Super Mario Logan (TV Series 2007–2021) Poster


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A great series!
planethars17 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
SML is a piece of entertainment on the internet that will perhaps always be seen as a completely ridiculous, politically incorrect, and abnormal piece of junk, but despite that, for me, it's very hard not to love. Almost all episodes from 2014 to 2018 besides the jeffy episodes are really some of the funniest, most creative, and most entertaining YouTube videos I've ever seen. If you've never seen any SML videos, I'd like to explain exactly why as someone who has been watching this series since 2016 that Jeffy might very well be the one thing that has ruined SML. The trifecta of the completely awful in every way Bowser Junior, the incredibly smart and far mature beyond one's age Cody (In other terms, the magikoopa) and the homeless sidekick to all of Junior idiotic adventures, Joseph (otherwise known as the. Koopa Paratroopa of the group) make up for a truly great series. That being said, the(in my opinion) awful character that is Jeffy was introduced in 2016, and thus ruined most of what SML was known for. The truth for this series is that if you really want to enjoy SML's content, I'd suggest that you view SML's early episodes which don't include Jeffy. While SML is not a perfect show and has waned in quality over the last 2 or 3 years, most content from this show can be described as extremely hilarious, very easy to love, and honestly kind of fascinating in a lot of aspects.

9 stars out of 10, thank you for reading.
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Peak YouTube show
ct-757139 February 2024
They have been going at this seemingly dumb idea but keep impressing me every episode if u see this review disregard the rest and watch this for your self if u cant handle a few sexual jokes and adult content your probably to young they have been going at this for over 10 years. If you dont like the show u can at least appreciate the dedication and time they put in it plus its funny for all ages i feel like i know i just said "if u cant handle a few sexual jokes and adult content your probably to young" but there are also videos without those jokes and there still comedy gold 10/10 channel!!!!
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alexnuggets5 December 2023
Initial review, I will be talking about my review of super Mario Logan's YouTube channel now. Many do not like Jeffy as a character but with time he has gotten smarter and smarter as well. As quality throughout the years super Mario Logan's channel has gotten more and more good budget to produce more quality YouTube content as well as his old content, maybe nostalgic to listen to if you were listening to him before his current videos have been published as an on his old YouTube channel before the Nintendo incident overall some of his YouTube videos plots may be a big land, but he makes up for it within him uploading throughout the week.
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Rest in Peace, Super Mario Logan (2007-2017)
Unlike some other old Super Mario Logan fans, I didn't grow up with SML because I never knew about it until many years after it started. I started watching it when I was 11 years old in December 2014, during the Junior era, and I loved it since then. However, I've also seen a lot of the classic era (2007-2012) videos years after they were uploaded and always liked them too. My favorite video has to be either Bowser Junior's Summer Vacation or The Big Thanksgiving. SML was funny, action packed, sometimes touching, had diverse characters, and inspired lots of people, including yours truly, to make their own plush videos, but it began to slowly go downhill when a new character named Jeffy came along. It's now a lot more mean-spirited, unfunny, formulaic, repetitive, and horribly written, some of the old characters have been flanderized and have no personality besides their archetypes (e.g., Mario/Marvin is now a boring, generic stressed out character who gets mad over the tiniest things, Rosalina/Rose is now an annoying wife who never sympathizes with her husband), the characters scream nonstop, the Nintendo characters were renamed and are now human puppets, some unlikable new characters had come along, the videos are rushed, and some hurtful and sometimes plain awful morals are present (e.g., greed is good, it's okay to force feed your kids foods they don't like, you should let people walk over you, etc.). There are too many things wrong with the current state, so I'll only go in depth about the most problematic aspects.

