Devils in the Darkness (2013) Poster

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My Review Of "All The Devils Aliens" a.k.a. "Devils In The Darkness"
ASouthernHorrorFan17 November 2013
"All The Devils Aliens" is a bizarre piece of surreal melodrama that brings plenty of chills. The film is directed by Daniel Falicki and the title is listed as on IMDb as "Devils In The Darkness", a title I like much more than the one being used is distribution. Anyway that isn't the important part. "All The Devils Aliens" has some pretty impressive avant-styled acting with a cast that includes David Gries, Lisa Mueller, Joseph Scott Anthony, Shirley Clemens and Joshua Lieske. There is a supporting cast of creatures that accompany these very human afflicted characters that play as much apart of bringing the creepy to this film-so kudos to them. "ATDA" follows Mike Hill, a caregiver who takes a job assisting in the care of reclusive and eccentric retiree Stanton Pinborough. The pisser in this story is that Pinborough has a reason for eccentric character quirks because he nabbed a small infant alien from the crash debris recovered at the infamous Roswell incident. Now plagued by the "familial clan" of the small creature, Stanton Pinborough is reduced to the remnants of a tragic past and insanity.

The story in "All The Devils Aliens" picks up with Pinborough at the latter state, as he is locked away in his quarters, cared for by Mike Hill, along with Robin Bradbury-the senior caregiver after a series of mysterious disappearances and rushes quitting's of various other home health nurses has left her in the position. The anchored dramatics of the story that mostly deal with Mike and Robin interacting to the various things that begin to happen on this particular shift hold some pretty quality suspense and tension in the film. At times the acting does falter toward the unbelievable and forced, but it bounces back just as quickly. There are momentary breaks of sudden moments of action which is meant to scare the viewer while breaking from the dialog-those moments deliver. I found myself jumping at times and keeping a constant chill of anticipation for the next scene. The over all plot and end game of the film does remain elusive for the most part which often made me wonder if I was even watching something worth watching, however holding in there, the film amped up the thrilling nature of dramatics as the film moved along-I was pleasantly surprised at the full nature of this story.

The action/FX aspect of "All The Devils Aliens" were on the cheaper side, but the creativity to pull off those special effects moments works extremely well. The flare for dramatic in the last segment of the film becomes some bizarro, surreal nightmare sequence of craziness which gives us our aliens, the agenda, a flare for theatrics and total entertainment. This film is either the worst thing that a movie goer will see or it will be a great, witty, entertaining film- I had more times that I was totally involved, thrilled, and entertained to consider "All The Devils Aliens" horrible so I have to say that I found it entertaining. Not the greatest by far but far better than I was expecting. Some of the back-story seems a bit flimsy while watching but that flag burns fast after the big finale in the film. "All The Devils Aliens", in spite of the faltering acting and cheaper effects, is a cool, creative sci-fi horror.
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honestly seems like a fantastic film ......
godinamachine8 January 2022
HEY EVERYBODY ITS ME, (4) and today we review ..... signs part 2 ...the movie !!!!!!!!!!

OH MY GOD ITS CALLED VOLUME CONTROL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please ... PLEASE just turn up the whispering talky talky parts ...and turn down the POW BOOM loud parts .... even them out on that little bar you see jumping around when editing there ..... trust me it IS easy, red = bad .....and nothing = bad ...shoot for that middle green level you see ..thats JUST RIGHT .... .... i mean dont forget your frequencies also BUT even just volume helps i mean nothing KILLS a film faster than turning UP your volume to max to try and hear ANYTHING ....then BAM some guy in the dark slams something down so you of course turn your volume WAY down because ....eardrums ..... but wait then they start talking ... i mean i think their talking even though my volume is now just normal levels where the youtube ads are even above a nominal hearing rang but sure why not .... so lets just crank up the volume again .... YUP were playing that game here folks .... the ol UP DOWN volume roller coaster ........

visually i enjoyed alot of the finer things in here though ... the subtle lighting, the focus .... the acting had a lot of nice points ...minus the first lady LOL but other wise REALLY good vibes from the actors throughout and some might say "its over acted" at times , but i dont think so really .. i mean you have crazy doc ock who plays that part very well ... and also lets be honest here ... this would be a great version of doc ock to see in spider man LOL ... some freaked out nut job talking about aliens and making out with dead people .....and dont even tell me you dont see the resemblance ...dont lie to me !!!!!!!!!! ..... but the dude taking care of him too does a solid job ..........and just over all really good job ... this kind of film proves with a neat story and dedicated people , when good acting comes into play you dont need a hundred people in a cast ... just a hand full can work wonders .....

this film has some amazing stuff going on for sure ... i loved the play on lighting , some of the FX were good ...some were trying to be good ... but they even wernt bad really .... nothing that would take away from the film ...... this is really a gem in the rough kind of deal here ......

