"Family Guy" Quagmire's Dad (TV Episode 2010) Poster

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Typical Family Guy
dufflvr6 February 2011
There's nothing shocking about this episode. This is the sort of thing the series has been doing since day one. What's shocking is anyone taking it seriously or literally. Family Guy hates on EVERYONE and it is done so blatantly and unreasonably that it simply cannot be taken seriously. We laugh at the stupidity and the ignorance. If you can't see through something that transparent, this certainly isn't the show for you. It's been well documented that they're simply holding a mirror up to society and saying "Hey! Do you see how stupid you are?". Those of us that know better laugh, because that's not us. I can't help but wonder why someone would watch the show knowing full well that everyone and everything is fair game. Was it OK until they picked on something near and dear to your heart? The show has touched on many subjects I can relate to and they've made fun of it mercilessly. But, again, I realize it's designed to make society take a look at themselves and realize just how stupid some of us are. And then they throw in some fart jokes and tangents just for good measure. Really, this was one of the more tame episodes in terms of bigotry and stereotypes. It also provided some TRUE information regarding Transgenders, and if you listen for it, you'll hear it.
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Not offensive at all
StewartMango20 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I read previous reviews and noticed some were offended, the only thing offensive to me is they didn't make fun of people like me (Aspies). I think this had a good ending because even though Quagmire thought it was creepy that his father had a sex change in the end he still loved his father anyway and he was just happy he was happy. Of course you had Brian puke extensively after he found out he had sex with a man and not a woman. I mean any straight guy would react like that, you know how guys are, they need to sleep with as many women as possible, even women feel need to sleep with many men, I don't think sex is cool, it's just a part of some lives. The episode had a good meaning and it taught how we should respect others for their choices.
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A sympathetic portrayal of an oft misunderstood minority
mrnocal8 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Some have posted reviews blasting the hatred and violence against transsexualism in this episode. There wasn't so much hatred as confusion and ignorance based on what most have been brought up with to feel is normal (disclaimer: I have nothing against transsexuals...it's their choice). Violence against transsexuals? Not depicted in the least (and I watched a few times to make sure). The only violence was Quagmire beating the crap out of Brian for...well spoiler alert. Quagmire's Dad/Ida was portrayed very sympathetically and "this is what I am". Brian's puke moment was very accurately typical of most anyone who may have "slept" with a transsexual and found out after the fact without being told up front (exaggeratedly, but accurate). Ultimately, Quagmire supported his transsexual Dad. This episode, while really treading controversial territory, remained sensitive to its subject matter. The important thing to remember is that this is a COMEDY show! It's not preaching or trying to tell the public how to behave. It's shedding a light, comedic beacon on society and human nature. Just accept it for what it is and don't expect it to change society. It's a friggin' cartoon for Heaven's sake!
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"Hey Quagmire....I F***ed your Dad !" - Genius !
philhicks-130-54851410 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Possibly one of my favorite episodes and without doubt contains the funniest vomit scene in entertainment history.Also has the best last line of any TV series or movie ever ! I also am not offended by anything in Family Guy, as I pretty broad-minded. Not to negate anyone else's pain or condition or point of view, but if you are offended by anything in this TV show as a whole then vote with your remote. Please don't lash sweeping statements like "Anti-gay-transexual-animal-mineral-whatever!" Maybe, just maybe you just don't get the joke - but you know what thats OK, switch the channel.

Anyway, I am heterosexual, I have no prejudices, I don't think any minority is going to steal my job and I have gay friends and relatives. Believe what you want, just fight ignorance and bigotry - don't lump the creators of this program in with the Tea Party Parade, OK ? Once again, the-best-TV-show on the goggle box right now.

