87 of 160 found this mild
Around 8:30 - 9:30 minutes into the movie, they (the lovers) get close and are about to kiss, but they don't.
At 20:57 for 2 seconds, a woman is shown (from behind) on top of a man in bed. It wasn't clear as it was behind a curtain.
57 of 85 found this severe
Scenes of brutal and often bloody violence include those in which characters are stabbed, slashed, shot and beaten.
In one scene, a person's arm is sliced off, and in another scene a character is decapitated.
Some of these scenes include blood spurts, blood in the aftermath of violence, and the use of improvised weapons (for example, bottles).
In a scene of domestic abuse, a character slaps his wife.
A person falls from a height, followed by a scene in which his body lands on the ground with a loud crunch.
There is subsequent emphasis on blood flowing from his corpse.
There is strong injury detail in the aftermath of violence, and which includes wound detail and sight of victims' bloodstained stumps following their dismemberment and decapitation.
51 of 62 found this mild
There is mild and very mild bad language ('piss', 'hell', 'damn', 'jerk').
49 of 65 found this mild
Adult characters smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol.
64 of 75 found this severe
In a scene of sexual threat during a home invasion, a woman is dragged away by a criminal who intends to rape her.
However, the scene cuts away before there is any further sexual violence.
In another scene of sexual threat, a group of criminals watch a teenage girl begin to undress before they attack her with intent to rape.
The girl fights back and is heavily beaten before she is overpowered.
It is implied that she is subsequently raped off-screen by the men.
There are also verbal references to sexual violence.
During robbery scenes, criminals threaten people who they have tied up and gagged.
There are also scenes of knife threat.
There are scenes in which distressed characters grieve and cry, sometimes in prolonged fashion.