"Evil Lives Here" Something Is Different About Robbie (TV Episode 2016) Poster

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Sad story all in all!
TheDyingGirl30 May 2021
I believe Robbie's problem started at an early age cause of problems at home. I honestly don't believe that step-mom. I think she made it just as hard for Robbie to live in that house. Yes, he ended up being a mass shooter but it's so easy for her now to paint herself as a victim from the time that boy was a toddler in order to shift blame from being part of the reason that boy turned out the way he did. From the time he was young she never wanted that kid. I am sorry but no real birth mother would ever send their 4 year old child to an institution and walk away so that he can get the "help" that he needs. No a birth mother would send their child to see a psychiatrist for a weekly session and bring them home. Poor Robbie abandoned at an institution at 4 years old. God knows what they did to that boy. She also claimed she doesn't know what happened while he was there. Wow just wow ! That kid would have been so confused and felt alone and unwanted. To make matters worse the step-mom claims she doesn't remember how long he stayed there the first time. This boy spent most of his life in institutions from the time he was 4 to 17 years old than in his own home. That right there shows me the level of care she had for that boy..... zero. This boy was failed by his father and step-monster from the very beginning. Also her begging her husband to kick out the boy wow! She also refused for him to come back even for visits and gave her husband the ultimatum that if he comes, she goes. This woman is horrid. I believe a series of events brought about by the dynamics in his family led to his spiralling out of control cause how many times can you handle being told and shown that you are not wanted. Sure the boy was no saint but I believe his behavior and actions where a reflection and the result of the turmoil that was going on in that house! He was so far gone! I feel sorry for his victims but he was also a victim too !
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Interesting but the step mom is concerning
thisisnotariot1 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I mean, I found the story interesting but it shocked me that they put a 4 year old into an institution. When he was living in the group home, and she said that all he had to do was say he loved her and wanted to come home with her? That's a bit twisted.

The kid was failed from a very young age by both of his parents, his step-mom, and America's corrupt health care for profit system. They gave up on him too early and from the sounds of it tried so many inconsistent therapies. I'm unsettled with this. I know how the story turns out but you have to take a holistic approach to placing blame.
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Parents and Medical System let Robbie fester
Cilica4 February 2022
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Father in complete denial, ''oh he'll just grow out of it, he'll just be normal''...fudge Robbie is not. Step-mom raises concerns unanswered. Worst case of Medical System not seeing Robbie as having sever mental health issues beyond 'oh I need to learn to be sorry and say sorry'. Wow horrific.
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So Bad.
helenahandbasket-937341 August 2021
I don't know that I've ever seen a parent in a higher stage of denial than this father is- your son poisons your wife, and 'it was just a prank!', he threatens her with great bodily injury, and your reaction is basically nothing.

Then, because you're such a stellar parent, a treatment program then the foster system for years?

There's so many catastrophic failures at so many levels here, but the 'review' blaming the stepmother? You have got to be kidding me. A father that's so completely out of touch with the realities of his son's capabilities that this never entered his mind is problem number one. A stepmom that thinks she should have covered for this monsters thievery would have prevented this? Come on.

It appears that Robert had a mother who abandoned him, a father who was completely out of his depth when it came to parenting, and a stepmother who's as clueless, coupled with what I'd have to believe were some pretty dark mental issues for the boy are what led to this catastrophic behavior.

This type of show that turns abhorrent, disgusting acts into some type of soap opera and tries to play incredibly stupid parents as victims are the real issue. Horrible acting to portray supposedly real events, then allowing family members to portray themselves as victims when this despicable person MURDERED IN COLD BLOOD, and it's no wonder society has become the veritable cesspool it is.

Congratulations, I think you may have done enough to convince me that Discovery Plus was a big waste of money and am now canceling my subscription.
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I dont believe the parents one bit
jamesshively-680568 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
As a father of six, there's no possible way that I can fully believe that these parents didn't cause that boy's journey into darkness. Children aren't born evil, it's 100% always the parents and it is apparent that these Robbie's parents are to blame for everything that happened.

I feel that 99% of parents are to blame for the way children become "monsters" because if they weren't raised right, that's how people become that way. These parents blame a child for being this way when they first locked him up at 4 years old. No wonder he came home emotionless and as the woman said, a blank slate. Perhaps we need to start looking at the parents and how they raised these children because there's no way that people are born that way. Trauma causes this 100% of the time in some way or another. And the parents who disagree obvious aren't paying attention to their children to understand that any parent who does pay attention will notice changes in behavior long before serious issues happen.
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Ooh boy, do I have a lot of thoughts
eloquentfool21 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
TL/DR - I am in no way absolving Robert Hawkins for his actions on December 5th, 2007. I am, however, calling out the show for what I believe to be egregious dramatization and biased storytelling. Obviously, I can only provide conjecture about what was left out of this documentary episode, and why. I simply recommend that viewers take everything presented with a grain of salt. A big one.