Seth MacFarlane = pure Genius ! Peace.
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llszo627 March 2013
The funniest episode ever in my opinion. To all these people bashing this episode, if you don't like it don't watch it. like someone else said IT'S A CARTOON! I'm so sick of all these groups complaining about how all these things are hatred, & bigotry, misunderstood minority, blah, blah, blah. This is an adult comedy that walks the line. always has been, always will be. The problem is people go so far with all of these "special groups" rights that they invade on others rights. There is a right to free speech. Just like pornography, nobody makes you watch it. If you don't like it or are offended, don't watch it. maybe some people are offended by transsexuals, maybe it against their religious beliefs. they have a right to their beliefs just like you do. They have no right to make people stop being transsexual & transsexuals have no right to make people stop making jokes about them. there are religious jokes, ethnic jokes, political jokes. the very thing that protects peoples rights to make episodes like this are the same rights that allow you to be a transsexual, people seem to forget that. there has been hatred for different religious groups & sexual orientation around for longer than this show. They crucified Jesus 2000 years ago because of his beliefs. But if transsexuals get beat up from now on, "you know who to blame" (family guy)? Please, get a grip. I'm certainly not saying it's right to discriminate against anyone, but to blame it on this 1 episode of a cartoon show is absolutely Preposterous. I watched it & i didn't suddenly get the urge to beat up a transsexual. if you want life & morality lessons in your TV show, watch re-runs of David & Goliath, not Family Guy.
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god damnnnn
jfilu26 September 2021
They had me ballin for the last 6 minutes of the episode.
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Hmmmm...something to think about.
ZippyGigglebuns18 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Putting the crude offensive ignorant jokes aside...I think this episode does shed a little light on the family's perspective of a transgendered individual. I like what Ida said to Glenn "I had the advantage of thinking about this for years. For me it was easy: Do I want to be happy the rest of my life or miserable?" Yes it's an oversimplification, but it has some truth, those who are transgendered have had their whole lives to adjust to their feelings.

The part that gets me is how the commentary is always about the struggle of the trans person, you rarely hear about their family. So I think this episode gave a bit of insight into that part of it - especially from a son's perspective of a father transitioning to a woman. For a boy, you look to your father to teach you to "be a man" so I can't imagine it is easy to see someone you looked to in order to shape your own gender and life, go through gender reassignment surgery. It would definitely throw me into a bit of a tailspin.

I do like that in the end you can see that Quagmire and his father/now Ida have a pretty solid relationship because they were able to forgive each other after their fight and Quagmire was able to be supportive of Ida.
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Just wanted to laugh at the people pretending this is a violence towards them.
themightykazoo-307635 August 2022
The one group of people who laugh at jokes aimed at others can't take jokes at their own expense and pretend it puts their lives in danger. It's fun to watch this just to have a laugh at that evil crowd.
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Quagmire's Dad new storyline
mcclearyr-115621 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Quagmire's Dad goes through major changes at the hospital that transformed him into a woman, Chris starts to fall in love him after he was introduced to everyone.

Chris started dating him until he found out later he quagmire's mom went through the changes but unaware that he was spied on by Joe which angered him.

At school Chris and Neil were discussing his secret love life with Quagmire's mom, Neil informs him that would make him the coolest kid.

Back at the Griffin house Chris was awakened by Quagmire confronting him about making love to his mom, Chris tries to deny it but Quagmire was told by joe that he was responsible which really complicated things for him.
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Yeah let's help spread hatred and inequality
mtfromqt25 January 2011
I am a transsexual who is constantly faced with threats, violence, discrimination, and horrors which one could not imagine. I receive death threats on a weekly basis, have had to fight to keep my job and my child and my sanity. Imagine my horror when I see my favorite show glamorizing violence and hatred toward transsexuals. The rest of the world works on a daily basis trying to invalidate our existence. With your show tonight you created more hatred and perpetual bigotry and you helped spread inequality. I know of a lot of people who will no longer be watching your show after tonight, myself included. This show did nothing but portray us as the child molesters and violent criminals which we are not. Thank you so much for helping spread hate. Next time I return home with a black eye or a broken wrist and I am turned away at the emergency room or laughed at by the police I will know who to blame.
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My beef with this episode.
lonsecia10 May 2012
I won't go into the plot as it's already detailed in the synopsis, and in other reviews, but I will point to what I found to be the major issues of this episode.

