thing. And no, while Kevin Spacey's/Frank Underwood's absence leaves a massive hole, and the show now feels really under-nourished without him, there are many other problems too and every bit as large. For me, and quite a few others it seems, it is a contender for the worst final season for any show.

Everything that made the season so disappointing is here right from the start in its first episode "Chapter 66". An episode that amplifies what started to go wrong in Season 5 and makes even more glaring problems along the way. With quality this weak, one can be completely forgiven if they think that this is not 'House of Cards' but instead a different show entirely already, because that is exactly what "Chapter 66" and the whole of Season 6 for that matter came over like.

"Chapter 66" has a few things not done too badly. The photography is slick at least, it was only in the season's last two episodes where this aspect didn't impress all that much. The music has its moments, having presence without being overbearing (though generally it could have been more subtle, later episodes did this worse though).

Michael Kelly brings his usual intensity and pathos to Doug, even if the character was more interesting and better used in the previous seasons.

On the other hand, Claire is no longer a particularly compelling or well-written character. She was great as a co-lead and pitted against such a meaty character like Frank, but she lacks gravitas and is out of her depth and lost on her own. There is no fire or nuance here now, here and throughout Season 6 she is a one-dimensional wannabe-Machiavellian incapable of making logical decisions. Robin Wright's acting also suffers, now a blank and as charismatic as wood and she plays the character too coldly.

Performances-wise, only Kelly's is above average. Everybody else in the case looks uncomfortable and disconnected as simplistically written and vaguely underdeveloped characters (to the point of parody). A prime example being Greg Kinnear. The writing is now terrible and one of the main reasons as to why 'House of Cards' felt like a different show in Season 6. With an overload of stale and cheesy one-liners, over-used cliches and seat-squirming-inducing banal dialogue that induces unintentional laughter at times. There is little really going on in the story, which basically just crawls along. When there is anything that happens, it feels forced and unrealistic as well as not leading to much.

In summation, weak start to a majorly disappointing season and a weak episode of 'House of Cards' and anything for that matter. 3/10
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We miss Frank, but Claire is brilliant!
facundofr3 November 2018
Don't pay attention to the bad reviews! I miss Frank but Claire is so amazing, Robin's character is so strong. Come on! It's deserves a chance!
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Poor Frank
leonardogoiscolegio3 November 2018
A rather slumpy beggining for claire... it's a shame that we didn't get a great reason for the death of frank. It's so weird seeing claire talking to the camera like frank and it doesn't feel the same.. let's hope claire amazes us with this season finale
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Thomas_theodosiou2 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
From the very beginning we were hooked in order to see the devil plans of Frank Underwood, a Congressman who was trying to manipulate people and situations, all for glory and power. All others, especially Claire, played significant roles but always referring toto FRANK UNDERWOOD. He was and is the centre of this show. Actually Kevin Spacey delivered a role that no-one will ever forget. It is iconic. And after five years... we just learn that he somehow died and that's all? Don't you understand that there is no show without him and above all do we, your fans, deserve something like that? He just... disappeared and it's ok? No it isn't. Extremely boring, extremely non-House of Cards essence, extremely... nothing. I will not watch another episode. House of Cards ended with the last episode of Season 5, House of Cards ended with Kevin Spacey.-
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It's just good
Winmacieq2 November 2018
It feels different, but it's a good kind of different. Of course I miss Frank, but Claire delivers, I think. And I've never been a big fan of her tbh, so that's good. I felt compelled to watch more. Definitely doesn't deserve the low ratings.
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It's Hard to Move On
Hitchcoc3 November 2018
This first episode of the final season seems undernourished. Claire has taken over after Frank has died in her bed. How did he die? I don't know. Anyway, this sets her zealous self up and brings forth the villains with whom she will have to contend. Frank made promises that are now set aside. Meanwhile, Doug, who said he killed Zoe Barnes, is being housed in an institution. There is an attack on Claire's life right here at the start. I'll wait a while to watch the second episode.
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Can't take it seriously.
daminescuvictor2 November 2018
I condemn what Kevin did, but continuing this show without Frank, no thank you.
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Did Spacey take the writers and researchers with him?
arashet4 December 2018
Madame president going house to house without Secret Service present to expose her enemies, expelling all cabinet members after 4 weeks of house rest...the list goes on and on. Did someone make stupid plots on purpose?? As if to show all is gone with Spacey?? It is so sad, so insulting and a sad demise of Netflix.
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Horrible last season
ashokamithun15 December 2018
Watched 2 episodes and its utterly boring without Mr Kevin. You should have thought twice Robin.. no kevin.. no pulse.. bye bye..
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Terrible without kevin spacey
pasargadp28 April 2020
I really like Francis charater and every episode of prevouis seasons were exciting for me ,, but in this season ,, i am disappointed
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Let's be honest..
jeaninegabriel7 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This wasn't the greatest episode of the show. Seeing as though the man who was the lead on the show, a two time Oscar winner, is accused of being not only a sexual predator but a pedophile, it was better than ever having his presence on this show again. After addressing that for once the show is dealing with something our country isn't willing to allow into the White House. A female president. Period. Yes, this show is about overt corruption that exists in the bedrock of politics, but it now gets to answer a question that has lingered since the loss of Clinton in 2016. Does it work? How angry will white white men be? Even when the person is a real terrible person who we know has committed unspeakable acts? The answer is really fascinating. And if you aren't some idiot who just wants Kevin Spacey back even after extremely detailed rape allegations, you will agree it merits attention.
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No Frank .... no show
lapaulmac5 November 2018
Sorry but without Kevin Spacey this show is dead ...... he WAS and Always will be THE show. Claire is a terribly weak at trying to replace him and at times is embarrassing. Not her fault as she is amazing actress but no one or nothing can replace Frank. I watched first 2 episodes and can watch no more.

