Revival of Evil (Video 1980) Poster

(1980 Video)

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Classic Cult Movie
oldschoolmech27 July 2020
This movie needs to be watched. it is a great window into the "Satanism" and "Occultism" Scare the Media was Fascinated with throughout the Eighties. I Loved Metal and Punk Music in the 80s and had yo deal with this Madness then and it is Funny to watch it now and see how stupid and False Panic it was. like Reefer Madness and Keep off the Grass as a Cult (Get it?) Classic about how Laughable and Insane Mass Hypnosis is.
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shughm7 December 2020
This is some quality comedy. The dead-pan seriousness makes it worth a watch. It's instructional, in that you can learn the Satanic dangers surrounding occult musicians like Jimmy Page and Bob Marley.

I can only hope Christian films from my era are as entertaining forty years from now.
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Please avoid this truly maniacal
jaslam-6071012 July 2019
Music is the devil's work all the rubbish that nutters do with tarot cards and ouija boards is the devil's work. Honest to god this nonsense is beyond parady what worries me is that some clowns actually believe this as fact. Let me put it as plain as I can the Bible just like tarot cards and other claptrap is just like any other book and no it doesn't have the word of God in it. it has the word of men writing about a book about either what they want or what they desire. To end music is amazing be it country or heavy rock with their alluding to the devil it's a bloody cartoon character with big horns like hellboy. Give us all a rest with this drivel and you wonder why people don't attend church anymore look closer to home absolute piffle
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A waste of time
tymagnie30 May 2020
5 or 6 religious fools prattle on about Satanism for about an hour
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Classic 80's Satanic Panic Time Capsule!!!
dvdbrkhldr10 November 2019
I've been searching the net for this movie for years and finally found it!!! My church played this one night back in the summer of 1989 at the peak of the satanic panic craze. Most outlets at the time (Geraldo,Oprah,Current Affair and televangelists) focused on heavy metal,horror movies,Dungeons & Dragons and baby killing cults. Revival of Evil was the first to mention punk rock, in particular the Dead Kennedys (one of my fave bands) and new age/UFO gobbledygook. As a teen at the time the hippy dippy spiritualists,ouja board /tarot card stories and paintings were genuinely creepy but also fun in a late night spook show kinda way. This film (as well as the book Turmoil In The Toybox)is a fascinating example of the "Satanic Panic" craze that swept through the 80's and recommended for anyone who ever wondered what the hell it was like to live during that zeitgeist.
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Utter nonsense
crimsonghost-180-48812724 February 2020
This movie is worth watching for entertainment reasons only. They literally say that yoga is a road to satan I hope that isn't a spoiler. There's a whole lot more trash than that to surprise and amaze you. This movie reminds me of growing up in the eighties in southern Ohio around bible nuts. I know that southern Ohio isn't in the Bible Belt, but the people in my neighborhood didn't know. They'd rage against devil music and talk about satanism like it's magical. This movie embodies the ignorance of the eighties in relating everything to Satan. The only thing that scares me about this movie is that at least some people actually believed this nonsense. Maybe they still do. The film itself is dated, loaded with blatant misinformation, VHS quality and naive. I watched it. I don't recommend it, but if you like watching propaganda for a laugh, go ahead.
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A spiritually dateless and absorbing Christian examination of occult phenomena
take2docs25 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It appears that for some people it's the 'in' thing to deride those who believe in the supernatural realms and who warn of the dangers of dabbling in or practicing the occult. No doubt there are some who will watch REVIVAL OF EVIL in smug denial of the existence of diabolic entities, at bliss in their own ignorance and regarding as fools those they view as unenlightened and 'superstitious.' All I can say is that anyone who has ever been so unfortunate as to have experienced the reality of otherworldly mischief/malevolence for themselves, in one form or another, knows better and can only pity the actual ignoramuses in this case.

Understandably, and as is made abundantly clear here, not everyone involved in spiritism, divination, and even Satanism for that matter, may realize what they are fully into, nor do they necessarily always suffer the consequences (at least not in this lifetime, anyway). Indeed, will many spiritually misled people be in for quite a shock upon crossing over to the other side? This video certainly seems to hint at that.

As for tittering scoffers, who choose not to believe in dark intelligent nonphysical forces and who snidely think this all to be a joke... Incorrigible atheists aside, I suspect there are some among them who upon actually watching this would still stubbornly keep to this belittling view of theirs, for to admit otherwise would place them alongside religiously minded prigs and prudes, folks whom they generally resent for being being morally restrictive and 'uncool.'

So it is, then, that the occult and the dark side is often made to look attractive and attracts those who see in it the very antithesis of Christianity; this aspect, for numerous dupes, its most enticing feature.

REVIVAL OF EVIL takes a look at various ways the average person can become mixed up in occult practices and teachings, and often even without his or her realizing it. Hosted by a calm (read: not the least bit panic-stricken) Dave Hunt, who notes that the Greek word for sorcery in the New Testament is 'phar-ma-ki-a'. On that note, Hunt mentions one of the more obvious ways a person can open themselves up to the occult: via mind-altering drugs, which are thought to open psychic portals into orphic dimensions (which, I might add, was perhaps the real covert intention of the social engineers who helped orchestrate the Sixties' counterculture).

Horror movies and ungodly anti-music are also warned against in this. With regard to the latter, I've sometimes wondered: If a demonic realm doesn't exist, it's a curiosity to me why so many Heavy Metal and Hard Rock bands dress and make themselves up to look like Satan-worshippers, and glorify badness, the Devil and Hell in their lyrics. If the Bible is nothing but bunk, a tome to be dismissed, then why all the (negative) attention given to it by these bands, and to such an extent as if to take what it says about the dark side seriously, and in doing so, in a sense, validating its authenticity?

Scientific materialists skeptical of supernatural phenomena seem to gloss over stories such as the one related here, of a woman who was once into tarot. During one personal reading she gave, the woman told a girl that according to the cards her father would be dead by the following week; uncannily and laden with existential implications, the foretelling ended up proving true. (Within the paranormal community, this woman would be dubbed a psychic, no doubt a description which erroneously places the emphasis on the source of such foreknowledge on a human being instead of a spirit.)

A sound technician is heard from, who at the time this was recorded was working in the music industry. He wonders as to all the tragic, premature deaths that have occurred over the years in this particular business, that has seen vocalists and other bandsmen whose lives have been cut short due to their addiction to drugs and alcohol...or maybe, just maybe, due to pacts that were made with a certain someone, in their desire for fame and fortune.

UFO contactees are apparently not immune from being taken in by these invisible antichrist deceivers, either. Hunt relates the experience of one person's supposed encounter with so-called Space Brothers, beings who revealed to their intermediary their wish to impose upon the earth a one-world government.

In the end, REVIVAL OF EVIL is not near as silly and sensationalistic as others have made it out to be. Lurid scenes from a Church of Satan meeting open the video, with clips of Anton LaVey conducting a ceremony. How anyone can watch these scenes and still go about pooh-poohing the idea that spiritual darkness exists in the world, is beyond me.

Evil of the kind alluded to in this video is, according to a certain holy text, rather ancient, and one that in all likelihood exists outside of time as we understand it to be. Moreover, what is at stake here may quite possibly involve the human soul (and I say this as a non-Christian). This is not a subject, therefore, that ought to be taken lightly nor oversimplified as the mere hype and fear-mongering of ridiculous religionists. To the contrary, REVIVAL OF EVIL, far from simply capturing a passing '80s' social phenomenon is, metaphysically speaking, quite timeless and, by extension, indisputably and in all time periods, timely.
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