"Sanders Sides" Fitting In (Hogwarts Houses) (TV Episode 2017) Poster

Thomas Sanders: Logan 'Logic', Roman 'Creativity', Patton 'Morality', Virgil 'Anxiety', Thomas



  • Logan : Ah, Halloween. Is that your reason for your new... um... plum-pigmented pili?

    Thomas : Logan, look at you with the purple hair! It is very becoming.

    Logan : Becoming a nuisance? Is that what you were trying to say? How is anyone supposed to take me seriously when your head looks like Barney's unshaven armpit?

    Thomas : Nah, I like it, and it's not for Halloween, by the way.

    Logan : Just to make me look foolish, then? Huh, Thomas? Well. Congratulations on having graduated to full-time clown.

    [Logan applauds him. Then Patton pops up] 

    Patton : Congratulations on the cool colorful crown!

    Logan : Yeah, well, your sincere congratulatory remark recolors my sardonic slight and makes it look sincere.

    [raises hand] 

    Logan : Let it be known I do not like the hair!

  • Roman : [about the purple hair]  It is a brilliant iridescent display! Though, I still say you could have gone with even more colors! Full rainbow next time!

    Thomas : Oh, I'm already full rainbow all the time!


    Thomas : Aaah!

    Roman : What? You did not! Anyway, where's Virgil? I wanna see what good ol' "Panic at the Everywhere" has to say about it.

  • Virgil : [about the purple hair]  I guess there is a short of a... uh... dark edginess to it, like... one of those... Crayola crayon Halloween packs.

    Roman : That is your standard for dark edginess?

    Virgil : I don't know... I... I'm just trying not to bring the group down here.

    Patton : [overdramatic voice]  You only help to lift me up, you sweet and sour misunderstood shadow-ling.

    Virgil : [breaths in, then confused]  What?

    Thomas : Ju... just nod and agree...

    [Patton's lower lip trembles as he looks at Virgil with an over the top expression of love] 

    Thomas : ...he has a lot of love to give...

  • Logan : Roman, that was astute...

    Roman : I know!

    Logan : And you used the word "iridescence" earlier. You are on a clever streak today, which is unusual for you.

    Roman : I kno... wait, what?

    Patton : [suddenly screaming]  TONKS!

    Roman : [Roman jumps scared pulling his samurai sword out]  GOSH!

    [pauses looking at Patton, then lays down the sword] 

    Roman : I... literally almost took your whole face out.

    Thomas : [Smiling with a calm voice]  Patton, you now have our attention.

    Patton : That's what your hair reminds me of! Nymphadora Tonks, the metamorphmagus from Harry Potter!

    Logan : Okay, both of you with your big words today. Stealing my thing, no big deal.

    Thomas : [yelling]  HARRY POTTER!

    Roman : [also yelling, impersonating Dumbledore]  Did you put your name in the Goblet of Fire?

    [everyone stares at Roman] 

    Roman : Right? Is that what you were quoting from like Dumbledore from the fourth movie? Like what was that?

    Roman : [noticing everyone is staring at him]  It was such a weird... line translation... from the book to th... the mov... No?

    Thomas : Ah, it was more of a Harry Potter-themed idea I had just now, but that was, um... that was great.

    Roman : Aw, I know.

  • Patton : Oh, I can SORT of see where you're going with this, Thomas.

    Thomas : HATS off to you, Patton, aaaaah...?

    Patton : [suddenly in a low pitch voice and with a still face]  ... Aragog, a ginormous spider in the Harry Potter universe...

    Thomas : Wait, what? No...

    Patton : [without noticing him]  ... he's bold, he's terrifying, and no matter where we all fit in... we are all his prey.

    Thomas : That... was not where I was going with that, Patton. But point well made.

    Patton : [same voice]  He must be stopped...

  • Logan : I don't think I'm smarter than anyone else. I KNOW I'm smarter than anyone else!

  • Roman : What the heckity heck? Five abs and one peck!

    Logan : What a visual...

    Thomas : What was that?

    Roman : Just a little something I like to say when I'm confused so that I'm not alone in my confusion. See? It works.

  • Virgil : How would I be a Hufflepuff?

    Patton : You are hardworking!

    Roman : Working hard to make Thomas parano...

    [Thomas stares at him] 

    Roman : ...vigilant! Paranovigilant! Did you like that? I just made a word up just now! I'm basically Shakespeare!

  • Virgil : Patton could be Gryffindor!