RIP house cards ....... bring back Kevin
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Give it time to grow on you
tomarvandijk3 November 2018
It feels really weird at the beginning of course. Most of the storylines were killed at the end of season 5. So they have to build up new tension all over. If you look at this as a new series with a female president surrounded with intrigues....it is just not so bad at all.
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Good but not great.
chambo20004 November 2018
Binge watched the whole series; curiosity mostly, but no spoilers here. I wish they could've killed Frank in the first episode, off screen. Perhaps at home while we watched Claire addressing the troops for example, or while on his way for a well earned rest. Previously all her nefarious deeds were in support of his and subsequently her rise to power, I enjoy watching her asserting her will and being utterly ruthless, if that's your thing too-keep watching. 🇬🇧
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Magic has gone
deaeight6 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Unfortunately for Netflix the character of Frank Underwood is essential to the success of this show. There is no doubting Robin Wright's supreme talent but all the air has been sucked out of the balloon with Frank gone. I say gone & mean dead! It wasn't enough to sack Spacey, they had to kill him off with no explanation. I can just imagine the Netflix execs: "The audience doesn't need to know how he died. He just did OK?! Spacey is done!." That smacks of political correctness if you ask me. Netflix want not even the slightest whiff of Spacey stank on them, so they cut all ties and kill off the character. The thing is, if you shoot down the Alpha Dog, there is no-one to lead the pack. That shows. It's now a rudderless ship as Frank Underwood was the focal point of everything and now he is an absent irrelevance. This show is just over, simple as that in my view.
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C is for Claire
lizzymacz33 November 2018
Love love love Claire as president and Diane Lane is awesom as one of her rivals-too long we've been waiting to see this kind of female power duke it out on a national stage- too bad life can't imitate art in that regard. But enough politics...I am excited to see more after watching the first two episodes, Claire is a badass and I love her talking to the camera now- her POV is one I want to hear. Looking forward to seeing more!!
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it's still good
abianoor10 November 2018
The show still seems good, but it's too rushed till the end. They could definitely have done way better and bring in more constitutional politics or real politik but they only proved how cold women can be. While that is an important concept, the whole show shouldn't revolve around it.
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it's nothing without Kevin Spacey
suruk-0450521 November 2018
Enormously poor decision to remove Spacey. Such a daft quick fire reaction in line with this daft #metoo movement. Maybe they'll get some backbone and common sense and bring him back for season 7 and say it was all a hoax in order to ensure she's made president...some elaborate scam. Otherwise....goodbye House of Cards. Total shame.
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