Supernoobs (TV Series 2015–2019) Poster


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Another piece of forgettable animation trash
thunder-beam29 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know what is it with Scott Fellows. He worked on Fairly Odd Parents, Recess and is a producer on the new Rocky and Bullwinkle Show (which I actually enjoy) but as a show runner, he created some of the most insincere, pandering and painfully lethargic animated shows out there. He's become sort of like the Adam Sandler of animation; completely disinterested on improving his craft.

Sigh* Okay the plot of the show is centered on four middle school kids that acquire spaceballs X.D by accident from two aliens thinking their military soldiers because they were wearing a bunch of safety gear while playing paintball out in the woods.

Adding to the stereotypes upon stereotypes, Alien Schwarzenegger (not his actual name thank Glob), horrid animation, bland story lines, uninspired soundtrack and very aggravating voice acting (I blame the voice director for this) it also feels artificial. It feels like there is nothing personal put into it. No hint of uniqueness or fun that other shows perform light years above this. There is no sense of real genuine charm and originality. It's painstakingly unimpressive. The overall "quality" embarrassingly reflects the out of touch middle-aged artistically challenged mindset responsible for the content making it look dated and soulless. Further more, it's cripplingly safe. It's low standard of character and world building frustratingly limits itself from standing out and making us care more about getting a glob of wax out of a dogs ear at a dog park while in heat then having any investment in this stupid show. The writers of shows like this seem to think that farts and characters with annoyingly loud voices talk all the time without breath are good enough for the general public. Sad.

It's very disappointing that Scott hasn't learned ANYTHING from his other shows that willingly ostracizes itself from actual quality television to Barbie & Ken doll sitcom and tired Saturday Morning cartoon leftovers that even 1980's American TV animation would tell him to put more effort in. His lack of passion and self-improvement as an artist for writing shows in this. I hesitated to criticize him as nobody really wants to hate on someone that made a few bad shows but this really crossed the line for me. Either he tries harder or find someone with actual heart with something to say.

If there is one positive I can muster up, it is the episode The Noobs Strikes Back where the main characters look like their about to become alien monster food in an arena to prove their worthy of the spaceballs. In most shows the protagonist(s) come out victorious on their first try but here one of the aliens saves them and despite them failing the test, the kids tenacity to fight impresses the alien counsel so they keep their balls LMAO

I don't think the shows premise is lame but how they executed it. Because they referred to their ball things as battle balls I was laughing so hard because I took their scripted dialog out of context so if I had an opportunity I would just re brand this as a ridiculous over the top animated ADULT cartoon called Superboobs about horny, self-centered and naive collage students that must use they're high-tech balls that a couple of off-duty intoxicated aliens just gave them at a party thinking they'd be cool additions to the counsel mistaking them for earth soldiers so they now must protect their space junk (and the Earth) from alien invaders. Unfortunately out of the box thinking is no place for the likes of Scott Fellows.

As you may have noticed, I am NOT a fan of his. Better and way more talented writers for TV and animation deserve what he clearly does not respect enough doing.

To top off all my criticism towards this show, what makes me the most furious; the worst impact shows like this affect most of all is another reason to blackface the Canadian animation industry as hacks that either have no &%$#@! clue what their doing or not giving a flying strip of bacon of how to construct some semblance of interesting storytelling, ANYTHING and with shows like this? Yeah, I'm thinking "just keep doing what your doing Canada, if you kindly excuse me, I'll be watching the last episodes of Final Space while anticipating Hazbin Hotel." We demand BETTER!!!!!!

So, Congratulations. Right up there with Space Monkey's, Johnny Test, Fan-Boy and Chum Chum and Almost Naked Animals. Amazingly underwhelming!
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Bland and Uninspired
imkadz20 September 2016
When Scott fellows announced he was making a new TV show for CN, I was hoping that it'd be A LOT better than Johnny Test.

Hoping and the reality and different unfortunately.

