Vampires in America (2022) Poster

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Drew_Hester27 February 2022
I wish Discovery still had enough respect for their viewers to place a title card at the beginning that states these shows as being for entertainment purposes only. Some people literally think this is real and these shows are getting out of hand. Still though, mildly fun.
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Painfully bad
xzyqgsh23 February 2022
After 1 minute in, I could already tell this was all bad actors trying to make this look real. They obviously failed because this was comically fake. The actors were overly acting. Everything was visibly staged. It was not good at all. I did not finish watching it.
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chrissb-507999 March 2022
All I have to say is this was the stupidest thing I've seen, and I've seen a lot of stupid things! As someone who lives in Arizona, it figures it takes place here. Btw the cop says there's no bears in the area...there are black bears in the desert.
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Too obvious most are actors
anja-rijnsburger21 February 2022
It's so bad, it's almost funny.

Obviously staged, made up and acted out.

I love a good mystery, but these people are so bad, it laughable. They way of speaking and the facial expressions of "witnesses, you can see they are B actors. It's sad really. Regardless of you believe this stuff or not, if they would've used 'real' investigators' and 'witnesses' it at least would've been interesting.
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More like bull**** in America
les-mcgowan17 April 2022
Turned it off as soon as the "rancher" gave his interview. Obviously an actor. Discovery+ rolled right into this thing after another program. Now this garbage is stuck in my "continue watching" queue. C'mon Discovery... stop faking it. There's plenty of credible teams trying to do real work in fringe science and the paranormal. Get some of them already!
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Vampires are cool but this show is not :(
lisaalvillar7 March 2022
Extremely staged!! Everyone's an actor and not good at it by the way unfortunately. I really wanted to see something cool about vampires and really wanted to hear some cool history and facts. As a viewer I wanted to believe vampires are real as im very optimistic but this show was not it and not entertaining :(
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Painfully staged
stardust-697691 March 2022
Came on here to look up who the actors were who played the "vampire hunters". No luck tho. It's so bad. It's like they watched supernatural and said, "you know what we should try to make people believe there are actually people who do that."
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Sooooo Bad
feartheflannel10 March 2022
The guy with the neckerchief is laughably idiotic. And he's in great shape to be hunting and challenging anything. This was as bad as the mermaids are real show they did years ago.
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Bro I wasted a hour of my life
kehl-6378721 July 2022
This was so bad I actually wasted a hour of my life trying to get thro this like I'm so disappointed in this like u could've done so much better like Finding Bigfoot level would've made this so much better and that is disappointing af. At this point I wanna become a vampire hunter to show I can do a better job.
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codygdietrich21 March 2023
I throughly enjoy any documentary about legends, myths, regional stories or beliefs about vampires or any sort of supernatural or unusual creatures or occurrences. A lot of this show or special is staged and completely fake. I had an acting class and the first we did was an exercise called overacting because the number one problem with new actors is they under act. The people they talk to are bad actors because they have little to no emotion, which is under acting. I watch true crime documentaries, the one is about individuals who have lived with killers, and there is a nervousness, a noticeable uncomfortable feeling, almost a paranoia, usually a sadness and sometimes an anger, none of those emotions are present in anyone they talk to. A lot of the conversations they don't tell the people they are vampire hunters, they are just asking about local places so why would those people be worried about vampires? If I ask you about an abandoned place near where you live are you going to be thinking about vampires? They say that vampires are not Homo-sapiens but evolved separately and are a different species, but then say that vampires can bite you and turn you into a vampire. That is like saying a chimpanzee can bite you and turn you into a chimpanzee. They also say vampires cannot breed and reproduce but if vampires are a species that evolved separately from homo-sapiens then they did breed at some point. They are not dead and sunlight does not kill vampires but they sleep in coffins, according to the hunters in the show. If they are not dead and sunlight does not kill them why do they need coffins? That was after they claim that vampires look and act like normal people and that "your doctor or even your priest could be a vampire" and yet they sleep in coffins and are immortal. To be a medical doctor, to even become a medical doctor you need to have a background check, actually a couple different ones, done which means you need a birthdate and social security number, to get into college you need a high school transcript. If you are a couple hundred years old and came to the US during the civil war how do you fake your birth certificate, high school transcript, social security number, not to mention the blood work and vaccines you need to get to work in a hospital. I had to go through most of that just to work in the cafeteria of a hospital. The one "mark of the v" they find is actually called an anarchy symbol and is very common graffiti.

