Docs simply don't get much better than this. The info is about as: important, relevant and hard to come by, as it gets. The presentation feels balanced and objective, with no hard-sell whatsoever. My other gripe with many documentaries I've seen, is that they seem to take a certain set of little known facts (which could easily be boiled down and shared in a minute or two) and find ways of drawing this information out over an hour and a half (using various techniques: somewhat self-conscious "journey of discovery" narratives, 50's clips, endless background information, etc.). Sometimes this works, but often it just feels like filler. This information however, decidedly fits the full-length documentary format like a glove. The human/emotional/psychological element depicted so well here, is simply indispensable to the story at hand. Impossible to communicate with "just the facts ma'am" (of which there is no shortage here either).