    [Patton's polo shirt changes to one with red and white stripes] 

    Patton : [gasps, then with soft child-like voice]  Oooh... I look like a pirate!

  • Logan : You could be a Ravenclaw with Hufflepuff tendencies, a Slytherin with Gryffindor tendencies... No... wait... no, not that one.

    Patton : You can be Raphael and Donatello!

    Logan : Well, that's mixing metaphors! Let's not confuse the issue...

    Roman : A water-bender, and an air-bender!

    Logan : [confused]  O... only if you were the Avatar! Wha...? I thought we were talking about Harry Potter.

    Thomas : [low pitched voice]  You're a Greyjoy... and you're a Stark.

    Logan : [annoyed and confused]  Thomas, you don't even watch Game of Thrones! How... how do you...?

    Roman : You should, though, it's so good!

    Thomas : Yeah, I've heard!

  • Virgil : Before I do, I should probably confess that...

    [changes outfit to a new purple outfit] 

    Virgil : I actually really dig the purple.

    Patton : WOOOOOOOOOOOO...

    Logan : [surprised]  That design!

    Patton : ...OOOOAAAAAA...

    Roman : [looks at Virgil with surprise and delight] 

    Patton : ...AAAAAAAAAA...

    Thomas : [smiling]  Get on his level!

    Patton : ...AAAAAAAAAAAAAH...

    [Patton voice breaks, then he starts coughing] 

    Roman : You good, Patton?

    Patton : I got overexcited!

  • Patton : Dang, it was so close to being perfect!

    Virgil : Sorry to ruin that for you.

    Logan : You didn't ruin anything.

    Patton : [a little angry]  If you keep talking bad about yourself, I'm going to physically fight you!

    Thomas : No! No, that is the opposite of helpful, Patton.

    Patton : Nobody talks about my child like that!

    Thomas : Ok...

    [Patton makes with his hand a gesture of "I'm watching you" to Virgil, who looks at him stunned] 

    Thomas : Ok... Ok... buddy.


    Virgil : I don't work that hard...

    Patton : [happily]  Oh, Hufflepuffs are also modest!

    Virgil : Less modest, more self-deprecating.

    Patton : [putting his hand in is ear]  What's that?

    Virgil : I talk bad about myself.

    Patton : [Angry]  I will physically fight you!


    Virgil : I'm not impartial, and frankly, not very friendly.

    Patton : [in a quiet voice]  I will fight you...

  • Roman : Patton seems more like a Ravenclaw to me!

    [a blue cap appears on Patton's head] 

    Patton : Ooooh! It's blue!

    Logan : Um... That doesn't follow at all.

    Patton : Indubiously!

    Roman : Well, he's always the one coming up with those witty puns!

    Logan : You call those witty?

    Patton : You call those glasses?

    Logan : I mean, yes. I'm not sure if you're implying something...

    Patton : Well, I don't think they'll pick it up! They don't have a cell phone! ZING!

    [Patton starts laughing. Logan exhales loudly] 

    Logan : Ok, I'm gonna walk that off for a second!

    [Starts walking away to the door] 

    Thomas : There it is, good! See? This is what I mean by rethinking qualities.

    Patton : Logan seems more like a Gryffindor!

    [Just before he's on his way to the door, a red cap appears on Logan's head. He turns back to his place and talks to Roman] 

    Logan : You see? Patton makes statements like that, and you think he's a Ravenclaw?

    Roman : Uh... Why is that, Patton?

    Patton : [with a cute voice and a loving smile]  Because he's my hero...

    Logan : [clapping furiously between each syllable]  WE... GET... IT... YOU'RE... A... DO... RA... BLE...!

    Thomas : Patton may have a point. Hermione was a Gryffindor and she was the smartest of them all. Gryffindors are also known to have short tempers which I think could apply to both of you.

    Roman : [both yelling at the same time]  OH, SHUT UP!

    Logan : FALSEHOOD!

    Virgil : [with his finger in his ear]  Wow, I did not miss that!

    Logan : Gryffindors are self-righteous and arrogant!

    Roman : [with a mischievous smile]  Oh! Okay, Patton, I wasn't totally convinced before, but maybe Logan is a Gryffindor.

    Virgil : [smiling]  I do see that.

    Patton : Right?

  • [singing to the tune of "Never Gonna Keep You Up" by Rick Astley while playing a tenor ukulele] 

    Thomas : Neville gonna keep you up, Neville gonna let you down, Neville gonna turn around and...