The fact that the hunters state their name and where they are from at the beginning of this but they are not listed in the cast on IMDB just shows it's junk. If you are not willing to put you name to the "documentary" that you're starting in don't bother doing the documentary. The one person listed in the cast is the only person in this entire show that does not seem to be a terrible actor with no emotion, most of them are not even nervous, in the entire show.
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What am I doing with my life
TalosIV20 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I actually thought this might be a real documentary. You know, at least investigating real missing persons and unsolved deaths and it touches on some of that but is just so ridiculous. It's so fake but are they playing it for laughs? Don't know why I thought being on The Travel Channel might make it more "legit". The pee that came back as of Romanian sources and the horribly staged "encounter" at the truck stop are a couple of "lowlights". Proceed with caution. As some have noted here, could be a so bad it's good type of show for you. As for me, I am removing the hook from my mouth and giving a nod to P. T. Barnum.
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Obviously for entertainment only...
Andrazi25 March 2023
I started this around 3 am not knowing what I was getting myself in to. I'm enthralled by shows like this, things that are obviously fake but taken seriously.

The show starts off well enough. The first time I feel there's anything a miss is when one of the leads is talking about being confronted by a vampire in Europe somewhere when he was young. It scared him and he ran away. But then he contradicts himself and says he immediately starts hunting these vampires and he's trying to find him.

The other guy who is from Europe, who is supposedly descended from generations of vampire hunters runs around with a machete of all things.

For anyone who doubts this is completely bogus, the timeline says it all. They're in 2020 in November running around talking to people, those of us who have lived through this time know well that's the heart of the pandemic when you're not allowed to go do anything.

All in all it's a show about vampires that, as it turned out, is at least more credible than anything that has come out of the mouth of Joe Biden.. That in itself I think makes it worth a watch.

10 out of 10 for the laughs.
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Title interesting
robmcquiston222720 March 2023
Horrible. Wasted my time. Even the history of Bram Stoker's Dracula they provided is in correct,. Also the history of Vlad the impaler is incorrect. Move pass the title and save your time. Most dirt in the desert probably will contain ammonia. Please do not waste your time or energy to even try and understand this poor production. Could have been so much better if the actors actually acted instead of over acting. The best thing about this show is where can I find a Kevlar bandana for my neck. Even the poor farmer that they talked to first really didn't know what to do about anything. Could have been a better show.
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Oh my...
texasfrills20 March 2023
This program is like a train don't want to watch it, but you can't look away. I'm getting a neck ache from all the head shaking. I have it on in the background while I work on my computer. My belief or disbelief in vampires isn't relevant to this review. It's not for me be able to state with any authority whether or not vampires are real. I happen to believe they aren't (at least not in the traditional, horror movie sense). The only thing that is relevant is that it's poorly acted, overly melodramatic, and formulaic. The "interviews" with the vampire hunters are ridiculously over the top (particularly those with the heavyset man). The entire program watches like a bad B movie. Perhaps Travel Channel feels no disclaimer is needed since it's so clearly not real, but it would be nice if they prefaced the show with a graphic stating that it's a work of fiction. At least Supernatural's Sam and Dean were better looking and better actors.
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Oh no. Just no.
postmortemstar20 March 2023
This show is the exact definition of "time Vampire". You're never getting this hour back.

Not a single redeeming quality. Even the acting is atrocious, and that is being generous. There are so many rip off ideas from what we do in the shadows it's despicable. If I lived 1000 years, I had to watch this on repeat I would walk directly into the sunlight and end my misery. That's how awful this crap is. Not a single idea that's original and sadly I cannot even get beyond my utter shock that this was some thing that the Travel Channel decided would be a good idea. Whatever you do avoid at all costs, I promise you it is not worth your time.
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Just wow...
aaronbustillos4 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
1. Every person on this show is a actor 2. I live in AZ and their theories are just stupid that a vampire community can live in the hottest place in America.

3. Neither Mullet man or Ascott man has ever "destroyed" a vampire.

4. Please get a new hobby.
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Mountain Monsters catergory
sensesonfire19 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was trying to give this show a bit of integrity but there were so many red flags I decided to place it in the Mountain Monsters catergory. So many flaws it's hard to pick one but the episode where the two vampire hunters rang the woman whose son was supposedly attacked by a vampire to find out where he lived and his address no mother would hand out this information to two strangers on the phone. This is what influenced me the most in deciding it was fake. In this day and age the subject matter to me has a degree of plausibility but Vampires in America did it no justice. VIA entertainment only.
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So bad it's good? Not quite...
ddemora5 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
You know, for about 20 minutes, I found these two "vampire hunters" amusing, hence the two stars. The sheer amount of nonsense they spew forth in the opening moments of this show is mind-boggling. The guy with the Kevlar bandana (you read that right) apparently knows the entire history of the vampire race going back 68,000 years. The European guy with the insignia on his hat and sleeve (he looks like Rommel, the Desert Fox) claims to have watched his father kill a vampire by beheading it with a machete. So, for his sake, I hope vampires ARE real or he watched his Dad kill a man.