1. Jeffy. He started the downfall and caused numerous fans, including yours truly, to lose interest in the channel. He's the channel's cash cow, he hogs the other characters' screen time, and in multiple videos, he makes cameos and doesn't contribute to the plot but still has his name in the titles, likely just to get more views. I'm intrigued how Logan thought of a dimwitted kid with a bike helmet, a diaper outside his pants, and a pencil in his nose who yells "Oof!" while smacking his diaper. Jeffy's behavior can lead to temptation and making bad choices, and he's extremely immature for his age; he stuck his "pee pee" in Cheerio boxes (yuck!) and threw swearing tantrums nonstop from 2017-early 2019, makes Mario's life a living Hell, has little to no manners, breaks fragile items on purpose (e.g., plates, glass cups, vases, etc.), does the most dangerous possible acts (e.g., he once stuck a fork in an electric socket and burned Mario's hat in the house), wastes food, flips his desk at school, and more. One might think he'd learn from his mistakes and behave after getting grounded and called out thousands of times, but no; he's still the same brat, and he never finds any problems with the trouble he causes or learns anything from it no matter what. He's now 19 years old for Heaven's sake (for those of you who don't know, unlike numerous characters from other media, the SML characters' ages change every year like real life people). Jeffy SERIOUSLY should've shaped up a long time ago. To be fair, he has slightly matured since late 2019, and he's not as bad as he used to be, but still not too good. To make matters worse, he has badly influenced lots of younger viewers to act like him, which led to some controversies. He makes Caillou look more likable, more mature, and better behaved in comparison. I don't understand why Mario adopted him and still keeps him. The two of them had no happy moments together before the adoption, and Mario didn't want anything to do with Jeffy in the first place, which brings me to my next topic.

2. As I said, the show/channel is VERY mean-spirited now. The characters were still jerks to each other at times before the current state, however, they had great chemistry and loved each other like a family, but not anymore, and being jerks is all there is to them now. Characters like Mario, Chef Pee Pee, Cody, Brooklyn Guy, and Chives constantly put up with needless torture when they don't do anything to deserve it, even when they do things like express their personal opinions. Jeffy makes Mario look like a bad guy, and they have an antagonistic relationship. The former is now the main protagonist alongside Junior, despite the title, and the latter feels like an antagonist now because he's always opposing the former, getting angry at him, and "raining" on other's parades, despite being the original PROTAGONIST. He can be mean to Jeffy, and he's a bad father, but at the same time I feel sorry for him because his "friends" and family are often mean to him first, and good things rarely happen to him. It seems like Logan secretly hates him, which is ironic because he's been his favorite fictional character for the longest time and is what made him start YouTube. Jeffy, Rosalina, and sometimes Black Yoshi do everything they can to make Mario's life miserable. Junior and Joseph and Karen often do the same for Cody and Chef Pee Pee and Brooklyn Guy. For some reason, Mario always lets everyone walk over him and never stands up for himself. Why doesn't he divorce Rosalina, kick Jeffy out of the house, and un-adopt the latter? He and Rosalina clearly aren't meant for each other, so why stay married? Goodman comes over for house payments every month, and he always threatens to rip Mario's nipples off when he doesn't pay (ouch!). The former likes to torment the latter just for fun, and he cooks up a lot of schemes just to mess with the latter. Bowser owns the house, so he owes Goodman house payments, not Mario. Also, Goodman is extremely greedy; he makes fun of the poor just for being poor, and all he cares about is himself and money. He always spanks his butler Chives for making little mistakes, like cooking his food the wrong way (he could just clarify what he wants. It's that simple) or giving him a glass of water with fingerprints on it (to make matters worse, those were Goodman's own fingerprints), and he treats the latter like a slave. Modern Goodman is the definition of a mean person, and he has admitted that it hurts him to do anything nice, making his name misleading. In one episode, it is confirmed that Chives is the 14th butler he's had. Sounds like nobody wants to work for him, and it's as easy as 1-2-3 to see why. In the aforementioned episode, Mario asks him, "Don't you think your employees will want to work for you if you treat them nicely?" I was thinking the same thing. It has never been explained what led to Goodman's turn to evil, making it come out of nowhere. Hank Huckerdoo forces his family to be "clones" of himself, and he never lets them express themselves or their own opinions. He tries way too hard to be perfect and make his family a nice, happy family, but he does the opposite instead. He is also a huge showoff, and he once threw a hot pan of cookies at his kids for their horrible singing, grounded them, and angrily forced them to sing better. There's nothing wrong with expressing yourself, and there's nothing better to do than practice or try a different skill if you're lacking talent in something like singing. Besides, the world would be boring if everyone was the same. I'm very different from the average person in some ways, and I feel extremely privileged that I don't live in the SML universe, the current state that is, otherwise I could easily be bullied, tormented, or maybe even grounded for being different and expressing myself all the time. It seems as if having a different opinion is the equivalent of being Satan.

