20 of 51 found this mild
A long scene where a woman is only in her underwear.
Two women kiss for a short period of time.
Gal Gadot's character makes passive aggressive sexual advances towards Isla Fisher's character throughout the movie. At one point, she tries on different underwear while Isla Fisher's character watches. She then carries on a conversation with her while dressed in very seductive looking lingerie, which draws a lot of attention to Gal Gadot's bare abs, as well as her legs. The two women later kiss.
Two women see 1 of their husbands checking out Gal Gadot's bum. The wife says if he was taking photos of her ass on his phone, he will not be getting a BJ.
Sexual humor is featured in the film. Sexual innuendos, crude hand gestures and sexual imagery are also depicted, but are mild and infrequent.
The film contains some sexual references, including a scene depicting the protagonists, a married couple, who are imagining that they are having a wild time, where they are seen kissing passionately, drinking and eventually snuggling under a blanket where both are implied to be naked. However, the scene ends abruptly and the couple is brought back to reality.
In another scene, the female protagonist is seen dry-humping her husband briefly in a drugged state after she was accidentally struck by a tranquilizer dart.
In addition, there are also some verbal sexual references when a woman asks her neighbor about her sex life.
9 of 21 found this mild
There are some scenes of violence featured in the film, mostly involving car chases and gunfights.
In one of the stronger scenes, a man is shot in the head and brief blood spurting is seen.
In another scene, a woman throws a knife, hitting a thug in the throat but no details are depicted.
In another scene, a snake has it's head cut off but no blood is shown.
13 of 21 found this mild
The expletive "fuck" is featured, but used infrequently.
The film contains a single utterance of the expletive "fuck", as well as some mild language such as the terms "damnit", "hell", and "bullshit".
10 of 19 found this mild
10 of 16 found this mild