At first, I thought these were two guys who had a break with reality and firmly believed in the fantasies of their psychosis, but then the steady stream of local theater actors began appearing-all perfectly coiffed and costumed and in sets made to resemble a farm (with no animals), a veterinary office (with no animals), a desert (with no animals), an run-down apartment with only two pieces of furniture, an abandoned warehouse with an arcade full of dusty video games, etc. Etc.

I'm sure this was intended to be a series. It even has a cliffhanger ending. But it "jumps the shark" halfway through this first episode with the wacky chase in an abandoned truck stop. Chop it's head off because a stake won't work -that's just what the vampires want you to think!
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I really loved some of the fake documentaries in the past....
Wikkid_Gamez12 August 2023
The one they did about mermaids was really good a few years ago, this one? Is not.... At least on a few of the others I have seen they were good at making it seem plausible, not so in this WOT... They kept contradicting themselves going back and forth from a scientific stand point to a folklore stand point and all this BS they supposedly knew to be true after straight up admitting that they had never even truly met one, and you have to love all the generalizations they kept throwing around about an entire supposed species.... Bottom line? I wish they were real so they could eat these guys for being DAF 😂🙄👍🏻
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Many will believe it's real.
movieswithgreg5 August 2023
The sad part is that many viewers will think this is real. This is part of a growing field of spoofs, hoaxes, mockumentaries that try too hard to be real.

But why? Why bother? It has little value as a comedy, because it's too dry and close to the vest for that.

So the only good conclusion I can make is that this is a "resume" film. A project made to show future producers and investors that the director/producer here can make a horror film. Horror films are the most profitable films in Hollywood, so that's where the smart "junior" filmmakers will go.

The funny thing is that the plot could be rendered in a straight feature film. As vampire genre goes, it's a decent story if treated right. But otherwise, it's pointless, other than a spoof of how fake actual reality shows are. But that point doesn't need an hour and a half to drive home that stake.
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Only vampires would say this is fake!
kspkp18 October 2022
This movie was amazing straight to the truth. Obviously the people on camera were nervous and scared of vampire repercussions and that's why it seemed like bad acting. The only way anyone would give this movie. A bad rating is if they were in fact, a vampire stop vampires stop trying to hide the truth from us. It makes me really nervous to know that these are the only two vampire hunters in United States. I am so proud of how brave they were to stand up and show their faces on camera and what is becoming a vampire apocalypse. Stay strong out there. It's up to you both to keep this country safe.
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ijd-7357317 August 2023
It's hard to put into words how painfully bad this show is. On another review, someone stated that "it's so bad, it's funny." I stand behind that statement. I've never wrote a review in my life until this point and the reason I decided to was to warn others and inform the shows producers that this show is absolutely terrible. As others have stated, it is painfully obvious that the people in the show are actors. Bad actors at that. I'm confused what the point of it is? There are shows out there that try to open your mind to different possibilities that would go against prototypical science and can make a case with enough information, coincidental or not. However, this show just seems like a parody of some of those other shows. Lowest grade possible. 1980's B horror movies are better than this.
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What is happening
lvslashkitti14 April 2022
I am not sure if this is supposed to be a "real" type show.. I would imagine that to make this show, a large amount of what is happening would need to be "recreated". I do believe that their are people out in the world believe in such things and some of those believers would naturally be hunting them.. much like the infamous big foot.. that being said I feel like the first episode might have over compensated a bit and made it a bit to staged.. I live in AZ and haven't heard of them but I would love it if they were a real company and maybe just over did it 😂 but if it's supposed to be a entertainment type show, it should say that and maybe get the actors some acting classes.. I am invested now for at least one more episode.
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Campy Garbage
zreyn-0350212 November 2022
Yes, this show is campy garbage. However, it's so bad it's watchable. It's entertaining and worth having on in the background. The vampire hunters *cough actors cough* are ridiculous, but do a decent job of selling it. The locations are pretty, the premise is interesting, the story is ok but would make a better movie than mockumentary. There is a lot of regurgitated vampire lure these guys try to sell or explain away. I really want to know if this story was true, where these guys get their money. They have a lair, computers, a new truck, and gear; yet never work only hunt vampires at night.

Overall I'm not mad I watched it, but I wouldn't watch it again.
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This could be a brilliant comedy.
photrent20 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers ahead. If they weren't so subtle with the comedy, this could be a brilliant weekly series. Twenty five generation vampire hunter...hahahaha. Awesome. These two goofballs travel to Patagonia...Arizona. They encounter several silly characters, actually traveling to a supposed vampire kill site. Yeah. They claim a vampire sucked the the blood of it's victim in desert. The person who led them to the spot conveniently had casts of the bones of the murder victim. These characters are just begging to be developed. It develops from there and is hilarious. Hopefully the writers realize what they have and seek funding to develop this show. This is like vampire hunters meet Reno 911. Bravo. I'll change this to ten stars if the writers make this a weekly series.
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