This episode has the most anticlimatic scene of the series so far. Kwamas Fight against Flamma.
The fighting scenes are the most boring i've seen in my life. So poorly "conducted" that i came to the conclusion that they have no fighting instructor for the "gladiator fight"scenes. The music was the same.
Poorly conducted,flat,the opposite of epic.
The whole fight Flamma and Kwama look confused,as if they don't know what to do. Because i think there was no instructor or director in sight to tell them what to do. Embarassing.
After the first two very good episodes in my opinion i had hoped it doesn't go down the drain like this. But after episodes 3-5.
Iwan Rheon is the highlight of the show,but they make him now the antihero. Come on. Titus is a laughable emperor,unlike his brother,who is outstanding and the real baddy,unlike Tenax.
Hope the show gets better.