For me, it basically stems from the fact that when the family are laughing about quagmire's parent, there isn't the voice of reason we come to expect in the family dynamic. Usually, their ignorance will either be shown for what it is by events, or one of the more liberal characters - usually Brian, will point out how narrow-minded Peter (usually) is being. With this episode, we have Brian being the one portrayed as being ''wronged'' so to a degree, I can understand him not being the voice of reason - though even then I'd have expected Brian to be angry/simply shocked, rather than the whole vomit sequence.

In addition, until this episode, Lois had never really come across as being this against ''alternative'' lifestyles, or rather, I'd always seen her as fairly liberal-minded, even if not a card-carrying liberal. Her speech about Quagmire's dad basically being gay, even though he is now a she just seemed ignorant, and no one in the show actually pointed this out. It was made worse because it was delivered in such a matter- of-fact manner that anyone watching it would/could only view it as an opinion by the writers.

A lot of people watching this wouldn't know much about gender dysmorphism, so the lack of knowledge exhibited by the characters led to the whole sensibility of the episode feeling very one-sided. I also think having Brian in the situation he ended up in was pandering to the myth of transsexuals 'trapping' men they pick up, perpetuated by various programs (Seen at least two crime shows have the victim be either pre or post-op MtF transsexual that got killed due to their 'trapping' practise's - including one particular episode of Diagnosis Murder where she was sleeping with her ex squaddies, only to 'reveal' to them her pre-op status, and then bribe them for money, only then to be killed by their ex out of envy, or something similar. The issue with this is that even if it were something that happens, it'd be a very tiny minority, and so to use that stereotype as the basis for supposedly trying to show up bigotry feels inept.

On a side note, I also dislike how little notice Dan gives Quagmire before he transitions... Well, rather than transitioning, he goes into a building dressed as a man, then leaves as a woman in what seem like seconds. I'm not entirely sure how the system works in America, but I assume it still takes at -least- a year of transitioning before doctors would accept you as ready for surgery, which again, is something a lot of TV manages to forget - South Park did the same thing with Garrison just going to have an op, but at least under their approach, it was more to do with Garrison not speaking to his partner until after he'd gone through with it (I'll not touch the Dolphin episode).

Anyway, to sum up: I really think the writers need to properly understand their target before writing what in this case simply came across as hugely misguided, and incredibly unpleasant viewing. I'm a transsexual, and I'd not even say I was offended. Rather, that I was deeply disappointed that a show I normally respect essentially dropped the ball. and if in trying to tackle an issue, you only anger/disappoint/offend those you're supposed to be talking about, then perhaps you need to rethink your strategy.

I simply didn't feel as though they were on my side.
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This is awful
nasdagoodshepherd25 June 2019
Why? Why? Why this? Family Guy has gone downhill! Quagmire's Dad is so incredibly terrible it doesn't deserve to exists at all. Quagmire's father got a sex change operation and ended up becoming a woman. Ida Davis is literally my least favorite character in the show, just looking at her makes me want to beat her up with a broken wine bottle, to me, she is an insult to women and people who are transsexual. I really wish this episode was never made and I wish Ida Davis never existed, or I can wish they can make an episode where Ida dies and never comes back. Skip this episode. I give this one a 1.2/10
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You will find only cruelty an hatred heaped on a minority
kimannemay27 July 2010
Full of stereotypical un-truths about trans-gendered people.This show is hatred...PURE and simply. This episode is actually bordering on incitement to harm or demean a marginalized sexual minority. The homophobia and trans-phobia in this episode is truly alarming.

You could not do this kind of thing to any other minority group and get away with it.

Trans-gendered people, according to family guy, are to be shunned, separated from society, listed as sexual deviants or predators,looked on as revolting, sickening to the point of projectile vomit.

This is akin to lynching negroes. To portray a group of people in such a negative light in the name of some sort of sick comedic kick is beyond evil. This is apparently the last minority its OK to bash publicly for jollies.

Absolulety disgusting... disturbing and close to psychopathic.

K. May. Ontario. Canada
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