    Wizard : [Only his hand is seen while waving his wand to Thomas]  Petrificus Totallus!

    [a lightning bolt comes out of the wand and hits Thomas, who then gets stiff like a statue and falls back to the ground] 

  • Thomas : Then there's Hufflepuff, the loyal and friendly ones.

    Patton : [to Roman, with emotional voice]  Oh, is that what you think of me, Roman?

    Roman : I mean, yeah. You're the softest little puffball we got, padre.

    Virgil : You don't have to be mean to him...

    Patton : [squealing voice]  AAAAAAAW! Thank you, Roman!

    Roman : See?

    [Virgil looks confused at Patton] 

  • Thomas : You have Griffindor.

    Roman : [yelling]  The brave ones!

    Thomas : Well, yeah, but that's an oversimplification. They're also determined and chivalrous.

    Virgil : [whispering]  And this is the one Roman thinks he's in?

    Roman : Yuh-doy!

  • Roman : I say we go for a bit of a change too!

    Patton : [while noisingly taking of his Hufflepuff cap and hitting the curtain and window behind him]  Oh, how?

    Logan : If you say Mind Palace again, we haven't even been back to the one you created in a long...

    [Roman suddenly changes clothes and shows a new royal uniform with a logo on the sleeves that spots a red shield with a golden castle drawn on it] 

    Logan : ...oh, that's nice.

    Patton : Ooohh! New emblem thingy!

    Thomas : Oh! Prince two point oh my goodness!

    Patton : Your shoulders were so boring to look at before!

    [Virgil checks out Roman with a face of surprise] 

    Roman : Yeah, it's just a bit of a change, but I thought it would be nice!

    Logan : Well, I suppose I could also participate, but I'm not gonna go as ornate or ellaborate. I would just look silly.

    Roman : I set the bar too high for you. That's okay.

    Logan : [after changing his polo shirt with a new one with a logo consisting of a brain with glasses]  There. Nice simple logo change, clear and to the point.

    Patton : [Patton has also changed his polo shirt with a new one with a logo of a heart with glasses]  Hey, Logan! Matching logos!

    Logan : [sighs]  That's... very nice, Patton.

    Patton : Mine is a heart with glasses.

    Logan : Stealing my logo. No big deal.

    Roman : What's going on with your cardigan?

    Logan : Is that your cat onesie?

    Patton : [putting on the cat hood and smiling]  Maybe...

    Logan : Agh... that will not suffice.

    Patton : [taking off the onesie]  Uuggh! You never let me do anything fun!

    Roman : Figure it out buddy! Maybe something different for next time?

    Patton : Virgil, your turn!

    Virgil : Oh, my goodness, do I have to? I mean, like, so many changes... I just told you my name!

    Roman : No, no, you don't have to! I just thought...

    Virgil : I, actually... agh... I actually had this idea, but, like... it's a little out there. So, um...

    Thomas : Go ahead! I mean, if you don't like it, you can always change back.

    Patton : [sighs]  Well... all right, but... um... before I do, I should probably confesss that, ah...

    [changes his black outfit with a brand new purple outfit with a logo that consists on a purple stormcloud with a ray coming out of it] 

    Virgil : ...I actually really dig the purple!

    Patton : [squealing voice, which gets overlapped by the others' responses. It gets of a higher and higher pitch as reactions go on]  WOOOOOOOOOOOO...

    Logan : [surprised]  That design!

    Patton : ...OOOOAAAAAA...

    [Roman looks at Virgil with surprise and delight] 

    Patton : ...AAAAAAAAAA...

    Thomas : [smiling]  Get on his level!

    Patton : ...AAAAAAAAAAAAAH...

    [when reaching a too high pitch tone, Patton voice breaks, then he starts coughing] 

    Roman : You good, Patton?

    Patton : [recovering breath]  I got over excited!

  • Logan : Ok, look, fantasy is not my jam. My jam of choice... is Crofter's!

    [Logan pulls out a jar of Crofter's jelly] 

    Logan : And this video isn't even sponsored. I'm just a fan. Crofter's! The only jelly I will put in my belly!

    Thomas : [confused]  What... was that?

    Roman : [pulling out another jar of Crofter's and a spoonful of it]  Yeah, I mean, I love me a good spoonful of Crofter's, but that was a little out of left field, Logan.

    [Roman eats loudly the spoonful of Crofter's] 

    Thomas : [scared]  What is happening?

    Logan : [throwing the jar away behind him]  Fruit spreads aside...

See also

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