3. Unlike the old eras, there's little to no character development. The characters seldom learn from their mistakes, but when they do, they usually revert to their old ways in their next appearances and still make the same mistakes over and over again, as if they never learned from them in the first place. In Jeffy's Parents and Jeffy's 18th Birthday, Jeffy promises to be a good boy, and Mario starts loving him and promises to be a better dad, but they don't keep their promises, proving they learned nothing, and Mario only cares about Jeffy when the plot calls for it. In Zombie Jeffy, it is revealed why Jeffy hates green beans so much, and Mario promises to never force feed him green beans again. The latter kept his promise for a while, but the green beans gag came back in Jeffy's Good Day. What a hypocrite! In Goodman's New Life, Mario and Goodman switch bodies and learn what it's like to be in each other's shoes, and Goodman learns his lesson, but he disregards it in his later appearances and continues to torment Mario nonstop.

4. It's unclear who the target audience is. Adult content like swear words, dark violence, and heavy toilet humor are present and very noticeable, but Jeffy appears all the time because the bratty Jeffy fans, mostly little kids, are always screaming for him and won't give the other characters a chance. The homemade puppets look like they were bought at a toy store, and there's a lot of SML merch that only kids are likely to use, like backpacks and pencil pouches. Is it supposed to be a kid show or an adult show?

One might think Logan would learn his lesson and improve his content after being mentioned on Good Morning America, getting a number of his videos age restricted, 3 of his channels being demonetized, receiving a lot of complaints from parents about Jeffy badly influencing their kids, and being sued by Nintendo, but he's made little to no improvements to his content. He refuses to take advice from fans who've been watching him since the early days and are trying to help him, and he rarely ever keeps his promises. He may not be able to bring back the Nintendo plushes, but I'm sure he could improve his show, take his time, and start a more flexible schedule (e.g., 1-2 videos a month) if he tried. I barely watch the new content anymore, and it continues to get worse and worse overtime. I can't take it anymore. What's the point of still supporting the channel? The SML parodies are much better. Enough said.
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its not sml's fault
beansallminus4 August 2021
I love sml every day I look forward to an new video and yes they have changed but it wasn't there fault they got big and got fn soood even tho a lot of people use Nintendo characters it wasn't there fault they became less funny because they can't cus or use the plushis i just don't think they get enough justice.
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Good back then but not anymore
alexanderdoton22 April 2020
Used to be good until, the Jeffy Era. The old episodes before were great overall so I rate it a 5 for that
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This is amazing
bossbabysully27 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I watch sml alot on YT but now I can just watch it on here instead of scrolling through YT THANK YOU SO MUCH IMDB SML IS SUCH A GREAT YOUTUBER NOW HES ON IMDB THIS IS SO AMAZING!!!
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Amazing even without the old plushies!
Connor21317 July 2021
I love that they make episodes every week! More then one! And there is so many characters so it never gets old!
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Was only mildly entertaining at first
Mrs_Mcl24 April 2022
The older episodes I've seen are mostly mildly amusing and some had some pretty funny scenes, the episodes in the middle are run of the mill teenager humour, the newer episodes are even less about being interesting and funny and more about appealing to six year olds despite it's appearance as NOT FOR THE KIDDIES!! It's just constantly jumping on trends that'll become dated in a few years and milking to death a horrifically annoying and unfunny character because that's what rakes in those kiddy views and by the way, despite the claims that this series is not for kids, the website sells schoolbags on their merch site lol.
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ho-9704917 August 2023
I enjoy SML, I really do. I enjoy it of all eras. It used to be gold until Logan got sued by Nintendo and thus, leads to the Mario Plushies having to be unused now. I really miss the Mario Plushies, they are what made SML Golden and itself. Without the plushies, it doesn't seem to have the same sense anymore. I won't say anything about the new puppets but nothing beats the Mario Plushies from being used in videos/episodes.