Supernoobs is about four middle schoolers that are contacted by two aliens and are given battle balls to "protect the universe" or some crap like that. Might appeal to someone other then the shattered emo that I am, so I watched a few episodes, A Noob Hope, Noob Kids On The Block, and Let It Noob, Let It Noob, Let It Noob! looking through the perspective of a 5th grader. First thing I noticed is that all the episode names have noob in the title. And I know that a 5th Grader with see that that would be a shameless attempt to be "hip" or "edgy". And that's something I see in all of these episodes. Unoriginal and bland plots that have been done to death. All the jokes are unfunny, a lot are predictable as well as the plots, especially in Let It Noob, Let It Noob, Let It Noob!(I seriously can't get over the shoehorning in the titles)

And don't even get me started on the characters. They are all stereotypes. Tyler is the "normal kid", Shope is the "nerd girl", Kevin is the "cool kid", and Roach is the "weird kid". And the traits. So damn annoying, bland, and whiny, character traits that would never work. And the aliens, why did one have a Arnold Schwarzenegger accent? Hurr de hurr, it's funny, that's probably why.

The voice acting is terrible, Kevin and Roach by far have the worst voices I've ever heard of. It's like medieval torture. Kevin sounds like he has a stick up his nose and snorting, and Roach is pretty self-explanatory.

And finally, the animation. I hoping that the animation wouldn't be stilled, like Johnny Test. God golly, like I said, hoping and reality are different. It's fast-paced, but stilled. I think they're actually trying to be bad, because how the hell does that work?

Animation: 4/10 Plot: 3/10 Voice Acting: 2/10 Overall: 3/10

Please end my life now.
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this show is an epic fail
harrun-4839123 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Before this review if you like this show i'm respect your opinion.

the plot

OK it's about four kids Tyler, Kevin, shoppe, and roach get the ball who calls the battle ball in an accident made by the aliens mnemonic and zen-block because they believed that they where soldiers and then they must learn them the power that they can use to save the world.

my thoughts about this show i find it boring stereotypical and giving kids stupid message to kids the animation is bland and stiff the intro song wants me to eat an spicy pepper i did knew that it didn't had the potential and have and i know Scott Fellow the same guy who made johnny test i know he is an nice guy but he cant think that kids is stupid and make stupid shows because kids aren't stupid and this show is lacking creativity i'm know Canadian show can be decent or good but many of them is garbage and unoriginal and this show is awful and boring can watch johnny test over this

if you want to have you kids an good taste of cartoons let them see Steven universe adventure time wander over yonder star vs the forces of evil regular show and many more even the classic and many more

please don't show this for kids
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I took it as a test (no pun intended)
Theraxorterminate21 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
(Important Note: This review is coming from someone who has "seen" the real material and not from someone who hasn't even seen it and giving away with simplistic sentences one would expect from a YouTube commentary.)

When was it the last time you've found a really, really bad cartoon? Well I'm not gonna lie, it's no wonder that it is so annoyingly easy to find a bad cartoon these days. But I'm starting to get worried, I mean I certainly hope that this cartoon (yet another one made by the same creator behind the atrocious Johnny Test) won't be making more than 4 seasons.

OK so first of all, what kind of a cartoon and its main characters would bear a lame name like "SuperNoobs"? I honestly believed that was already enough for me to realize how bad this cartoon was going to be. Now I know a vise person once said: "Do not judge a book by its cover" so I guess I decided to take a look at it after all. And no, nobody forced me to this was completely my own decision and I can now honestly tell everyone around here on IMDb that I am completely sickened by a cartoon like SuperNoobs.

I mean what was that cartoon really? I mean if Scott Fellows's last cartoon wasn't bad enough, then I guess that SuperNoobs is even worse than its predecessor. Everything around this cartoon is just unoriginal at best, for example why does every episode need the word "Noob" for their episode titles? Haven't we already seen this concept for every Johnny Test episodes with their titles? Its main opening theme has got to be one of the most forgettable music themes I have ever ever heard in my life, even right now when I'm writing this review I still can't remember how it's sounds like because it was so badly done.

The stories are also nothing more than overused clichés that we have presumably seen a thousand times before, I've seen better cartoons making better plots with these well-known story concepts. Also I cannot stand its humor, yes I know that this show is supposed to have some comic relief at times but can you survive to some of the most overused and uninspired humor that has been done to death already?

Dear lord are the characters in this show so darned unlikable as heck! They're selfish, egoistic, childish and did I mention they're annoying? I honestly believed that the cardboard characters and the villains were less annoying than our main characters. And why on Mother Nature does a cartoon really need a cartoon character that has to sound like Arnold Schwarzenegger? It's getting tedious and old now, I'm starting to think that this is becoming something like when people started to make fun of Chuck Norris before it became rather tiresome for me.