At first, while watching this episode, I pictured a young man with probable antisocial personality disorder whose parents did everything they could to help him, but who ended up watching him commit an horrific crime. Then they mentioned a sister, and I wondered if she was going to be interviewed. Understandably, not everyone involved in such a tragedy, even remotely, would want to participate or be interviewed for a documentary like this. But it made me curious, so I started poking around.

What I found was SOOOO much more than they talked about. Like, where was Robert's birth mother? What was really going on when he was first hospitalized at age 4? Where is his older sister? Where are his other siblings? How did he get the gun from his stepfather? He has a stepfather?! Candace mentioned him shouting at her with horrifically abusive language, but I have to ask where a 4 year old would have learned such language. Where did he hear it? If he was attacking kids in preschool, was it for attention? Was he trying to release the pressure building up inside of him that he didn't have the tools to process or communicate? Even acting out in boredom is a possibility! If he was as intelligent as they said, maybe he needed to be placed in a school or program that gave him an outlet for his knowledge and curiosity. How many foster homes was he placed in and why was his mother not granted custody if his father didn't want him in the house? And did he really choose to move out at 18 or was he kicked out? I have SO many questions!

All I'm saying is that it is always important to be thoughtful when you watch shows like these. Listen to what the families say, look at how the production is edited, and pay attention to who is interviewed and how. I am interested to see if the other episodes are as obviously incomplete, or if this first episode from their first season was an exception.
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His mother very bad...
torunzeki25 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
His mother very bad... his mother is terrible... His mother very bad... his mother is terrible...His mother very bad... his mother is terrible...His mother very bad... his mother is terrible...
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Stepmom very suspicious...
jlorenzie9 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'm an extremely intuitive person... typically I can tell something is amiss or is going to happen before it actually does. I take one good look at people and I can quickly tell if they are evil... no one can hide their evil behind a fake veil of "sweetness" around me. That being said, the minute I saw the stepmom, I could tell she is a bully! She went into that home and immediately decided she was going to be in charge and take charge through bullying. The father is a simple-minded man who allowed this stranger he called wife, to literally abuse his son, mentally, physically and emotionally. Robbie's victims should seek compensation from this evil woman because SHE is the reason he ended up on the brink of insanity. The entire episode was this older woman battling against this young child... the father, just a weak bystander who did NOTHING to protect his son against this woman! Apparently I'm not the only one who noticed this woman being at fault... just read all the other reviews on this title. His father let him down by brining home this obnoxious bully and allowed her to abuse his son! Now his son is gone, along with a few other innocent people who could've been alive today! That woman needs to spend time in prison!
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smartinezmd22 December 2023
Definitely EVIL lives at this house. That's all that does live there..that and stupidity. The stepmother is beyond scary. The father should have been sterilized before engaging in sexual activity as a younger man. Then none of this would have happened. I cannot believe that either of them would want to show their faces in filming this because they are so incredibly horrible and guilty of the mass shooting that did eventually occur. WHO grabs their son's backpack like that? Not even myself - as a biological mother to my son - would I grab the backpack in such a manner. I mow a large lawn and I have never asked anyone to get me something to drink either. You stop mowing, you go inside and you get what you want or need. Yes, I have had drinks brought out to me but I would not dream of ordering someone to do it. She is a piece of work. Undoubtedly, they both show their faces for the money that they were paid to do this episode. The father is completely supportive or enabling of his son's bad behavior and of his wife's bad behavior. And what a disconnected bunch of people. The biological mother sees that a gun is missing and that's all that she did? She thought that, perhaps, her son sold it for cash? With his drawings? Was she completely unaware of his propensity to threaten and draw violence? AND what the heck was his father doing with an ASSAULT rifle? Look at him. Who does he think he is? JOHN J RAMBO? Instead of the overweight, clueless middle-aged man that he is?
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America has a stupid problem
youdontknowjacque24 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Every country has mental illness.

Most mass murderers have families who missed every single red flag and claim what could we have done differently.

If your kids poison people and draw the storyboards of killing others, the problem starts with a failure to grasp reality. Healthy kids draw things that make them happy, not nooses and knives.

No one wants to believe a loved one will do harm, but if they're showing you who they are, believe them.

Any idiot can procreate, at the very least hold seminars at school for warning signs. Robbie lashed out as a child, there's a correlation between an abuser and the abused. Kindercare has been in the news for child abuse, no one thought to look into why he lashed out against his peers? Maybe he was being abused and he held that shame bouncing around in foster care and group homes? His mom left. Most kids without that security of a mom's love grow to lack empathy.

This episode is the epitome of parental & systemic failures. Not one person took his acting out as a child into possible danger to himself.

I'm appalled no one saw obvious signs that could have prevented this horrific tragedy & what a waste of this doc to not interview doctors to analyze what led this kid there.

My guess is he was abused & his idiotic parents couldn't connect two dots, let alone a documentarian who failed to show the entire picture.
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