TBH the older episodes are more enjoyable, especially the ones without the human puppets. Also, my favorite character in the series is Shrek. And also, I kinda simp for Shrek-
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So much fun
widelywherever14 October 2021
I like how politically incorrect this show can get. My favorite episode has got to be "Jeffy's Bad Word". My stomach was hurting from so much laughing at that episode. If you're immature like me, you're bound to have a good time with this show!
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A mixed bag of good, boring and horrible videos with hit or miss humor.
tokyokid-8601321 April 2020
SuperMarioLogan is an interesting series to say the least. It's been through a lot throughout the years. It's obvious it's quality has definitely declined over the years. Some Episodes can be great and some are absolutely dreadful. Of course, everyone knows Jeffy. The annoying, immature and horrible character that wears a blue helmet. He is part of the reason the series has declined in quality. SuperMarioLogan is a mixed bag of a series. Sometimes it can be good but sometimes it's unbearable. The humor is also not much different. Sometimes the jokes can be funny and sometimes they are just cringe. I don't know if the series can continue long enough with these conditions. Recently, the show has released more and more mediocre or even bad videos. If you're interested in the show, I suggest watching earlier episodes or even some good modern episodes to see the good stuff. Other than that, it's a real mixed bag for this show. At best, the show can be funny, entertaining and fun. At worst, it can be annoying, boring or even horrible to watch. If you really want to watch it, give it a shot
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Funny and Amazing
christianimation21 March 2021
A Swearing Inappropriate channel to kid friendly to swearing normally without strong language, it is so funny and awesome!!!!
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Was good before, but not really now
larsonroethling6 December 2020
Used to be great, had Junior as a annoying brat, the characters never really aged back then, but when jeffy came along, oh boy. He is now the star of the show along with rosilina and Mario, not what the true meaning of this show was supposed to be. Now, they can't even swear for frick sake, and the only thing bad they say is "tHaTs So PeEpEe."
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Supermariologan is Unique
enillkamani-4347911 May 2021
I truly have never seen a show with such a Unique turn on it the skits and scenes can be a hit or miss but overall I have enjoyed my time wih this series.
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This show is highly underrated...
ndebeaulieu12 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly, I think IMDb underrated this show. It deserves at least a 7.5 / 10, because it has so many things good TV shows have. Here are some examples...

1: It's comedy is amazing, and it keeps getting better and better.

2: The structure of each episode is amazing, and they're only made in 3-5 days.

3: Each episode is unique. There are few, if any episodes that are very similar to a previous episode.