If I'd like to point out one very annoying thing about this show, although it's actually a pretty small one but it still annoyed me: if you really want your children to avoid this cartoon at any cost do you want them to learn to say things to their school-friends like: "Remind me again why we're friends?" Really? Is this something of what today's cartoons want to promote today's children?

And let's not forget about its animation, before further info's I just want to say that I haven't always been a fan of Teletoon and their cartoons mainly because of their style. However not all of them are bad, I used to kind of liked one of their previous cartoons such as Atomic Betty which actually wasn't so bad but it was kind of rushed for the most of it. So it makes me wonder why couldn't Scott Fellows improve his animation style for his next cartoon? It could have been better than his Johnny Test but unfortunately it managed to keep the same choppy animation just like JT and in my deepest opinion this shows style looks even worse than his previous work with hideous and lazy designs I've ever seen! I've seen 5 year old's drew way better and beautiful than this style.

Sorry for the long review but I simply couldn't believe of all the atrocities this show was presenting. I'm getting sick of these cartoons, but of course after seeing a few episodes I can already imagine how much hatred this turd will gain. I won't fool myself by wasting my precious time for something so bad like SuperNoobs. I might dare to say that not even other God-awful cartoons like Uncle Grandpa or even the shows (SN's) predecessor Johnny Test was as bad this. Please avoid it and make sure your children stay away from it as well too like the plague.

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Definitely Boring and bland
definitelynotyaseen24 May 2019
Disclaimer: It has been years since I last saw this show so please don't take my review too seriously. I'm going to (probably) watch the show again to make a proper judgment of the show. Thank you, enjoy your day :D)

Super-Noobs is one of the worst animated shows I had ever seen. When I first saw this show, I (for some odd reason) was interested in this show (but then again, I was young so...). The main characters voices are pretty annoying to listen to. It's like it's somehow amplified. The animation seems sort of lazy (okay to be honest, it isn't that lazy on some parts). The plots for each episode seems generic.

I honestly don't know what to say about this show. It's been so long that I practically forgot about it it until just yesterday. I may have to (attempt to) watch the show again just to make a proper review. Until then, 2 out of 10 stars.

I would not recommend this show to anyone, including kids.
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Insult to my intelligence
shierkids30 January 2016
This show was made by the same people who made Johnny Test. And it's sorta obvious. It has the same low grade flash animation, same pandering and stereotypical characters, and same bad writing. And it has Arnold Shwartseneagger. This show seems to follow internet memes closely, and the voices are annoying. Also, it tries to be hip, edgy, and 'keeeeeeeeew', which can easily kill shows. I pray that this show is not greenlit for a second season, or it at least gets better, because it is really giving Cartoon Network a bad name, along with ttg, Uncle Grandpa, and Johnny Test.All in all, it is the perfect recipe for disaster. This show sucks, and it has no obs in the title. This show is in the lines of Teen Titans Go, which is still an improvement over Johnny Test. The Verdict: Insult to my intelligence
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Heretics! Heretics! Heretics!
bioshockted15 February 2016
When I saw the trailer to this show, I knew that it would fail because like "Uncle Grandpa", this show is ungodly annoying. And as a gamer, I believe I speak for everyone when I say that I am extremely offended because one of the aliens look like a terrible knock-off of the Sangheli (Covenant Elites) from the Halo video games. Cartoon Network writers and executives, stop acting like petulant children and get a better taste of shows that have drama, character development, heart, and morality instead of all these annoying abominations. And turning our favorite Halo video game species into something terrible and stupid is an act of heresy against all gamers! Heretics!
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Johnny test with stereotypes
camiacono31 January 2016
Scott fellows the creator is the same guy who brought us the plague that was Johnny test. This show is better but not by much, the animation is average though to be fair unlike JT it has a decent frame rate. This show has a lot of stereotypes which is both insulting and lazy. The basic set up for this show is "what would nerds like to watch?" and as a nerd (not in the bad term)myself I can clearly see what there doing wrong. References do not equal jokes and that is what many shows like this and Teen titans go get wrong. Plots are basic and stupid and the sound effects and musical notes are way too similar too johnny test, I know it's unfair to compare two shows made by the same creator but if your going to make another you should have different themes, settings and character traits. One thing this show dose have over johnny test is the main character (or rather in this case characters) dose have friends unlike johnny who was a selfish loner. Now even though the "Noobs" I guess that's what they literally call themselves come off as dull and yet still manage to be annoying. I really can't believe cartoon network gave teletoon another chance at a show.
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Worst Rubbish, no wonder it got canceled.
spiritsountracks22 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Please don't waste your time watching something so stupid. Seriously, what idiot can like this show at all? A bunch of kids being super heroes, one Russian alien and a English Alien? Um.... That sounds silly, and dumb. Omg, what is in Scott Fellow's mind? He keeps making terrible, unfunny and garbage show which people hate. Can he cancel already? I am so happy that he canceled Super Noobs, that show is even worse than Johnny Test, like ten times worse that Johnny Test. Terrible animation, predictable plot, stupid unfunny jokes. And most of all the terrible ACTORS! Ugh, that black-haired kid sounds like a slaughtered pig! That fat, short, red-headed boy sounds like a suffering dog.