NOW if ONLY we could do something about that sound issues it would have been nice i imagine to have heard at least half of the conversations ???........and sadly due to that issue i cant REALLY rate this one to its fullest here ... i have to just on what i got to work with so the low score im giving is ONLY sure to the terribly edited sound , personally i would love to see this one re-mastered and the audio situation fixed and i bet this would easily become an underground favorite of the indie scene in no time .....

i REALLY loved the aesthetics but i have to sorry

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africe9 June 2022
Wow! The worst movie I've ever seen. A waste of time. I want my 2 hours back. This movie went nowhere. Stupid dialogue and subpar acting. Sound was bad also.
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Indie sci-fi/horror silliness
Leofwine_draca28 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I caught this on Amazon Prime under the title ALL THE DEVIL'S ALIENS. It's an indie sci-fi/horror effort about an ordinary guy who has just graduated from college and is now looking for his first job. He ends up becoming a carer for a kooky recluse who lives in the woods and has some very odd ideas. This film is distinguished by a slow and realistic first half which turns into a very oddball second half, full of ideas and themes that never really gel. It all gets rather silly, and suffers for it.
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Where to begin...?
tmccull5230 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Let's see. Pretend that you're our protagonist. You go on a job interview, and the conditions are as follows:

1.) The assignment is to act as a caregiver to an "eccentric, volatile old man";

2.) Details on the assignment are sketchy, at best, and you will be filled in on all of the details once you arrive at the location of the assignment;

3.) The location in question is somewhere out in BFE, a remote, rural locale.

4.) You are being hired specifically because of your own lack of background and experience. Your prospective employer wants someone who is "pliable".

5.) You are advised that the "eccentric, volatile old man" is one of your prospective employer's oldest clients, and one of the most difficult.

So, being inexperienced, with little in the way of traceable background, and gullible as Hell, you accept the assignment. On your way to the assignment, your GPS caps out. You see dark, foreboding figures darting about the woods all around you. They seem to be following you somehow. Still, you're inexperienced and gullible, and on your way to a dubious, ambiguous assignment, so you press on.

You finally arrive at the assignment, which is the requisite creepy old house, and you see more of those dark, mysterious figures all around. You are then met by an emotionally distressed, physically injured woman who fairly storms out of the house, and right past you. She ignores you until she gets to her car. Then, she opens the door to her car, vomits, and then points to the house and says, "You see that? That's no house! It's a tomb!" Then, this woman drives away, tires a'squealin'.

Being the dumbass that you are, you press on anyway. You are then met by the primary caretaker, the person who will be training you. She is harried, and WAY too happy to see you. Your trainer introduces herself to you as "Robin Bradbury" and tells you that another caregiver, already on site, will assist in training you. This will be "Sandra". As it turns out, "Sandra" is the woman that you passed on your way in.

Robin assures you that all is well, and that you should press on anyway, and like the idiot that you are, you do. Robin then excuses herself to attend to the "eccentric, volatile old man", and via a monitor, you hear this old man verbally abusing Robin, calling her virtually every foul name in the proverbial book in all of two or three sentences. Robin reappears, and despite the fact that you very obviously heard everything that was said to her, she tells you that everything is fine. Being the dumbass that you are, you believe her and carry on.

A short while later, you happen across Robin, who is barfing on the hallway carpet. Robin looks to be in rough shape, and bears the marks of physical abuse. While she stands in front of the puddle of her vomit, pale, quaking, and bruised, she tells you that all is well. Being the dumbass that you are, you believe her.

As the assignment progresses, virtually anything and everything that would tell you to run away like your ass is on fire happens, and yet, you stay. Robin asks you why you're staying. You tell her that you're staying because your beloved grandmother once told you that however mean, miserable, evil, and despicable that a person might be, they still deserve to be loved. So, you're there to love on and care for some "eccentric, volatile old man" that you still haven't met, that you have no familial or emotional ties to, despite all of the dubious things that you've seen and heard, because your dear old granny told you to. Congratulations, you are the most obtuse dumbass in the history of cinema.

Now, do you, as the reader of this review, still want to watch this rancid turd of a movie?
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Reminds of attempts of class from bigger genre studios...
guestar578 December 2013
Made by : Daniel Falicki and Ryan Lieske.

So,Watching this flick reminds you of the Gothic -like films of Full Moon and Roger Corman, Remember those attempts to inject alittle class that was non-existent usually on a miniscule budget.

Could have seen GRIES before,But let us just say he has the put-upon guy down pat,His character is given a chance to breath and make some sense out of the villain's doings.

MUELLER is quite good in a deteriorating 'Caregiver 'way.She is called to explain,coddle and service the villain.

ANTHONY is truly amazing as the villain,Watching ATDA unfold,One thinks 'Oh,Those Bad Greys',Then it is revealed just how freakin' twisted ANTHONY truly is,was and will be ! Okay,Now to one filmmaker Daniel Falicki,This is the second of your films we watched in two weeks,Love the worlds you create and found out you made one of our recent SCI-FI favs FUTUREWORLD, Thanks, Just thanks, Love the path you lead us one with stories,characters and direction.
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