Also, people are so overemotional about this show. Whenever a character acts mean, they treat that character like a real person and have empathy and / or sympathy for him. None of the characters are real, so they don't have to be little crybabies.
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A final farewell
oweniscool-5608318 October 2021
Sml has been a huge part of my life. It's made me laugh and has kept me entertained for the past few years. I can binge watch most of their old content without getting bored. Videos like, "Bowser goes to the movies" and, "Chef Pee Pee quits part 2" are examples of this. Both videos are creative, funny, really fun. As the years have gone by sml has slowly gotten worse. The main problem with modern sml isn't that the human puppets look god awful, it's that most recent episodes/videos are so repetitive and dull and lifeless. They are running out of ideas and it shows. Back to what I said earlier, I really mean that. Sml has contributed a lot to my life. It's insane how amazing they CAN be at times. But they just don't seem to wanna try anymore.
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fallen off the grid in my opinion
kokichio2 January 2023
As what ill call a "youtube kid" i grew up with youtube, i as well as super mario logan. Id always tune in to watch the next episode that'd come out. I understand due to copyright issues they had to change the characters to make them more copyright friendly, but they made the puppets looks SO ruins the show for me if the art style (or in this the puppets) are gross looking and i just do not like how they look now. The only character i can stand looking at now is jeffy, and if you've seen an episode you know how unbearable he can be at times. Cody for example, is one of my fav characters in the show and as a person in the lgbt community myself i found him rly funny and sometimes relatable. Now hes just..very..idk how to explain it. First of all they gave him acne (which id love the body representation if he wasnt an elementary schooler to begin with) and junior..omg dont even get me started on what junior looks like now. Still a big fan of the og content, dunno about now though.
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I love this show!!!
jacnknthebox25 June 2021
This show is hilarious!!! It have great plots and storytelling. And for those of you who haven't watch the show it goes along the lines of South Park and Family Guy in terms of comedy. Although I will admit some of the moments in episodes are filler but other than that it's great. 9/10.
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One Of The Biggest Mixed Bags You'll Ever See.
rogerhypes-282038 March 2022
Here is basically a run down of what stuff you should or shouldn't watch.

Classic SML is basically not professional but haves its charm, it was Logan messing around making Youtube videos.

After that you got early 2010s where Logan was experimenting had stuff like Chef PP land Bowser Jr like videos where he made some great comdic work but also made some annoying videos in there too.

Everything after Jeffy became a thing was forgettable to terrible with 1 good episode every 15 episodes.

And about 2018 is where I quit watching for good so I don't know if anyone besides young children like his videos anymore.
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No longer in the golden age but still persistent
e-57654-3060227 March 2024
Sml was my childhood I love sml been watching since 2014 when I was 5 sml had a extremely good run with guality funny plots and settings and being persistent through out the years.....However everything has to come to an end as soon as Jeffy came everything came down hill personally I love Jeffy as a character but the attention he brought to the world caused sml's downfall soon leading to Nintendo's lawsuit getting rid of the plushies starting a new age not a good one Most episodes in this puppet era can be forgetful low quality excuses for videos for example "Jeffys cat throw up" Probaly one of the most repetitive sml videos uploaded of Jeffy getting attached to a cat throw up describing it as his friend. Sml now can have some good episodes but we all know it will never be the same.
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bjurstromc2 September 2018
Bbbbbbbeeeeeeesssssssstttttttt chanel eeeeeeeeevvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeerrrrrr
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Very good and overlooked
peachcobly27 June 2017
Ever sense I came across this YouTube series, I have had a soft spot for it. Logan Thirtyacre along with the rest of these very talented voice actors have been making these Mario-themed videos for some time now, and they have not lost their sense of humor. Every episode has a huge comedic side which is what drives these videos along. All of the characters have their own separate personalities and each of them have perfect chemistry with each other. Over the years, SML has perfectly blended Mario characters with random puppets that no one knows about such as: Jeffy, Brooklyn Guy, Goodman, Chef Pee Pee and more. This is a beloved YouTube channel and an inventive use of Mario characters.
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awesomejacobh24 July 2018
I love mario but not logan. Smh. He is bad and can't talk right. He is slightly ... no very autistic I think and very very very annoying. I think he has a diaper fetish or something because he loves pretending to be a little boy. The only funny one is the black guy but sometimes he gets super weird. The whole experience is just bizarre. I wouldn't recommend this show to literally anyone on earth hahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahaha...
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dmai-6962421 August 2019
SuperMarioLogan has been around for a long time and most of the time the people will run out of ideas but Logan is still making somewhat good ideas but someday Logan is going to run out of ideas well maybe or not but still you can't expect the best from most of the time Logan makes the idea but one of the cast member or family member even a comment and Logan use one of the comm-enters comment and the video sucks from the lack of plot
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