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Tv equivalent of a brain tumor
toxicwarheads26 December 2018
Trying to appeal to kids and teens with the word noon in the title is like a fish trying to date a bear. Bland and uninspired trash
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Somthing to watch when bored
candabees11 November 2018
It's kinda weird, but watching a formulated kids show just...idk does it for me.

Kinda bland but still entertaining, I mean who cares about the quality. I know I don't! ( I do but I already watched all the episodes of all the good shows on C.N)
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Teen Titans Go! + Johnny Test
WeAreLive19 April 2018
Did I seriously in 2018 waste my 10 minutes watching an episode of this crap. This show goes to show how bad the media treats Superheroes nowadays.

Horrible voice acting, stereotypes and flashy animation just sums up how bad this show is.

I just watched an episode where these 4 kids are saving people to earn a gift card and that's the whole plot.

Heck I can't even compare this to TTG because at least these heroes know how to team up.

All and all just don't waste your 10/11 minutes like I did just watching this crap. At least Johnny Test wasn't this bad.
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I watched a few episodes (probably 6 or 8)
toonzofficial7 January 2016
This cartoon came out last month Back in April 2015 I heard Scott Fellows Who made the unwatchable Johnny Test Was making another cartoon I knew it was going to be terrible I didn't want CN to go downhill again for a 9th year cause first Wabbit premiered in September. Now this show (Supernoobs) was not terrible. It was just mediocre in my opinion. It was not CN's fault. It was Teletoon and DHX Media. I mean who could think of a name called (Supernoobs) Another bad modern Canadian cartoon attempted to fail. The only good new Canadian cartoons I like are Grojband and Camp Lakebottom cause they have decent animation But the animation for Supernoobs was decent Thank you Scott. I never thought your art style is good again for the second time. But the characters are stereotypes The only characters I like are Tyler (cause he has courage and hope) and Shope cause she has a brain Roach's voice is funny And Kevin is a Beast Boy stereotype but he's way better than TTG! Beast Boy But the other characters suck Animation:B+ Writing:C+ Characters:B+ Music/Intro:C+ Enjoyment:C+ meme from mlp-vs-capcom Final Ranking:C+ 4/10 Mediocre Sorry if this review was bland again, But I will to make my next one good.
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arielsiere24 May 2022
The worst Cartoon Network show from 2015-2019, my number one least favorite show next to The Problem Solverz, Corn And Peg, Mr Pickles, Sanjay And Craig and The Shnookums And Meat Funny Cartoon Show.
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This show gave me brain cancer
AycantTinkofaNeim26 May 2022
I thought Johnny Test was around a 6/10 so I expected better of this show. Another "so bad, it's good" type of show, I hoped it would be. Nope. It's so bad, that it's bad. Every character is terrible, and so is the rest of this show. I hate remembering this show and all their voices, especially that orange kid. Please do not give yourself a brain tumor by watching this show.
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I mean.... it's..... ok?
ShallotHare5 November 2018
Really the only things I find tolerable in the series is the animation and voice acting. Everything else is.... eh.


Also I thought the show got cancelled how the hell did it get greenlit for a second season
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Bland and Generic
damiontatum14 February 2021
Teletoon is known for making mediocre animated shows in recent memories, and this is no exception. The Action Sci-Fi Comedy received scathing reviews from both critics and audiences for it's uninspired animation and lazy writing. In after it's 13th episode, Teletoon pulled the show from TV for good and all's well it ends well
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ryancmoreland10 February 2016
Ignore the haters, this is a kids show perfectly aimed at the 6-11 demographic. It also appeals to me as a thirtysomething who loves simple cartoons that are not too dark. If you feel the show is infantile or lacks plot however please remember it is a kids show and change the channel. If your a parent who simply does not get what kids these days watch just do the ironing or some other chore when it is on if it is what your kids enjoy. Personally speaking it DOES have a good plot it is simply executed more simply than other cartoons because of its target demographics. This is something which we 'grown ups', or even teenagers 13 and over, fall squarely outside of. Not saying if we so choose we cannot enjoy as well, bit if we don't no one is forcing you to watch. For instance my sister finds CN irritating so just doesn't watch it, whereas I never really stopped liking it.

In short 6-11 year olds cannot write reviews here so it is a tad unfair for adults to blast a good kids show this way.
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I love this show
waffleit19 January 2016
I love this show I hope that it won't get canceled because I won't be the only one upset and crying if it is this show is fun and creative I enjoy it and I'm also in a fan club for the fact I'm kind of obsessed but it's an amazing show.Give it a shot. :D.Many people don't like this show but there are others who love and enjoy it.I have a wish that this show can at least get through 2 seasons but if not oh well I will just go into a corner and stare at a wall for blankness.But seriously this show is amazing so many people hate it but so many people love it too.It just depends on their taste.I really hope Cartoon Network doesn't cancel this show.Supernoobs brought me happiness as soon as I watched the first videa.Try it out!
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Gr8est show of all time
anambudiripad30 March 2016
Noobs these days; they never learn. Except for in the case of this show. This show is the greatest thing I have ever seen on TV, or on the Internet. The characters are so original, and make me feel like I'm a noob along with them. ALL THE PEOPLE WHO H8 THIS SHOW ARE FRICKING HATERS YOU FRICKING FRICKS. IT MAKES ME SO ANGRY I JUST WANT TO FRICK ALL THE H8ERS. The battle balls are so awesome and I wish I had one so I could get rid of the bullies in school. Also, the episode titles are SO original. They are all cleverly used variants of the word "Noob". I don't know why they canceled the show, they should have made a second season but the executives at Cartoon Network are just noobs.
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Supernoobs is awesome!
cwangxy16 January 2016
OK I can see many people don't like this show but I love it a lot of my friends would agree!!!I enjoy this show this is actually better than anything CN puts on these days in my opinion.I hope this show doesn't get canceled in the USA or I crawl in a hole and cry.I really hope that some people would watch more than one episode and get a taste of this work.But since this show is based off of things made for kids others hate it and kids can't write reviews so it's kind of unfair to them.Everybody keep criticizing this show even though it's good. One day this world will be freed from only teens and adults judging this show. This show has brought light into the world of cartoons even though the animation is OK the plot is good.
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My favorite childhood show
I have watched this since it first came out and I grew up with this show which I will never forget and I like the kids too. I hope it gets a season 3.
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I love this show
sonicxmariotails10 May 2016
I like this show because unlike Johnny Test I actually like this characters well most of them and they're actually learning.

But there are problems.

There are jokes I've seen before and the animation is nothing special, but overall this show deserves an eight out of 10.

I'm tired of people hating on decent TV shows.

If you don't like it fine just don't rant about it.

You see when you rant you waste energy, so don't rant on a decent show.

Again there are problems and I know that so don't say I'm calling this show the best show ever or anything.

Also I need 10 lines.
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great show
pengwinmail14 June 2017
Great show! Its very funny! with a very original plot! I have never seen a show like this! now all we need is a season 2. PLEASE make one I can't stand that small cliffhanger at the end. though it is a little weird and has some cringing moments(the episode about stray cats) it is still one of my favorite shows. P.S i love when people react so most of my favorite episodes is near the end and beginning
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I expected it to be horrible but instead a really great show!
danielguison21 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
IGNORE THE HATERS!! I mean if 12 year old's can gain power, how long do u think they can master it!!!! Probably years!! If u had powers and immediately after discovering u have powers u have to save the earth can U handle that!!!!!! I think this show is great! Teaches enough life lessons and shows the importance of responsibility and control.
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